Chip & PIN - same PIN for all your cards?

BUSH said:
banks probably don't advise it, and personally i wouldn't. But these days the sheer number of passwords and pin numbers you have to remember is getting crazy, so i can understand why people do.

Not true, it is advised if you have a lot of cards

Theres no problem with it as long as you dont disclose your PIN number at all.

i got 5 cards all PINs are the same

PinkPig - your spot on, only time a C+P Sig card is given out is if the card holder has a disability stopping them using the function, they can get a DDA letter from the bank to advise shop owners of this.

Its not stricly true that retaillers have the option to override the C+P function, ive had a number of calls recently where they have tried to do that but the bank is declining it due to the PIN not being entered (so far just Credit Cards)

Also a note about Cloned Cards....these will very rarely be used in store, most clone cars originate from altered ATM's which have a device to scan the Magnetic strip, ATMS do not read from the CHIP, the cloned cards are normally pout on a plan gold looking card, so no shop would accept them, there are cases where cards are cloned in the sense of looking official but its not common practice.

Fraud departments (i know at lloyds) have been cracking down on ATM fraud now, if 2/3 £200 withdrawels are taken from the card day after day the ATM limits are lowered to £1 hinder the use of an ATM until the c.h can confirm its theirs.
Hmm, I have a different pin for each card, although I don't change them often.

Only flaw with Chip and Pin is 'Shoulder Surfing' and possibly skimming and copying cards...of course, they'll have to be a number of people working together for that to happen and for your pin numbers to get compromised!
Gamefreak501 said:
Hmm, I have a different pin for each card, although I don't change them often.

Only flaw with Chip and Pin is 'Shoulder Surfing' and possibly skimming and copying cards...of course, they'll have to be a number of people working together for that to happen and for your pin numbers to get compromised!

"Shoulder Surfing" only happens if you are an idiot.
As far as skimming and copying cards, it's much more complicated to copy a chip than to copy a mag strip.
PinkPig said:
Big misunderstanding here! All retailers will (and indeed must) continue to accept chip and signature cards indefinately. These are cards that are given to customers who are unable to use a PIN number, for example through disability. However, most banks won't give them to someone just because they ask, and anyone asking for one for no reason is being completely daft, for everyone involved a PIN number is the most sensible, secure and quick way of paying.
Actually, for the consumer, the safest way to pay (in England and Wales at least) is cheque, not any form of C&P device.
use 1234 for all your cards - it's the only way some of you eejust will remember.

PinkPig said:
Whitecrock - what do you have against PIN numbers?

Nothing inherently. I just don't trust them. I don't use them. Ever. I have 4 cards (2 credit, 2 debit) and I don't know or use the PINS. (3 are chip cards, 1 is a photocard)

As for ditching the card, I have come to the conclusion when looking at my finances that using switch to pay for stuff is stupid and is costing me money.

I shall probalby switch to cheque or Possibly credit card. This way I can track my finances better and I can work out at anypoint how much I have spent a month (Credit Card hotline + cC statement), (cheque, cheque stubs), wheras with a debit card the money just comes out and i don't know how much until I get my bank statement at the end of the month. Usually I have spent to much. Can you see what I mean?
suicidle_tramp said:
I (probably) wouldn't, would you rather have one lot of cash stolen if you're card got nicked or 3/4+?

they would still need to know your PIN to even use one though. So the likely hood is the cards would be stolen which would result in you cancelling them almost imeediatly anyway.
I have the same PIN for all my cards. I can't see it being a major security problem unless you have written it down somewhere. If someone see's you enter your pin then steals your wallet then I guess you'd be trouble.

I wish shops would give more thought to the pin machine, I quite often feel very uncomfortable entering my pin and I'm sure it would be easy to see if someone really wanted to.
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