Centurion's 2014

Jelly, would love them squat with Mrthingyx feels.

Pulling an equal PB after all that front squatting would be awesome but I wouldn't stress: your actual max will change day-to-day and week to week, depending on pretty much every variable under the sun.

Regarding front squats... first off: awesome. :cool: Second, are you using 1.25kg plates under your heels or are you goimg without them?
No links in form thread, but being ever adventurous I had a cheeky google. Presumably I should start doing these without dumbbells first and then add dumbbells in as I progress?
My bad, I'd hidden them pretty well. OP updated, and also

Even a 1.25 plate might be too heavy. I've never used more than a 2.5. The important thing here is high quality reps (12-15), you should feel like your shoulders and back are on fire. Eventually,. you should develop a feel for how these muscles activate.
Awesone. I need to get back on these really. What with my external rotators feeling a bit ropey anyway ive stopped.
No idea. When you had a look at them you said they looked good right? I decided to take a peek into the mirror while doing this set and I noticed it.

You weren't just practicing your twerking, right? ;)

Looking back at the Coach's Eye vids for your goblet squat (which isn't letting me export the files), your bum wink starts off when you get to just above parallel.

One of the other things we noticed was that a propensity to shift ever-so-slightly around your mid-back when you did.

So, just squat to parallel at the moment and work on the mobility stuff. I know it's galling and some bros might jeer at the lack of parallelism (this is a word, but in a different context. ;) :D ), but it will be the best way to make your gains. With a 'z'.

Just in case you're wondering, the low bar had the same issue, too, so you need those mobility gains, irrespective of the movement.

EDIT... managed to dig out an image from the phone's file structure: looks like Coach's Eye doesn't like sharing. :mad:


This is your goblet squat and just at the point at which your bum started to twerk. As you can see, you are on the cusp of parallel. What you and wozza also needed to concentrate on was that core bracing to prevent your mid-back flexing mid-movement, too.

And brace your abz.
And mobilise those hamstrings.
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As the bru said, squat to where you can, then slowly increase the range bit by bit. There is no point going to a depth that is just going to compromise you.
Keep workong on the deads mate, tackle the bum rise now. Thought about trying to do 3x5 at the same weight at all?
Wait a second... You did 20*5 on OHP and then 20*10 the day after? Methinks somebody is afraid of their own progress. ;)

Regarding hamstrings, there is an MWOD for the snatch that is a huge amount of fun. And by fun, I mean pain.

overhead squat and snatch prep...

There is another static hamstring stretch that involves putting your leg to be stretched on a dining table, other leg braced against the floor using your toes. Then brace your core and push your bum back (tilt your pelvis forward.
So? Do what you can, then either drop it to 25kg or do a PP rep at 27.5kg. If you can't do 25kg, do PP.

Depends entirely on what you're trying to achieve mind.

Edit: in fact, you've done 4, 4, 1 on OHP at 27.5kg, stop doing 25kg and do 27.5.

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Firstly, some hamstring stuff...


Look at the bit about two hip joints - this will become apparent when you watch back your RDL video. :)

The video on snatch prep is fun because it will focus you on that bottom position in the squat - particularly the front squat - and controlling you pelvis and knees.

Regarding your two videos...

RDL: You're starting off lordotic in your lumbar here which will cause you bracing problems as you descend through the eccentric element of the RDL, as this part of your spine will not suitably rigid. This is where the exercises below will help...

Front squat: nice. Very nice. Now put some more on the bar. ;) In all seriousness, you are starting from the lordotic position in your lumbar spine again which might not ruin you at the weights you're playing with at the moment (as you are still selling yourself short on these given how easy that set looked), but as that weight increases you will begin to flex around that region causing lumbar pain as it tries to compensate and manage the spinal flexion.


1) Barbell roll-outs, concentrating on your hips in posterior rotation;
2) Planks, concentrating on your hips in posterior rotation;
3) Hip pop-ups, concentrating on keeping your hips in posterior rotation.

Here is a (not quite completely rubbish, but it's the only one I can find quickly) vid of hip pop ups, an interesting test one my coaches had me do right at the start of my lifting 'career'...

EDIT: The reason most videos of these suck is because they're actually called glute bridges (thank you, TheCenturion!)... searching for glute bridge videos is so much better. No prizes for guessing why. ;) :D

However, the point here is not to do this with one leg, but using both. The real issue is actually making sure your lumbar spine is in the 'neutral' position. So assume the start position (heels as close to your bum as you can) and get your hips/lumbar into neutral, which is where you can just about get your fingers into the space between the floor and your lumber spine. This might require a bit of what appears to some dubious hip-centric movement, but it's important - I assure you. ;) :D

Whilst holding this position, brace and drive your heels into the mat (imagine trying to kick yourself in the back of the head), squeezing your glutes. Then back down and re-check your lumbar position: can you still only just about get your fingers between the floor and your lumbar?

If this remains unchanged, that's good: keep going and remember this position when you start any lift, movement or even just walking. If not, keep at it. :)

Hope that helps!
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Thanks mrthingyx for that post, I was going to ask similar Q's regarding the whole hamstring/core training.

Admittedly am pretty lazy/time stuck for core training but def feeling the need for it more and more....
Thanks mrthingyx for that post, I was going to ask similar Q's regarding the whole hamstring/core training.

Admittedly am pretty lazy/time stuck for core training but def feeling the need for it more and more....


I should have re-posted this in your log, too. Sorry about that. :)

I had to spend so long on it because I got (and still get... :() horrific back pain without constantly keeping my pelvis/lumbar correctly aligned... :rolleyes:

I just tell my wife I hurt if I don't lift, so she's quite happy for me to head out to my home gym an chuck stuff around.
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