Chip for 300C

The manual which came with the CRD module says the module itself has fine tuning jumpers which can be used to increase/decrease the performance by 10% steps up to 30% each way. This is just in case the power I too low or high.

For too high it says it is "shown by strong soot generation, disturbed engine run, engine misfires or the initiation of the engine emergency program." It goes on to say that when the emergency program is initiated the vehical drives with a strongly decreased performance and in such cases some vehical models "Malfunction Indication Light (MIL) flashes".

It also says that "A fine tune is normally not necessary, since the CRD module was balanced and programmed for the respective vehicle. Before a change is made, you should contact your salesman or the manufacturer of the system. A technician will gladly help you."

Then it goes on to show you how you have to set the jumpers to get the increased/decreased performance percentages and blah blah...
Here's an update on the DTUK® CRD-T - 2 Channel Common Rail and Turbo Boost System if anyone is interested.

After almost a week and a half of doing around 110+ miles every weekday and with both me and my dad driving as we usually would (me quite "enthusiastically" and my dad very efficiently) I can confirm that the chip does raise fuel economy by approx 3mpg.

With my Dad driving 50 odd miles in the morning traffic at his usual slow pace and me driving the same 50 odd miles at my usual "slightly faster" pace in evening traffic we used to average ~25mpg and now we avg ~28mpg, not a huge increase but with the amount of distance we travel any increase is welcomed.

The performance itself has been greatly improved, the car feels much more responsive, the sluggish start when the pedal is pressed is now minimal, I think the turbo kicks in much sooner than before. The car now feels much nicer, all my initial criticisms of it's performance have been addressed as it is much smoother and the lag is down to a minimum rather than an eternity.

I would say the economy increase comes from the fact that you no longer have to mash your foot down to get any acceleration going by how laggy the response was before compared to how it is now.
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