Celebs you have met/had a tweet from?

13 Oct 2006
Not many for me tbh, most of these were met at work:

Anthony Head (Buffy)
His daughter (Carly from Inbetweeners :p)
Maisie Williams & Sophie Turner (Arya & Sansa from GoT)
Jeremy Guscott
Jeremy Clarkson
Richard Hammond
Kevin McLoud
Nicholas Cage
Dean Gaffney
Vanessa Redgrave
Joely Richardson (Nip/Tuck)
18 Oct 2002
James Marsters, during the later years of Buffy he was doing a local meet and greet with the kids at Glasgow Uni while our gaming club was on in another part of the food court room.

Bill Forsyth, camping with a friend and his nephew (or whatever relation :o ) and we got to use a bit of his land. Nice family came out to speak to us.

Karen Dunbar, met her at a family funeral while she was married to my cousin. Again seemed like a nice person.
6 Dec 2007
Don't do Twitter, and really the only 'celeb' I've met and chatted to us Justin Broadrick of Godflesh/jesu/'Scum'-era Napalm Death fame. Nice guy. Off to see him on Saturday night actually.

Briefly nodded to Michael Gira of Swans while at a festival a couple of years back.

I predict that most of you won't have a clue who they are :p
6 Jun 2013
Katherine Granger, Timmy Mallett (is he even a celeb :rolleyes:) and David Cameron.

Timmy Mallett was at a school thing a while back, he got out some foam hammer and started hitting people on the head. It must have been really engrossing because he fell off the stage (cue mass laughter).
10 Nov 2006
I've never met a celebrity outside of work, but in work I've met a couple.

Danny Dyer
Stephen K Amos
Olly Murs
The kid from this is England, I forget his name.

There's more, a lot of bands but I forget which.
31 Jan 2009
Newcastle Upon Tyne
My list is quite long. But some of my most memorable:

Kate Winslet at the Orange BAFTA Movie Awards back Feb 2001. I didn't get an autograph. But I did scream out "I LOVE YOU, KATE!". She looked up asked "Who said that?" I raised my hand and and she simply shouted back "I LOVE YOU TOO!". BEST. DAY. EVER! :D

Meeting Noel Gallagher and his Mum, Peggy as they were walking down Oxford Street. He was a gentleman and a half. I asked where Liam was, he simply said "back home doing nothing as usual". Lol.

I used to work at the Disney Store on Oxford Street, once upon a time. I remember Lorraine Kelly walking in and I served her from the second she walked in to the second she left. She must have been in there for a good 45mins.

Kieron Dyer (I know he's not that famous but still hear me out!), was out clubbing with other members of the Newcastle Football team (Shola Ameobi and Titus Bramble were also present). I seen him wandering around and he was wasted. I walked him back to the VIP area where Titus and Shola were waiting for him as were a few others. Few minutes later, he handed roughly £120 to go to the bar and order some drinks. Unfortunately, the barman said he didn't have everything Kieron had requested. I told him this and he just said to get whatever was left.

Drinks were ordered and as I turned around, Kieron had gone. I asked Titus where he went, he said to the toilet. I thought, ok I will wait for him to get back to give him back the change. 10mins went by, still no sign of him. 20mins and Titus went looking for him. 45mins later, none of them were to be seen. I even went to the loo to see if Kieron had passed out. Nothing. So I kept the £80+ for myself. Not like he was going to miss it! Lol.

As for tweets, there's only one celeb I am followed by: Rebecca Mader. She who played Charlotte from LOST and was in Iron Man 3 very briefly and is currently playing The Wicked Witch on Once Upon A Time. I received a DM from her when I reviewed an episode of No Ordinary Family (she appeared in a few episodes) and she loved it! That was way back in 2010/2011.

These days, I don't get phased by celebs. I guess when I lived in London and worked in and around the West End, you bump into just about every celeb there is.

Nowadays, I would probably freak out meeting a comic book writer/artist! And I have met a few big names including Gail Simone (Batgirl, Tomb Raider and Red Sonja writer).

