
17 Sep 2018
I couldn't find a thread, so thought I'd make one. computer analysis gave me my first 'brilliant move' in about 2000 games (although I probably only analyse a third of them). It's meant to be a move that's the best move and very hard to find by most chess players. The thing is it seemed like a really easy to find move. My opponent hung a rook. It must mean technically the majority of people miss that move in that position.
Chess is on a massive boom right now, can highly recommend GothamChess as his videos are incredibly instructive (well have been for me, started playing around 2 months ago for the first time).
I started trying to learn chess last week and it's pretty difficult. I took out a week trial on which I'm finding the lessons and puzzles pretty good. I think I'll renew on the cheapest option though as still haven't looked at any of the videos and you still get enough lessonsto practic throughout the week.

AlsoI watch some Twitch streamers called BotezLive, I find them helpful
Reviving the thread to see if anyone wants to have a game of chess on
I've started getting back into chess but find it tricky to find players who don't just timeout after 5 moves.
Many years ago I enjoyed playing people on Yahoo chess. But I was using a program on hardest settings to make my moves for me.

That was fun! :p:p:D
Did you play against the hard settings as the same colour as your Yahoo opponent?, you do their move and the app takes its move and you copy the apps move? I did that against my house mate once, I had a 20+ game unbeaten run before getting bored :P
Did you play against the hard settings as the same colour as your Yahoo opponent?, you do their move and the app takes its move and you copy the apps move? I did that against my house mate once, I had a 20+ game unbeaten run before getting bored :P

Yea something like that. Basically just using a computer to cheat. Was fun! :D
i play a lot on, but get the feeling I am playing against more and more bandits that are running an engine on the side so they never lose. I got spanked by someone with a 740ish elo rating and he was pulling moves that there were both odd and totally off the chart. So some moves looked like total beginer mistakes and then comeback with a kasparov like strategy. Might just be high rated players running alts, but its' hard to tell
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