What chatgpt model are you using exactly?
gpt4o on the plus plan.
actually I found a really easy way to do what I wanted when I stopped being lazy and it meant editing one whole file.
then replacing a model that already existed.
this is what I was trying to do
Set up your machine learning model to output and consume predictions in your data science and data labeling projects.
ChatGPT4o literally found it impossible to write me a script compatible with that backend.
it couldn't figure out how to reply to predict() calls from label-studio properly.
I linked chatgpt the example yolo
Configs and boilerplates for Label Studio's Machine Learning backend - HumanSignal/label-studio-ml-backend
I told chagpt
Configs and boilerplates for Label Studio's Machine Learning backend - HumanSignal/label-studio-ml-backend
seemed to translate yolo formar > studio label json
I linked chatgpt
I even linked it the studio label sdk at one point....
surely it should have been able to figure it out?
I ended up editing video_rectangle.py so it points to
model_path = "best.pt"
my own model..
chatgpt couldn't figure out how to export with interpolated frames bounding boxes either.
I googled and figured out how to do it my self... I think I just copy and pasted the code after googling too...
from label_studio_sdk import Client
# Connect to Label Studio
ls = Client(url='http://localhost:8080', api_key='MYKEY')
# Get your project
project = ls.get_project(1)
# Create an export snapshot with keyframe interpolation enabled
export_result = project.export_snapshot_create(
title='Export with Interpolated Keyframes',
# Get the export ID
export_id = export_result['id']
# Wait for the export to complete (you may need to implement a waiting mechanism)
# Download the export
status, filename = project.export_snapshot_download(
export_id, export_type='YOLOv8', path='.'
the one thing chatgpt did manage after dozens of attempts was how to convert that json snapshot to yolo format. (export to yolo_obb seems bugged with video files)
finally after many days I have label studio set up with a custom trained model that can pre-annotate, and I can easily retrain.
sometimes itr's brilliant but then its like it secretly switches to a dumb model and literally becomes senile.
I literally ask if it remembers what we ared oing? how can it ask for debug output then when it;s provided, it acts like your starting a whole new topic?