Chong's "don't care Squat about Deadlift's" Warrior Blog

18 Oct 2002
Ok I'll introduce myself as I've not been as active on here as I used to be. I'm 38 years old today and lifting weights has been a hobby since buying my first weight setup on my 14th birthday... yep exactly 24 years ago today! :eek: In that time I've had several injuries leading to some lengthy lay-offs, the latest shoulder injury kept me out of the gym 2 years. I made a return January 2012. So I've had 10 months now and made some solid progress, now it's time to push on. I was thinking about competing in a natural bodybuilding comp a few years ago and got into good shape but then life has a knack of getting in the way and put paid to all that. IF I can stay fit then who knows in a year or two I might have another shot.

As I already keep an online journal it's a simple copy & paste jobbie into here. If interested my progress this year starts from this page: Bison's Beef Building Blog - Page 190 Also I'm about to change my whole routine and possibly starting HST again which I know raises a lot of interest from fellow lifters.

Current Stats:
Age: 38
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 225lbs
Bodyfat: approx 15%
Goals: Be as big, strong and lean as I can naturally get!
Barriers: Long working hours = stress, several old injuries, drink far too much alcohol!

Current routine that I've really enjoyed is split as below:
SAT - Shoulders & Arms
SUN - Legs
WED - Chest & Back

As Sat is only shoulders and arms, it's not that hard on the body so I can still train flat out the next day. This allows my old bones 48 hours for recovery before what is virtually a full body workout on Weds and then another 48 hours recovery. Seems to work well.

Diet is similar to IF protocol but I'm not super strict with it. I eat between 12pm - 9pm on weekdays but weekends I'll eat when ever I feel like it, though I still tend to naturally eat the same way. Lots of carbs on training days, higher fats on rest days. Protein is around 200g daily and mostly from eggs, steak, fish, prawns and chicken. I do have 1x50g protein shake a day. Most of calories eaten around workouts, especially PWO.

To get the ball rolling I'll post up the last week of workouts. Very strict rest times [90 sec] is from weight hitting the floor to starting first rep of next set (reps shown in brackets are done with a 15 sec rest/pause)
Figures in [green] are improvements from the last workout to show progression. If anything stalls I will change something, even if it's only the order I do them in. I do train alone so I'm a little limited how hard I can push on some exercises, rest/pause is a very useful tool when training alone.

Sunday 14th October
Chest & Back

Close-grip Chins [100 sec] - Using rest/pause to try and get the reps up
9xbw (+5kg)
7(+1+1xbw (+5kg)
DB Incline Bench Press [100 sec] - Setup on last set was so poor I almost didn't even get 1 rep! I was feeling 8 or 9 reps with a good start.
10x47.5's [+2 reps]
6x47.5's - First rep a true grinder!!!!
DB Incline Flyes [60 sec] - Really power up and squeeze the DB's together at the top
12x22.5's [+2 reps]
10x25's [+2 reps]
Deadlift [120 sec] - Good effort
4x150 [+5kg] - poor 4th rep was too backy so ended the set early
5x150 [+5kg]
Chest Press [90 sec] - Counted weight wrong first set, supposed to be 130kg, thought 15 reps was good lol!!
11x130 [+2 reps][+10kg]
7x130 [+10kg]
5x130 [+5 reps]
1-Arm DB Row [60 sec] - No straps this week and lower rest times, good improvement
12x37.5 [+1 rep]
12x37.5 [+2 reps]
Cable Crossover [90 sec] - Cable broke

Decided to have a few days extra rest, this is usually Wednesdays workout but haven't trained since legs session last Monday. Can feel the RC's, elbows and tendons starting to complain.

