Chivalry: Medieval Warfare - Fps/hand to hand combat sim ( INDIE )

Really ****ed off. Can't find a non-laggy server tonight and was looking forward to playing all day. Even the official 'low ping' server's lagg for me, argh!
Are there any servers people would recommend? I dunno if it's just how the game is and won't change but I often get annoyed with team killers slashing and people invading your fights then accidentally team killing you.

When I discovered this game I had kinda hoped it would be more 1v1 based, like in films, unless films are just romanticising medieval battles, I always imagined people fighting mostly 1v1 with people not coming up behind the enemy and killing them.. or invading your fight because you're doing fine :p.

Maybe i've got it wrong but wheres the honour!

I assume in some servers that aren't so public people are generally more respectful.

Try hopping onto a duel server. I usually have fun on there and the fights get quite technical with the terrain. I love the castle map for duels. I set myself on fire in the fireplace and then kill my enemy like a burning zombie.

Mainly I play TO though, but there is a fair bit of trolling and archer spam. Just remember chaps, X, X, 2. Ho ho ho!
Great game :D

We have sometimes have community nights when we all jump on a server; sometimes we're on the same side, sometimes not - I'm not quite sure which is most entertaining

One of the things I like about it; we were all mostly new but managed to be pretty successful, hacking and slaying. Then some higher level players logged on and you could tell the difference!

Chiv though is one of those rarer games, a bit like TF2, where you can have fun as new players but there is also a skill level.
Anyone fancy a duel some time? I've just started playing this, trying to get good with man-at-arms but vanguards with halberds just seem unbeatable :(

If anyone knows any good duel servers/OcUK favourites, let me know!
Well I've given this quite a bit of time now and the shine has definitely faded. It's okay as a quick battler for 30 minutes but it really doesn't feel like any kind of full game to me. Despite the blurb, you don't lay siege to anything - you simply follow arbitrary (and boring) team objectives. That's if you don't do what your team does and swing about recklessly.

Then there's the clippy graphics, general glitches, and the unkillable archers who just stare at the floor and swing fast in melee. You can't defend against them unless someone else saves your bacon.

Well I've given this quite a bit of time now and the shine has definitely faded. It's okay as a quick battler for 30 minutes but it really doesn't feel like any kind of full game to me. Despite the blurb, you don't lay siege to anything - you simply follow arbitrary (and boring) team objectives. That's if you don't do what your team does and swing about recklessly.

Then there's the clippy graphics, general glitches, and the unkillable archers who just stare at the floor and swing fast in melee. You can't defend against them unless someone else saves your bacon.


Vanguards. Every patch they seem to buff them and nerf every other class.

I also wish there was a way to bind voice menu commands to a key. That would be great for irritating people :P
I feel for the new guys who aren't used to working around the block hitboxes. Might fire it up again as I have had a month off to play eurotruck sim of all things. Still pretty boss with the MAA Vanguard and knight. Useless with archer.

My favourite mod server is giant slayers, although the black knight FFA servers are really fun at first when a headless dude starts swinging at you.
Archer is where it's at. There is nothing more satisfying than shooting down most of a group, then finishing the survivors with your shortsword when they reach you, only to then be pelted with "******* archer scum" in the chat. :D

I played over the free weekend and it was pretty bad, but a few of us did get together and help the new players out with tips and demonstrations. I do feel bad for rushing in with a reverse overhead on a guy who turned out to be rank 0. He spent the rest of the match ranting about the game being broken. :o

Does anyone else feel that the low rank servers (0-15) have had a negative impact on overall player quality? I feel like every rank 16 player I've come across lately still panic parries, can't combo or else tends to just spam LMB and doesn't know how to block even the most basic attack. I don't claim to be good by any means, although I can win several public FFA games in a row if I'm in a serious enough mood, but it's just shocking how unprepared some of these players are when they enter the "real world". :(
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