Check my ariel bad ass!!!

OMG totally owned dudeeeeee. I'm impressed with some of them photoshop files. Damn made me laugh my head off every single picture. Got a 6 pack now off laughing :D Keep em coming
Kell_ee001 said:
Looks cool :cool:

I could never do it though :(

I'd love to do it but would need to be attched to another person, as I am always terrifed I would forget to deploy.

Sounds so stupid!

titchard said:
I'd love to do it but would need to be attched to another person, as I am always terrifed I would forget to deploy.

Sounds so stupid!


I have seen you in uni and totally understand why you would have that fear. Mr hair straightener
Hey not bad... not bad at all ;)

It's good fun isn't it? :D

I really need to get my 500th jump so I can call it quits... It would be a good number to quit on - I'm pretty bored of it, it's not exciting enough really. :o
Just to get this noticed a bit more as there are some truly funny photochops and the thread is generally good.. Have some stars.. although, i confiscate a star for intiating the photochoppery.
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