Again only had an hour so had to keep the rest times low and fly round everything, very tiring!! Also I skimped on the warmups a little and tweaked my neck and left trap during chins. Thought about stopping but soldiered on.... I could feel it on all exercises especially Deadlifts. Will find out if I made the right decision tomorrow!
Thursday 17th October
Shoulders & Arms

Very strict rest times [90 sec] is from weight hitting the floor to starting first rep of next set
(reps shown in brackets are done with a 15 sec rest/pause)

Push Press [100 sec] - Tough, I don't feel confident with my shoulder when pushing hard
5x60 -
8x70 -
9x70 - [+1 rep]
8x70 -
Seated Arnold Press [90 sec] - Good focus on the working delts
Close-Grip Bench Press [90 sec] - Good focus on the tri's
11x80 [+1 rep]
6x85 [+3 reps]
Dips [90 sec] - Again really focussed on putting all the stress on the triceps
8xbw (+17.5kg) [+2.5kg]
6xbw (+17.5kg) [+2.5kg]
9xbw [+9 reps]
Cable Curls [90 sec] - Yet more improvements!!
14x50 [+5kg]
12x55 [+5kg]
6x60 (3x50) [+5kg] - dropset
Zottman Curls [75 sec] - These are evil
9x15's [+1 rep]
6x15's (3x12.5's) (3x10's) - dropset
Bent over Rear Raises [Superset 1] - 60 sec rest at the end of each superset
9x25's [+5kg]
Shrugs [Superset 1] -
15x100 [+10kg]
15x110 [+15kg]
15x115 [+15kg]

Another very good workout, having to dig deep to keep improving. I've made huge strength gains in my curls.... never really focussed on them before as I hate curling with a passion. Enjoying the cable curls though.
Saturday 20th October

Very strict rest times [90 sec] is from weight hitting the floor to starting first rep of next set
(reps shown in brackets are done with a 15 sec rest/pause)
[giantset] - no rest, all sets completed consecutively

Front Squats [120 sec] - Good. Clean grip used.
6x95 [+1 rep]
6x95 [+6 reps]
Walking BB Lunges [90 sec] - Tried the oly bar today instead of DB's. Tricky with the balance when tiring at end of set
28x60 [+4 reps]
Leg Ext [giantset 1] - These are starting to aggravate my knee
15x30 [+5kg]
11x35 [+5kg]
12x35 [+1 rep]
Lying Leg Curl [giantset 1] - Good
15x50 [+5kg]
12x60 [+5kg]
Standing calf Raise [giantset 1] - Good focus on working muscle, still wary of pushing too hard and aggravating achilles
20x125 [+25kg]
20x145 [+20kg]
18x155 [+10kg]
20x155 [+10kg]
Renegade rows [superset 2] - Ooooossshshhhhh!
24x17.5's [+2.5kg]
Seated Calf Raise [superset 2] - New exercise

All done and dusted in 40 minutes thanks to the 10 set giant set being done without any rest, came pretty close to throwing a whitey at the end. Those Renegade Rows are a tough finisher!
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I'm keen to see what you'd do with HST this time around. I stole your routine many moons ago and have used a tweaked version several times since.
Bison's back! :D :cool:
More cow than Bison at the moment but I'm working on it :D
I'm keen to see what you'd do with HST this time around. I stole your routine many moons ago and have used a tweaked version several times since.
Yeah there's so many options with HST, I'm tempted to keep it real simple for my first run. I'm thinking I won't even alternate the workouts and just chose a single set of exercises and stick with it, at least until the 5's.
Monday 22nd October
Chest & Back

Very strict rest times [90 sec] is from weight hitting the floor to starting first rep of next set
(reps shown in brackets are done with a 15 sec rest/pause)

DB Incline Bench Press [120 sec] - Better setups this week, need to increase rest times if I want to get reps up
12x47.5's [+2 reps]
7x47.5's [+1 rep]
DB Incline Flyes [75 sec] - Really power up and squeeze the DB's together at the top
12x25's [+5kg]
11x25's [+1 rep]
Close-grip Chins [120 sec] - Happy with this as I did these first last week
6xbw (+7.5kg) [+2.5kg]
6xbw (+7.5kg) [+2.5kg]
4xbw (+7.5kg) [+4 reps]
Chest Press [90 sec] - Decent improvement
13x130 [+2 reps]
10x140 [+3 reps][+10kg]
7x140 (3x120) [+2 reps][+10kg] - dropset
Deadlift [120 sec] - Always takes me a while to get going with these
5x140 - horrible
5x145 - very hard
4x150 - just like last week a poor 4th rep, didn't engage glutes properly
5x150 - easy
2x155 - easy
1-Arm DB Row [60 sec] -
13x37.5 [+1 rep]
13x37.5 [+1 rep]
Cable Crossover [90 sec] - Cable broke

