Chatgpt - Seriously good potential (or just some Internet fun)

I won't post an actual example, but it's things like 'summarise this 5000 word research paper'. In that case, feeding it the paper in chunks gets you summaries and critiques of the individual chunks and not the whole thing, even if you try to get GPT4 to understand that the chunks form part of the same text. It's a bit annoying because Plus was advertised as having a significantly longer token limit.

ChatGPT is not designed for Document summarisation. You need a system that automatically chunks and creates encodings for each chunk. I don't know of any public API that does this but there are several open-source projectects, some articles on Medium etc on setting this up.

Interesting combo of drones & AI for fruit picking, I see an issue though in that the AI can only see one side of the fruit to decide if it's good for picking, the other side out of view might be manky, but I guess that gets sorted further down the production line
definitely interesting . Drones wouldn't have been my first approach (flying close to trees with all the branches), but I guess this reduces mechanical complexity.
definitely interesting . Drones wouldn't have been my first approach (flying close to trees with all the branches), but I guess this reduces mechanical complexity.

Yeah my first thought was actually the mechanical disadvantage of collecting the apples on the end of a long stick looks like it should be a problem but I guess they've figured it out.
I needed an SQL query earlier, couldn't get hold of the DBA so asked ChatGPT instead, saved me time searching around and cobbling something together :)
ironic that the actors walked out of the oppenheimer premier - given analogy godfathers had made between AI and the bomb,

but if the (derivative) scripts can be written to the satisfaction of the discerning netflix audience with help of AI - why not.
not sure why the actors combined don't have enough power versus the streaming organisations to see the detailed viewing figures of their material to base their wages on that - if,
they really want to open pandoras box
I got to be honest, I'm struggling to justify paying for ChatGPT4 anymore when the net is full of free alternatives while GPT4 is hamstrung to an old dataset
ironic that the actors walked out of the oppenheimer premier - given analogy godfathers had made between AI and the bomb,

but if the (derivative) scripts can be written to the satisfaction of the discerning netflix audience with help of AI - why not.
not sure why the actors combined don't have enough power versus the streaming organisations to see the detailed viewing figures of their material to base their wages on that - if,
they really want to open pandoras box

There's more to it than scriptwriting (although it still requires human to proof read and decide if the AI script is good)

The movie studios want to pay side actors for a days work, then use AI to fill them in for the rest of the movie and be able to use their image forever, which isn't a fair deal
I got to be honest, I'm struggling to justify paying for ChatGPT4 anymore when the net is full of free alternatives while GPT4 is hamstrung to an old dataset

What alternatives have you been using?

I've seen some posts on the likes of Reddit that are suggesting ChatGPT 4 is being dumbed down, not sure if it's just conspiracy theories atm though.
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What alternatives have you been using?

I've seen some posts on the likes of Reddit that are suggesting ChatGPT 4 is being dumbed down, not sure if it's just conspiracy theories atm though.
It goes through strange phases. Sometimes it's fantastic, other times it goes off on wild tangents and is impossible to rein in. Then there are times when it flatly refuses simple requests, or times where it refuses to follow a direct instruction and invents something completely different.

It's also becoming increasingly prone to "woke" lecturing over the most random topics.

It's like working with a schizophrenic if you use it regularly. As you'd expect, the harder you push it, the worse it gets.
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The movie studios want to pay side actors for a days work, then use AI to fill them in for the rest of the movie and be able to use their image forever, which isn't a fair deal
some of that is analogous to all pervasive movie special effects, which I'd say reduce enjoyment at movies, but, movies are only, now, financially viable with their use ,
like the blade runner movies - we'll see what the new cruise stuff is like.
they need to make fewer better quality movies - rather than sating perceived consumer demand for diversity/quantity.
interesting c4 evening news article of battlefield AI - fancy graphics,
most interesting 'automation bias' she mentions where people need to be taught not to implicitly believe AI
people = generals and the unmentioned tesla FSD pilots, guess they can't slur existing AI ?

the resident evil final chapter scene with the AI for evaluating hand combat scenarios was cooler
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Specifically related to Deepfakes but raises something I never considered, it's not about being able to spot deepfakes but the doubt it gives you for legit videos bringing entire reality in video/picture format into doubt, also interesting regarding the AI snowball where we'll need to train new AI in order to spot media created by AI, so AI will be fighting AI essentially, things are definitely getting interesting in cyberspace with advances in AI
I wrote something this week, and pasted it into ChatGPT to ask it if the paragraph was written by AI. It confirmed with absolutely no doubt that AI wrote that paragraph, so I look forward to this AI spotting AI business :D
I wrote something this week, and pasted it into ChatGPT to ask it if the paragraph was written by AI. It confirmed with absolutely no doubt that AI wrote that paragraph, so I look forward to this AI spotting AI business :D
It actually already is and people are making money out of it.
I have been using this extensively recently. More like an interactive google than anything else, I just find it easier to interact with. I think its important though to take everything it produces with caution. I did use to to help me create parts of a 2 page document the other week, I didnt just then paste it in. I then took what it created and used it kinda like a framework and reworded parts slightly into "my speak", saved me a little bit of time.

I have a few collegues who have tried to use it recently and have complained its too restrictive. However there are very easy prompts to by pass ChatGPT filters and restrictions, though I'm not sure where that sits with terms and conditions etc.
I have stuck with ChatGPT so far mainly for the search history, I come back to a lot of the previous queries as I dip in and out of stuff, it allows me to just carry on where I left off effectively.
I'm not adverse to a switch to a better platform though, its just that this one works for me at the moment.

I wrote something this week, and pasted it into ChatGPT to ask it if the paragraph was written by AI. It confirmed with absolutely no doubt that AI wrote that paragraph, so I look forward to this AI spotting AI business :D
Jokes on us when we realise we are actually AI in a simulation...:eek:
However there are very easy prompts to by pass ChatGPT filters and restrictions, though I'm not sure where that sits with terms and conditions etc.
It's probably against the t&c's but they also likely turn a blind eye to it because of the data they can collect from it to stop it happening in future iterations for nefarious purposes
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