Chong's "don't care Squat about Deadlift's" Warrior Blog

Saturday 3rd November
Shoulders & Arms

Very strict rest times [90 sec] is from weight hitting the floor to starting first rep of next set
(reps shown in brackets are done with a 15 sec rest/pause)

Push Press [120 sec] - Good. Cleaning the bar up is starting to get tough!
Warm-ups = 20xbar - HC2PP + 5x60
6x70 -
6x72.5 - [+2.5kg]
6x72.5 -
6x72.5 - [+3 reps]
Seated Arnold Press [90 sec] - Not worried about the lower reps, the ones I did were really focussed on hitting the delts hard
8x25's [-1 rep]
7x25's [-2 reps]
Decline Close-Grip Bench Press [90 sec] - Good
Warmups = 20xbar + 6x60
12x85 [+2.5kg]
12x85 [+4 reps]
Dips [90 sec] - Pre-fatigue from the CGBP is hurting these
8xbw (+17.5kg)
8xbw (+17.5kg)
7xbw (+20kg) [+2.5kg]
Cable Curls (Straight Bar) [90 sec] - Good focus on hitting the bicep
14x50 [+1 rep]
12x60 [+5kg]
7x65 (2x60) [+5kg]
Zottman Curls [75 sec] - These are evil
8x15's [+1 rep]
7x15's (3x12.5's) (1x10's) (3x7.5's) (2x10's) (1x12.5's) (1x15's) - OUCH!
Bent over Rear Raises [60 sec] - These are tough!
10x22.5's [-2 reps]
8(+2)x25's [+2 reps]
Barbell Shrugs [60 sec] - Pause at the top of each rep and squeeze, really hammers the traps

Good workout. I'm trying to focus improving the quality of each rep and really hitting the target muscle hard. This will lead to some loss in performance as it causes more fatigue.
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If you feel like you can get your elbows high when stood up, it's actually more likely to be a product of what's going on with your squat tech.

You need to find a way to be as upright as possible at the bottom of the rep, without a rounded upper back.
Yeah that's why I've persevered with the clean grip as just by pushing the elbows up high the upper back is forced to straighten. The cross over grip is basically flawed as it encourages the upper back to round, it's almost impossible to keep straight once the weight starts getting over 100kg for reps.
p.s pull ups/chins with a pause at the top are awesome!
Indeed :D Hurts the number of reps that can be done but I'm aiming for quality at the moment.

I know what you mean about getting going with deads. I sometimes think that I could warm up for an hour before feeling comfortable about pulling something in the 5rep range or less!
I have a mental block with deadlifts ever since hurting my back years ago. I have never failed a rep as my body will not let me attempt a weight that is pushing too hard. It just locks up and won't engage so I can't even budge a weight I know I can lift quite easily, it's the strangest thing.

If you look at my deadlifts for 150kg I went 5 then 4 then just 3 (last week I did 5,4,5) I could not even budge the weight at all for a 4th rep as my body just locked up and stopped listening to me soon as I tried to engage to lift the bar. Then a minute later I pick up 160kg and it feels even lighter! So it's nothing to do with fatigue, strength, energy... weird but true.

Very similar story with squats, my brain will only let me push so hard and then it just shuts the engine down. I'm not a powerlifter so no big deal.
Yeah that's why I've persevered with the clean grip as just by pushing the elbows up high the upper back is forced to straighten. The cross over grip is basically flawed as it encourages the upper back to round, it's almost impossible to keep straight once the weight starts getting over 100kg for reps.
It's likely to be one of two problems, or some combination.

a) Problem with clean grip. Bar not far enough into throat (:eek:) or shoulders not back in their sockets.

b) You aren't upright enough in your squat.

Compare this:
Which is effectively just a back squat with the bar in front (great crossfit coaching chaps :rolleyes:) this:
Which is beautifully efficient front squatting.

If it's problem "b", then it's worth looking at your stance and ankle mobility.

Do you wear oly shoes for front squats?
Sunday 4th November

Very strict rest times [90 sec] is from weight hitting the floor to starting first rep of next set
(reps shown in brackets are done with a 15 sec rest/pause)

Front Squats [120 sec] - Wrist flexibility holding me back, everything else feels quite easy... frustrating but something to work on
Warmup = 20xbar + 5x50 + 5x70
5x97.5 [+2.5kg]
4x100 [+5kg] - Didn't attempt 5th rep, wrist hurting
4x100 [+5kg] - again didn't attempt 5th, racked and straight into back squats
5x100 [*new*]- ATG Back Squats no rest
RDL [60 sec] - Able to push on a bit more with these today.
Warmup = 20xbar + 5x50 + 10x70
10x80 [+20kg]
10x90 [+20kg]
10x95 [+15kg]
12x95 [+5kg]
Forward BB Lunges [120 sec] - Taking it easy with the weight as these can play murder with the knee's. Tough!!
24x50 [*new*]
24x50 [+16 reps]
Leg Ext [superset] - All done without rest, hold and squeeze at top of each rep.
12x55 [+5kg]
12x60 [+5kg]
12x65 [+5kg]
12x70 [+12 reps][+5kg]
Seated Leg Curl [superset] - All 8 sets done without rest.... lactic acid!!
12x60 [+12 reps][+5kg]
Standing Calf Raise [60 sec] - This pulley machine puts you at a big disadvantage, can only use half the weight as other machine
20x65 [+5kg]

Changed to static forward lunges as it's a pain doing walking lunges in this gym. Ignorant fools keep standing in the way curling even though there's 100 square metre's of space they could curl in. When this happens in the middle of a tough set it makes me want to punch them in the face... dead hard!