Decent workout. The deadlifts were a bit dodgy as I've got wicked DOMS in my ass cheeks and quads from Saturdays workout. Didn't seem to have any power at all until the 5th set and then it felt easy.
Been very ill this week with a bug that had be bed ridden for nearly 2 days. Stomach still hasn't fully recovered but no longer feel like I've been hit by a bus. My joints have stopped aching and head stopped pounding so it's all good :)

Expected to lose some strength as I've not been able to eat properly for about 4 days. Did manage a good 3000kcals yesterday and today had a bacon butty with boiled eggs, then a protein shake before my workout.

Also joined a new gym today so I expected a lot of differences on the weights as the benches are a lot narrower, cable machines are different, etc.

Saturday 27th October
Shoulders & Arms

Very strict rest times [90 sec] is from weight hitting the floor to starting first rep of next set
(reps shown in brackets are done with a 15 sec rest/pause)

Push Press [100 sec] - Tough, had me breathing hard! Couldn't recover fast enough for extra last set
Warm-ups = 20xbar - HC2PP + 5x50
8x70 -
9x70 -
6x72.5 - [+2.5kg]
3x72.5 - [+3 reps] - failed 4th rep
Seated Arnold Press [90 sec] - Read the sheet wrong, thought I did 25's last week!
9x25's [+5kg]
9x25's [+5kg]
Decline Close-Grip Bench Press [90 sec] - Changed to decline which allows better focus on the tri's
Warmups = 20xbar + 12x50
12x80 [+1 rep]
12x82.5 [+3 reps][+2.5kg]
8x85 [+2 reps]
Dips [90 sec] - These dipping bars further apart than old gym, engaging chest more. Might explain increases
Warmups = 12xbw
9xbw (+17.5kg) [+1 rep]
9xbw (+17.5kg) [+3 reps]
6xbw (+17.5kg) [+17.5kg]
Cable Curls (Straight Bar) [90 sec] - No EZ-Bar curl attachment in new gym :(
13x55 [+1 rep]
8x60 [+2 reps]
Zottman Curls [75 sec] - These are evil
8x15's [+1 rep]
8x12.5's (3x10's) (3x7.5's) (2x10's) (2x12.5's)
Bent over Rear Raises [Superset 1] - 60 sec rest at the end of each superset
8x25's [-1 rep] - lost a rep here
Barbell Shrugs [Superset 1] - No shrug machine at this gym

Very surprised at the increases as I expected loses. As you can see I do like a bit of volume and my body responds well to it.
Sunday 28th October

Very strict rest times [90 sec] is from weight hitting the floor to starting first rep of next set
(reps shown in brackets are done with a 15 sec rest/pause)

Front Squats [120 sec] - Clean grip used. Made mistake, didn't write in diary properly. Thought I'd done an extra set today. Done barefoot.
Warmup = 20xbar + 5x50 + 5x70
8x90 [+2 reps]
5x95 - had to ditch last rep, hurting my wrist
RDL [60 sec] - Nice and easy trying to get myself back into them. Barefoot.
12x50 [*new*]
Walking DB Lunges [90 sec] - Changed to DB, not possible to use BB in this gym
16x60 [+16 reps]
Leg Ext [superset] - This machine is much easier than the other, can lift twice as much weight
15x50 [*new*]
Seated Leg Curl [superset] - Good
12x45 [*new*]
Standing Calf Raise [60 sec] - This pulley machine puts you at a big disadvantage, can only use half the weight as other machine
20x50 [*new*]
Renegade rows [60 sec] - Ooooossshshhhhh!
24x17.5's [+2.5kg]

Leg workout is very different due to change in gym. The machines are either twice as easy or twice as hard with the same weight due to leverage differences. Can't really compare to last workout so I just marked *new*
Renegade rows [60 sec] - Ooooossshshhhhh!
24x17.5's [+2.5kg]

I started doing these a few weeks agao after seing on your long in MP...googled it, they looked fun. Got up to doing 3 sets of 10...with 16Kg last week. The last few reps were a laugh :) Good though.
Renegade rows [60 sec] - Ooooossshshhhhh!
24x17.5's [+2.5kg]

I started doing these a few weeks agao after seing on your long in MP...googled it, they looked fun. Got up to doing 3 sets of 10...with 16Kg last week. The last few reps were a laugh :) Good though.
They're a toughie at the end of a leg workout that's for sure :) I'm finding they work very well with Front Squats for core strength. Trick is to keep the whole body stiff and don't let the hips move to really hammer the core.
Nice fronties!

