Charlie Brooker's Gameswipe


Usually find his stuff a bit too sarcastic to watch week after week (newswipe). But this was fairly amusing. I think i'm going to buy GTA 4 just to recreate the cab scene :p
Not bad, the guy half way through makes the best points on story being possibly the most important ignored element of modern flashy games
ie. it has to be believable not cartoonish
Excellent show, its a shame its not on bbc 1 or two. I love how he creates personalities for the nazis before blugeoning them to death.

Did anyone notice the 'all your base are belong to us' haha!
That was surprisingly good for something games related by the BBC. Felt kind of Yahtzee in places, but I don't see that as a bad thing :D

Was quite a few 'in' jokes so at least gamers had some part to play in the production :)
This was totally hilarious. Although it is quite spooky as Charlie and me must have been separated at birth. His description at the beginning was me and we have too many things in common like a dislike of MMORPGs. :D

EDIT: And I thought Dara O'Briain's rant was spot on. Such as being stuck in Gears of War - no matter what difficulty you set the game to it has no effect on whether you can get the Beserker to smash through three doors, etc. and the best content in Rock Band being locked until you progress the **** tracks that no-one has ever heard of. :D
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