I use Iridium plugs in the 'Cat as they're such a swine to change (so the extra life is worth it as I can change them annually instead of every six months).
Semi-synthetic oil, changed every 4-6k. I use a "known" brand, but not anything stupidly expensive.
I'd also stick with a standard air filter. Everything I've read suggests a standard filter works better than after market (I know this to be the case for the 'Cat's).
Edit - and the 'Cat is definitely a she, and also has a name (Suzy because of her numberplate!).
Semi-synthetic oil, changed every 4-6k. I use a "known" brand, but not anything stupidly expensive.
I'd also stick with a standard air filter. Everything I've read suggests a standard filter works better than after market (I know this to be the case for the 'Cat's).
Edit - and the 'Cat is definitely a she, and also has a name (Suzy because of her numberplate!).
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