cb radio

Man of Honour
11 Dec 2002
Darkest Norfolk
does anyone use it? or know of any good primers... for some reason my team mate has picked us up one to play around with on the way down to italy..... its a european one, and we won't be using it in the UK as we don't have a licence.....

as far as films like smokey and the bandit have taught me its main use is to organise beer stops and box in cops with vans :D
my dad always had them when i was growing up, had one in the car and we used to sit over motorways listening and he had an absolutely huge aerial in the garden. He also had it linked to a speaker in the engine bay so you could shout stuff at peopel :)

I think its kind of dead now with the internet and SMS which is a shame, although i wouldnt mind fitting it into a car if you where going on a road trip with some mates.
I used to play around with these! Must have been about 12-14 when I was messing about.
There was a suprising number of breakers back then, and a lot of truckers passing through. (lived near M4)
I used to chat to randoms, lost truckers needing directions and a couple of regulars from my area, including a nice old lady whose handle was serendipity. She had a parrot and used to hear it squawking away in the background! :)

I m sure I have a midland mobile (40 uk channels) somewhere still! Might have to dig it out and stick it in the volvo for some ultimate 80s loving :D
Gilly said:
Never realised you needed a licence.

You didn't, that was HAM that you needed a license for, CB = citizens band, a band was allocated for these things, and the radios could only transmit on that band... no need for a license becuase you can't get in the way of anything inportant.

HAM was different, DIY built kit, etc, bands that you had to make sure you didn't stray out of, more powerful kit, etc, etc, you had to be more careful that you didn't cause anyone any problems
Adam_151 said:
You didn't, that was HAM that you needed a license for, CB = citizens band, a band was allocated for these things, and the radios could only transmit on that band... no need for a license becuase you can't get in the way of anything inportant.

You did. I know, because i had one!
Malt_Vinegar said:
I m sure I have a midland mobile (40 uk channels) somewhere still! Might have to dig it out and stick it in the volvo for some ultimate 80s loving :D
I've got one of them. Still got the aerial that came with it too :p


got that fitted in my volvo. Got a big enough ariel on the roof too for quite a decent range. It comes in quite handy, and a few of my mates have handhelds, so if we go camping or whatnot and take a few cars, it can be good.

Ive grown up around trucks all my life as thats what my dad does, so ive kinda been drawn into it :D
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Siliconslave said:
well we took it for a little test drive and picked up some chatter - but couldn't really hear what was going on... guess it needs some tweaking :)

You need to hit the breaker channels, usually 19, call for breakers. Usually people sit idle on the big One Nine :D
Malt_Vinegar said:
Did anyone ever get atmospheric skip?

Occasionally in Germany, my dad could get people in Birmingham! Quite impressive.

Sit above a motorway bridge on 19 for half an hour, id be suprised if you dont manage to have a chat with someone, although it has to be said, its usefull for long trips, but useless in places like Birmingham etc, because you have idiots with homebases who just sit on 19 and pee everyone else off to the point that most truckers just turn them off.
Siliconslave said:
see... this is what i'm asking about - i have no idea wtf you just said..... well i do vaguely.. but not really :confused:

lol, ok!

Different areas have different channel for initiating conversations. Usually what happens is people who are in the area and online with sit on that channel with the squelch up so they can only hear meaningfull noise.
(The idea of the Squelch is to filter out all the background noise, to the point where any real signal is allowed through)
When you jump onto the channel, i always found it was 19 in the areas i visited, you call out "Any breakers on this one nine" (Or your own equivilant)

Anyone else on the channel will call back if they hear ya and wanna chat :)
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