There are some useful stretches in the mobility thread for getting a good front rack position, if you're interested and can't find them let me know :)
Tuesday 30th October

Very strict rest times [90 sec] is from weight hitting the floor to starting first rep of next set
(reps shown in brackets are done with a 15 sec rest/pause)

DB Incline Bench Press [120 sec] - These benches are awful, very narrow and hard to push against. Slightly steeper incline aswell.
4x47.5's (3x42.5's) - truly awful set-up, killed me
DB Incline Flyes [75 sec] - Explosive power up and drive the DB's together at the top
11x25's [+11 reps]
Chest Press [90 sec] - Totally different machine, can only press half as much as other gym. Don't like the path this follows
12x80 [*new*]
Cable Crossover [60 sec] - At least this machine works!
DB Pullover [30 sec] - Haven't done these for years!
15x Leg Raises - 2 sets
10x Press Ups - 1 set
6 lengths of pool

Decided to split Wednesdays Chest & Back routine up as I won't be able to train tomorrow due to taking the kids out for Halloween. Lower back and ham's are too fatigued to allow me to Deadlift tonight, so I'll do the back workout on Thursday.
Nice fronties!

There are some useful stretches in the mobility thread for getting a good front rack position, if you're interested and can't find them let me know :)
Any help with Front Squats has always got to be worth a look :)

I feel comfortable with my grip, it's just if you get it slightly wrong once the weight starts getting towards 100kg, the wrists/forearms are in such a compromised position they get hurt quickly. If I feel there's a chance of injury or strain I just ditch the bar.... it's not worth it.
Thursday 1st November

Very strict rest times [90 sec] is from weight hitting the floor to starting first rep of next set
(reps shown in brackets are done with a 15 sec rest/pause)

Pull Ups [120 sec] - Full stretch and pause at the bottom of every rep, hold and squeeze lats at the top, exhausting!
8xbw - Wide-Grip
8xbw - Hammer-Grip
7xbw - Close-Grip
Deadlift [150 sec] - Always takes me a while to get going with these
5x150 [+5kg]
2x160 [+5kg] - easy
1-Arm DB Row [60 sec] - Really focussed on using the lat to pull the DB up explosively
13x37.5 [+1 rep]
9x40 [+2.5kg]
10x37.5 [+1 rep]
Chest on pad T-Bar [90 sec] -
Renegade Rows [60 sec] - :eek:
20x20's [+2.5kg]
16x20's [+2.5kg]
14x20's [+2.5kg]

Tough workout, didn't feel strong. I think the lack of calories is biting and the 4th workout of the week took it's toll. Still had DOMS in my legs, especially the ham's and didn't feel recovered enough for the Deadlifts.

On a brighter note, bodyweight down to 15st 11lbs this morning and leaning up nicely :)
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Any help with Front Squats has always got to be worth a look :)

I feel comfortable with my grip, it's just if you get it slightly wrong once the weight starts getting towards 100kg, the wrists/forearms are in such a compromised position they get hurt quickly. If I feel there's a chance of injury or strain I just ditch the bar.... it's not worth it.
If you feel like you can get your elbows high when stood up, it's actually more likely to be a product of what's going on with your squat tech.

You need to find a way to be as upright as possible at the bottom of the rep, without a rounded upper back.

This could require working on a few things, or be as simple as letting your knees travel further forwards and sitting your arse between your ankles.

I'd be able to work it out more precisely with a video :)

p.s pull ups/chins with a pause at the top are awesome!
I know what you mean about getting going with deads. I sometimes think that I could warm up for an hour before feeling comfortable about pulling something in the 5rep range or less!
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