We're run as a partial democracy based on elections. So politicians very strongly prioritise at most a few years ahead - until the next election. They've avoided nuclear power because it costs them votes from the (very numerous) OMG NUCLEAR MEANS EVERYTHING WILL DIE! people. And they won't bet on something that might work in the future rather than something that does work in the present. Headlines about them "wasting" public money on something that doesn't work will cost them votes and something that might work half a dozen elections later is useless in getting them votes.
They're not idiots. Well, some of them are. But most of them aren't. They're just working the system as it is. Partial democracy has its advantages, but it also has its drawbacks.
Such scientific topics should not be decided by the populist crowd that has neither knowledge on the matter nor the willingness to understand and accept the seriousness of the situation.
Especially the global warming, and the pollution, and the sustainability.
This is what we need only professional expertise to deal with.
The thing that is wrong with these so called "idiotos" is that that don't know what is right.
The key for our future survival and well-being in a sustained world is to do the things right. And only right.
The students must learn the Science of being Right, Ethics and Good Laws for sustainable development only.