Of course, when I went to Metropolis for the first time last year for the Superman Celebration. Meeting Margot Kidder (Lois Lane from the Superman movies) and Michael Rosenbaum (Lex Luthor from Smallville) were indeed the highlight of my life! :D

But the last celeb I did meet was Dave Prowse. He needs no introduction. But just in case, he is the man who was Darth Vader in the original Star Wars movies. And the same man who helped Christopher Reeve put on some muscle for his debut role as Superman back in the 70's. He was at the Newcastle Film and Comic-Con this year in March. So I took my Gold Star Wars trilogy DVD boxset for him to sign. It now sits proudly in my cabinet! He did have a few stories to tell about Chris during the time he was training him. Bless him. :)

A quick list of other celebs I have met:

Jamie and Louise Redknapp. (If you ever see Jamie's brother, he's brute of a man! :eek: )
Peter Beardsley
Richard Blackwood (I bumped into this guy twice! Didn't think he'd recognise me the second time mind!)
Sylvain Wiltord and Robert Pires
Mark Wahlberg and Tim Burton (at the premiere of the 2001 Planet Of The Apes remake)
George Best with his wife Alex (I think it was 1999 at the time I seen them. He was looking well, she was just smoking hot!)
10 Nov 2006
Thomas Turgoose?

I've met Danny Dyer as well, he was a nice guy!

Yep that's the one, absolute ****.

I used to run a hotel and had to tell him off and charge him a fine because he and his friends rolled in at god knows what time in the morning, turned all their music up to max and disturbed other guests. Then proceeded to trash the room, and all three of them copulated with one girl, spraying their juices all over the room and furniture etc. Disgusting behaviour from a disgusting person.

Danny Dyre was a great bloke, but I never realised how tall he was until I met him.
20 Oct 2002
My best one is being in a conference call with a really well known director that unfortunately i absolutely can't name due to signing a quite serious looking NDA.

From the GD thread too..

Billie Piper touched me in a dark room.

...Seriously. She was in for a grading/editing session for Secret Diary of a Call Girl on which I was assisting. The Colourist finished for the day so I sat down to export all the relevant media the director wanted. She came back in to say goodbye and thanks to everyone and gave me a little mock shoulder rub as she did so. What a nice lady!

I've also sat in an edit with David Crane and Marta Kauffman (creators of Friends), done the same with David Goyer and Henry Cavill. Met Joanna Lumley and shook her hand way too hard. Oh, George Michael held a door open for me too :eek:
6 Jul 2006
South East
At work related functions the known faces I remember having lengthy chats with include:

John Barnes
Ian Rush
Matthew Pinsent
Helen Glover
Dexter Fletcher
Barry McGuigan
Vic Reeves
Rachel Stevens
Danny Dyer
David Dickinson
Ainsley Harriott
Trevor McDonald
Dannii Minogue
2 Dec 2002
Lionel Blair (i was only 6 at the time)
Chris Tarrent (shop opening)

Then at Comicon in london around 2009:
John Barrowman
David Sole
Billy D Williams
George Takei
Doug Bradley
Robert England
21 Oct 2008
I have met and cut their hair

Luis suarez(didn't bite me btw)
Henry winkler the fonz
Belinda Carlise
Brendan Rodgers
Lots of holyoaks
Mikel Arteta
a couple from Zuton Russell and abbey

plus lots more, realy lucky because of my job. big football fan EFC but cut a lot of Liverpool players hair over the years, all realy nice to
8 Nov 2013
In the pub
Authors Terry Pratchett (many times), Jasper Fforde (many times), Stephen Baxter.
Antony Head (lovely guy, helped me get my daughter onto the train and we chatted until I got to my destination)
Damien Lewis (nice guy and bought my ex and myself drinks on the train but she had no idea who he was)
Michael Palin (wouldn't get out of the way in a supermarket after being asked politely 3 times so had my trolley rammed into his foot, ignorant ****)
Billy Connolly (sat next to him from Aberdeen to Heathrow, he's my comedy hero and had me and the missus in stitches)
Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
All aviation related encounters...
Met Bruce Dickinson at work. Nice guy.
Spoke to John Travolta on the radio.
Had a brief exchange with Ewan McGregor when his helicopter pilot parked the chopper in front of my plane.
Sat next to various so called famous people on planes when I was commuting to/from the US, the most notable being Rev. Jesse Jackson (mental), Jerry Seinfeld (sat next to him for 8 hours!, didn't really speak a lot but a nice guy), Gary Busey (mental), and loads of NFL players. More often than not there would be someone famous in the cabin but I didn't include the ones I didn't speak to, however I will say that Naomi Campbell is a complete and utter ****.
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