Chemical Weapons Factory found

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Originally posted by Stiff_Cookie
Yea hes doubtful of the story because he doesnt want to be seen as the incomitant UN inspector that couldnt find what was there:rolleyes:

In all honesty I hope it is a chemical weapons factory. It would be great to shove under the Frenches noses (maybe literelly?) and tell them they were wrong.

If it is a chemical weapons factory I expect that many of the anti-war protestors will see the light. But there are always going to be the ones that think there is a diplomatic solution to everything.

A chemical weopons factory that had made chemical weopons in the last 10 years.
Make sure its not a "facility that is capable of making chemical weopons precursors" or other form of wording that leaves you thinking it is a weopons site when all that happens is that it could use the chemicals for about a billion other legit uses.
Originally posted by Stiff_Cookie
wasnt there something in the news about a plan to bring peace to the isreal/palistine area? I think the US had submitted something or another..
Yep the US have submitted a roadmap towards a Palestinian state. What more do you want? PM Blair treats Chechnya very seriouly and discusses it with Valmir Putin whenever he can, as I understand it there are som kind of elections going on in Chechnya atm which may or may not help the situation over there. These are complex situations, much more than complex than that of your hero saddam :rolleyes: and will take time to solve.
Originally posted by Custor
A chemical weopons factory that had made chemical weopons in the last 10 years.
Make sure its not a "facility that is capable of making chemical weopons precursors" or other form of wording that leaves you thinking it is a weopons site when all that happens is that it could use the chemicals for about a billion other legit uses.
I suspect if it were legit, it'd have been declared to the weapon inspectors and either checked out or been scheduled for inspection. I'd have thought anyway.
Originally posted by Custor
A chemical weopons factory that had made chemical weopons in the last 10 years.
Make sure its not a "facility that is capable of making chemical weopons precursors" or other form of wording that leaves you thinking it is a weopons site when all that happens is that it could use the chemicals for about a billion other legit uses.

Well, when they say that it was camouflaged so it cant be seen rom teh air and you have to get close to identify it from the ground, it leads me to belive that they didnt want it to be known to be there. Why wouldnt they want a 'good' chemical factory to be known?
Originally posted by pyro
ok so the man has chemical weapons, i really dont care, its not like he is the bad guy ..................

wtf??? That some kind of joke or something??!

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: x10000 Tell that to the people of Halabja.

Also, what you are suggesting in the rest of your post is tht we either take on the entire world, or do absolutely nothing!
Originally posted by pyro
bombing that would not exist in the first place if....ahhhh, this wont work, i can go on saying that its their land, then you can say some of the are the terrorist....just give them some back so they actually have a place to live, built a wall between them, and let them live their lives or sumthing!

i mean, one palestinian does a suicide bombing, then the israeli armi would go on and demolish the building he used to live, but its a building that his familly and many more families live in! its attrocities like that that really make me mad about these people....:(

Sounds good mate, but its just as simple as that i'm afraid. Its a very complicated and fragile situation, in which neither side wants to give an inch.

I agree that Isreal use a very strong hand though, and more condemnation is required.
Originally posted by Nexus

VX that Sadam used on the Kurds.

Lets not forget that it was only 60-70 years ago the English used gas on the exact same Kurds.
Not forgotten mate, but that doesnt make Saddam doing it correct does it?

And as said below;) , under a different administration, mr Blair wasnt even thinking of being born then!

He cannot continue living in past anymore.

Far too many people are relying on using things from so long in the past.

It is Saddam who ordered these gassings.
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Originally posted by NickK
Lets not forget that it was only 60-70 years ago the English used gas on the exact same Kurds.

and 80-90 years ago it was used in ww1, by all sides.

a lot of things have changed in 50-60 years.

Most of the world now agree's that in war you don't generally target civilians, and that certain weapons are not to be used due to the indescriminate, and horrific nature of them.

even things like land mines are being used less now by the major countries because of the problems associated with them and their long term effects (such as the fact you can't normally find them all after you've put them down, and they remain a lethal threat to the general population for years/decades)
Originally posted by Nexus

VX that Sadam used on the Kurds.

Hey I thought we were the first to use Gas in WW One

British soldiers blinded by gas, April 1918


This table lists deaths and non-fatal casualties caused by gas during World War I. The editor finds it a touch ironic that Germany, who invented the practice, suffered more casualties than the British Empire

Country Non-Fatal Deaths Total
British Empire inc Australia 180,597 8,109 188,706
France 182,000 8,000 190,000
United States 71,345 1,462 72,807
Italy 55,373 4,627 60,000
Russia 419,340 56,000 475,340
Germany 191,000 9,000 200,000
Austria-Hungary 97,000 3,000 100,000
Others 9,000 1,000 10.000
Total 1,205,655 91,198 1,296,853
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Originally posted by Werewolf
and 80-90 years ago it was used in ww1, by all sides.

a lot of things have changed in 50-60 years.

Most of the world now agree's that in war you don't generally target civilians, and that certain weapons are not to be used due to the indescriminate, and horrific nature of them.

Very true.
Originally posted by Roughneck
Hey I thought we were the first to use Gas in WW One

At least after using them we decided to ban the use of chemical weapons after realising our mistake.

With the Armistice, such was the horror and disgust at the wartime use of poison gases that its use was outlawed in 1925 - a ban that is, at least nominally, still in force today.

Although it is popularly believed that the German army was the first to use gas it was in fact initially deployed by the French. In the first month of the war, August 1914, they fired tear-gas grenades (xylyl bromide) against the Germans. Nevertheless the German army was the first to give serious study to the development of chemical weapons and the first to use it on a large scale.

Originally posted by Sleepy
Even during WWI after the inital surprise both sides developed pretty good defences. By the end it was a weapon that hindered the opposition more than killed them.

Killing removes the opponent from the battlefield.
The survivers are normally free and move motivated to fight further.

Large scale maiming/incapacitating absorbs more of the opponents resources and slows them considerably - that if the wounded are kept alive.
The survivers are normally heavily demoralised.

Both are dehumanistic and have effect on both sides of the battlefield.
The defensive measure used by the troops to protect themselves during an attack reduced their combat effectiveness allowing attacking troops to benfit by the reduced defence they then out up. The defending troops were rarely killed by gas weapons by the end.
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