Check your hearing!

I did this test at school a week or so ago... they have analogue wave producer, and i could hear up to about 22k on that. average adults generally hear (max) 20k

EDIT: Just tested my grandma.. she can't hear above 10k
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dante6491 said:
I did this test at school a week or so ago... they have analogue wave producer, and i could hear up to about 22k on that. average adults generally hear (max) 20k
That's a great result - make sure you protect that good hearing!

ER20 ear plugs are great for loud gigs and clubs etc, especially if you're working, and still worthwhile if you're not!
i can hear them all and im 15. i used to be half deaf tho, i now have gromets in my ears so i can hear everything my ears are finely tuned ;)
damn died out at 16,000 and I'm 29. :eek: :(

Could be the crappy PC speaker I was playing it through though as I'm at work ;)
19k here, although i can hear 20k which is like REALLY louder then 19? so im assuming its a bug..

im 20 btw


just put my headphones to max volume and now can hear them all except the 25k....
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12k i can hear 13k is almost silent its just about noticable. I can almost hear 14k at start but duno if i can still hear it after first second or two.

24 year old. With a wierd right ear as in not as good as left ear.

Using average everyday volume with 5.1 speakers. Might be able to hear more higher ones if i had good headphones but i never use em cos they damage ** ears.


Edit - can hear 25k but its a very low hum. Probably incorrect this one. Oh i also found i can hear 22k and 23k ok but not 24k or 14/15-22k.
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