
i play a lot on, but get the feeling I am playing against more and more bandits that are running an engine on the side so they never lose. I got spanked by someone with a 740ish elo rating and he was pulling moves that there were both odd and totally off the chart. So some moves looked like total beginer mistakes and then comeback with a do you want a game kasparov like strategy. Might just be high rated players running alts, but its' hard to tell
Shall we have a game?
I'm on as Mr-W. I usually play daily 1 or 3 day per move, but can sometimes do a 10 min rapid.
I'd recommend Lichess as well as Lichess is open source. There's a long running rivalry between the two providers, with Lichess being open source ('Libre'chess, afterall).

The current interface is only good because a long while ago, Lichess had a better one, and took a big chunk of traffic. then rewrote their frontend.
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