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Change.org petition to add an option to disable power saving in GPU settings

19 May 2004
From an overclocking perspective i wouldn't mind this feature, though i don't think it's required for regular users. Nonetheless, I'll ensure this reaches the right people within AMD.

If it's required for standard users then design the cards to cope with their power consumption.
11 Feb 2015
Maybe its ur windows power saving options?

Well, it's a legit question after all.There are a lot of ppl around and some felt lost when the charms bar disappeared in Win 10 and needed a guide to operate without them.



I own computers since 1984/85, believe me i know how to disable power saving in OS and PC hardware.

Any form of power saving is banned from my PC: Monitor turns off ONLY manually, hardisks don't shut after...., WIFI/USB/BT don't save power or suspend by themselves , PC don't sleep, CPU don't throttle, all power saving options are off and minimum/maximum CPU is 100%/100%.

No, it's not my windows power saving settings who is forcing AMD Crimson drivers to save power at the performance expense.

AMD try to do it by himself but i avoid it locking GPU timings and voltage using AfterBurner.

The only moment my PC is saving power is when it's off.
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12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to give you a quick update from Terry Makedon.

There is no need for a petition, this is something we're already working on and will release in a future Radeon Software update.

You can follow Terry on Twitter @catalystmaker.
11 Feb 2015
Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to give you a quick update from Terry Makedon.

There is no need for a petition, this is something we're already working on and will release in a future Radeon Software update.

You can follow Terry on Twitter @catalystmaker.

Thanks for the update. :)

The Petition will follow active until words are backed by facts in a undetermined future.
11 Jun 2003
Have a word with yourself.

Why are you being like that?

I feel genuinely sad that people love to condemn so, so quickly. It's like an internet knee jerk reaction. If a co-worker approached you and said what they'd done would you respond in the same manner? If the answer is yes I don't think you're a very nice person.

Good on you OP, you've achieved something. Whether it's by a forum post, a petition or whatever, you've added your voice to the masses and have been acknowledged, regardless of how well known this 'feature' is, you have increased its notoriety.
13 Jan 2004
Why are you being like that?

I feel genuinely sad that people love to condemn so, so quickly. It's like an internet knee jerk reaction. If a co-worker approached you and said what they'd done would you respond in the same manner? If the answer is yes I don't think you're a very nice person.

Good on you OP, you've achieved something. Whether it's by a forum post, a petition or whatever, you've added your voice to the masses and have been acknowledged, regardless of how well known this 'feature' is, you have increased its notoriety.

Think what you want. My comment is made because, despite the fact the change.org petition was a little misguided, an AMD rep forwarded on the concerns. A reply was made stating "Don't worry about petitioning, we are already working on just that!"

To paraphrase, the response was "Well, I don't believe you. So I am keeping the petition open and running"

The OP got a response far above and beyond what was reasonably expected out of a change.org petition with 80 signatures. The reply to that was pathetic.

So yes, the OP needs a word with himself.
16 Nov 2013
Think what you want. My comment is made because, despite the fact the change.org petition was a little misguided, an AMD rep forwarded on the concerns. A reply was made stating "Don't worry about petitioning, we are already working on just that!"

To paraphrase, the response was "Well, I don't believe you. So I am keeping the petition open and running"

The OP got a response far above and beyond what was reasonably expected out of a change.org petition with 80 signatures. The reply to that was pathetic.

So yes, the OP needs a word with himself.

To be fair to the OP , lots of issues are being worked on by AMD (also other company's aswell) but this doesnt mean they will happen anytime soon or even actually happen at all so not believing it till it happens is a valid reply IMO.

The fact LT responded and passed this on shows it was a good idea to be raised
11 Feb 2015
Think what you want. My comment is made because, despite the fact the change.org petition was a little misguided, an AMD rep forwarded on the concerns. A reply was made stating "Don't worry about petitioning, we are already working on just that!"

To paraphrase, the response was "Well, I don't believe you. So I am keeping the petition open and running"

The OP got a response far above and beyond what was reasonably expected out of a change.org petition with 80 signatures. The reply to that was pathetic.

So yes, the OP needs a word with himself


Is not that the definition of blind faith beyond any reasonable doubt?

This is not a religion, it's a GPU customer petition to a GPU maker and two GPU maker PR replies.

Just in case you didn't see it.There are no "Prophets" in here.

AMDMatt is a respected forum member and an AMD PR who does a good job with education and politness.I RESPECT THAT BUT THAT'S ALL.

Maybe for you AMDMatt comments come right from "God" and we all need to kneel...NOW!

Well you are free to do it if you like.


The fact AMD acknowledge a problem doesn't solve a problem.

Words are simply that, words and PR words are simply...PR words.

If you want to believe in "words", good for you, personally and based on previous promises and lies coming directly from AMD or AMD PRs i only believe in FACTS.

I'm not a follower or believer in a strange AMD religion in which there are dogmas and axioms everybody must obey with blind faith so i don't think a comment from a PR is a message to human race directly from Heaven.

You can keep the "word" and "words" and even the "Verb" ALL for yourself and your own private faith time in the case you believe in some religion what i greatly respect even if i don't share it.

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17 Aug 2003
Woburn Sand Dunes
The fact LT responded and passed this on shows it was a good idea to be raised

Surely just creating the thread here would have had the same effect, since it was Matt who saw it.

Anyway, glad AMD are getting in it. power management has caused me issues in the past, only really with older games though. Don't see that as a reason to go postal and disable any and everything to do with power management but i'm sure the OP has his reasons.
11 Jun 2003
Why are people so horrible and negative.

If a company says "we're working on it" you assume that's done and dusted? Seriously?

If you don't like what the OP posts you don't have to attack him, and use words like 'pathetic'.
11 Feb 2015
Sounds like the 3.5GB/4GB 'issue' with Nvidia. Are AMD downclocking speeds to save power ?

Nothing in common with Nvidia last 0.5 GB VRAM speed affair.Nvidia problem is mainly a hardware thing.

Basically is like you said, since Crimson drivers (November 2015) AMD introduced a more aggresive AND MANDATORY power saving behavior who downclocks GPU at any moment to save power at performance cost.

The only solution right is force GPU clocks and timings via 3rd party tools like ClockBlocker (!) and or AfterBurner.
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