Census 2021

Presumably it was made law to ensure most people filled in the forms, which helps drive the most relevant local decisions. So (quite rightly) you don't get the option to say no. It's part of the commitment and contract you have for deciding to live in this country.

I didn't decided to live in this country, I was born here.

Let's try a different approach.

@Things change I've changed
If it wasn't a legal requirement would you have already completed it?

So @Einskis Nokkur asked what i was going to ask next (TY inskis Nokkur:)) and i now understand that it's not the census itself that you've taken issue with but the fact that there are penalities for not complying, however I'm still struggling to understand why you object to penalities being attached to that, that it should be noted have been attached to it for a century, but not for penalities for other things like speeding, not paying taxes, walking down the road in the buff. etc, etc.
Thank you for confirming that you're just trolling here.

Ok, if you choose to believe that then fine, I must be trolling because I choose not to agree to partake in a forced Census, It really bewilders me that people don't understand the fundamental difference of taking part in something of your own free will and being forced to.
Ok, if you choose to believe that then fine, I must be trolling because I choose not to agree to partake in forced Census, I really bewilders me that people don't understand the fundamental difference of taking part in something of your own free will and being forced to.
Yeah I think it's pretty clear. I don't think there's any debate that we're all forced to complete it, but the fact you don't want to complete it because you're being forced, rather than any objection to the content just comes across a bit childish.

Each to their own, though.
Ok, if you choose to believe that then fine, I must be trolling because I choose not to agree to partake in a forced Census, It really bewilders me that people don't understand the fundamental difference of taking part in something of your own free will and being forced to.

Unfortunately it doesn't come across much different to a toddler refusing to brush their teeth or something, just because they've been told they have to :p
Yeah I think it's pretty clear. I don't think there's any debate that we're all forced to complete it, but the fact you don't want to complete it because you're being forced, rather than any objection to the content just comes across a bit childish.

Each to their own, though.

I just think as we slowly climb the social evolutionary ladder there should be 'more carrot, less stick', A prime example of that is benefit sanctions on claimants, the governments own report that was brushed under the rug showed how infective they are and in fact caused more harm than good in terms of job uptake and improving claimants social mobility long term, but yet we still choose the stick first method even though it's a proven ineffective methodology that yields worse results, I guess people just respect the stick, they believe it gives them security and saves them from anarchy and chaos!

Unfortunately it doesn't come across much different to a toddler refusing to brush their teeth or something, just because they've been told they have to :p

A toddler should be taught to brush it's teeth, but as an adult he or she has the right to brush their teeth how they wish and as often as they wish, is this a crazy concept?
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What happened ten years ago, did you fill it in then?

Ten years ago to be completely honest I didn't really take much interest in it or understand the significance of it, I remember an agent came to the house, at the time I didn't know that you was legally obligated to fill it out, she said she would fill it out for me and quite literally asked me a couple of questions at the door, asked me to sign a piece of paper and that was that.

Back then I had no real interest in politics, legislation etc, I now sit here with parliament live TV on most days rather than read a regurgitation of it in the newspapers.
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@Things change I've changed: Credit to you for being honest on your reasons for not wanting to fill it in, i don't agree with those reasons but by the sounds of it you made up your mind sometime ago and despite saying you wanted to be convinced to fill it out it seems that's not really the case. If you were open to having your mind changed one of those three officers probably would've convinced you so expecting people on a forum to do a better job was probably expecting a little too much.

Either way i respect your honesty even if i don't agree with your reasons, I'd be interested in how things unfold if you feel like it.
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Exactly. He's made his mind up. Nobody was going to convince him, he just wanted an argument.

Ok, but I prefer not to reside within an echo chamber, I still want to hear other people's views even if they are contrary to my own, and I am open to changing my mind, to be completely honest I haven't heard much of an argument other than it's my 'civic duty' or 'its the law' to sway me, what proof is there that the results of the Census are having a genuine impact on regions within the UK?

Cornwall has been one of the poorest regions in Europe for decades, why has the Census not changed that? Or was the previous funding received from the European Union based of those results?, If that's the case then that sways me a little as the funding from the EU was very important for Cornwall, it contributed towards many positive projects down here.
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WTF I just had a visit from a census ***** telling me no one at my address had done the census and to check for a confirmation email if I had.

I got no confirmation email but checked my browser history:


Well I guess all the SJWs can rejoice that my wrong answers were not registered. Guess I'll let them try to sue me for fun or whatever they're gonna do and keep that screenie.
WTF I just had a visit from a census ***** telling me no one at my address had done the census and to check for a confirmation email if I had.

I got no confirmation email but checked my browser history:

Well I guess all the SJWs can rejoice that my wrong answers were not registered. Guess I'll let them try to sue me for fun or whatever they're gonna do and keep that screenie.
I don't think anyone is going to sue you. Especially not for fun.
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