I do find this type of lunge very hard on the knee's if not carefull so I'll take my time. I think it's due to having to stop the momentum of going forward and then having to push back very hard to get back to starting position. Walking lunges are a bit more natural. Great exercise though :)
Wednesday 7th November
Chest & Back

Very strict rest times [90 sec] is from weight hitting the floor to starting first rep of next set
(reps shown in brackets are done with a 15 sec rest/pause)

DB Incline Bench Press [120 sec] - Much better setups today, the results are there to see
7x50's [+5kg]
7x50's [+3reps][+5kg]
DB Incline Flyes [75 sec] - Explosive power up, try to drive the DB's through each other at the top
Pull Ups [120 sec] - Full stretch and pause at the bottom of every rep, hold and squeeze lats at the top, exhausting!
8xbw - Wide-Grip
8xbw - Hammer-Grip
4(+2+1+1)xbw - Close-Grip
Bench Press [90 sec] - First time I've done this exercise in 3-4 years!
14x60 [*new*]
Deadlift [150 sec] - Always takes me a while to get going with these
5x150 [+1 rep]
5x150 [+2 reps]
2x165 [+5kg]
1-Arm DB Row [60 sec] - Really focussed on using the lat to pull the DB up explosively, squeeze at top
10x40 [+1 rep]
10x40 [+2.5kg]
Cable Crossover [superset] - No rest, 6 continuous sets
Chest on pad T-Bar [superset] - Controlled, pause at top
12x25 [+1 rep]
12x25 [+1 rep]
12x25 [+1 rep]
Renegade Rows [60 sec]

Very pleased with the increases as last week I split this into 2x workouts. Get get through them all in one was epic. Struggled a little with the chins but otherwise felt strong.

The deadlifts hurt as I have to lower the weight controlled so it just kisses the floor, I can't drop the weight in this gym. Drains energy reserves and fatigues quickly!
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This is from last week, haven't had time to update for the last 5 workouts!

Saturday 10th November
Shoulders & Arms

Very strict rest times [90 sec] is from weight hitting the floor to starting first rep of next set
(reps shown in brackets are done with a 15 sec rest/pause)

Rear Pec Dec [30 sec] -Warming up the delts
20x40 - [*new*]
20x50 -
Seated Lat Raises [60 sec] - Pause at top, only lowered as far as to keep constant tension in delt. OUCH!
12x10's [*new*]
Arnold Press -> Shoulder Press [60 sec] - Straight into Shoulder Press without lowering weight. No lockout, constant tension in delts with limited tricep work
8x17.5's -> 3x17.5's [*new*]
8x22.5's -> 3x22.5's
6x22.5's -> 3x22.5's
11x22.5's - Shoulder Press only
EZ Upright Row [60 sec] - Slightly closer than shoulder width grip, elbows low and raised to nipple height only
12x30 [*new*]
Decline Close-Grip Bench Press [90 sec] - Good
9x90 [+5kg]
6(+1)x90 [+5kg]
Dips [75 sec] - Pre-fatigue from the new shoulder workout, CGBP and lower rest time was massive! Still hammered tri's though :)
12xbw [-17.5kg]
8xbw (+17.5kg)
7xbw (+17.5kg) [-2.5kg]
Cable Curls (Straight Bar) [90 sec] - My biceps have grown a lot doing these!
13x60 [+1 rep]
7x65 (2x60)
Zottman Curls [75 sec] - These are evil
6x15's [-2 reps]
7x15's (3x12.5's) (2x10's) (3x7.5's) (2x10's) (1x12.5's) (1x15's) - OUCH! [+1 rep]
Behind Back Barbell Shrugs [60 sec] - These burn!

Slight change of tactics for a couple of reasons. I have good size in my delts but the front delts overpower the side delts and my rear delts are quite well developed so I want to shift focus to the middle delt.

Also I not happy with the amount of weight I'm using every session. My joints are sore, RC's are aching and I can feel an injury coming on. So I'm going to continue heavy with the Chest & Back workout on Wednesdays (which also hammer arms and delts) but I'm going much lighter for shoulders. I'm also doing a lot more warmups (20 minutes) and RC work. Lighter weights, low rest times and constant tension. Same for arms as I can feel the old tendon and elbow injuries starting to complain.

All I can say is I was VERY sore from this workout for a whole week! My delts still had DOMS for the next workout the following week! :eek:
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Sunday 11th November

Very strict rest times [90 sec] is from weight hitting the floor to starting first rep of next set
(reps shown in brackets are done with a 15 sec rest/pause)

Front Squats -> Back Squat [120 sec] - No rest, racked bar and straight into Back Squat to 12 reps
Warmup = 20xbar + 5x50 + 2x70
8x90 -> 4x90 [*new*]
6x95 -> 6x95
6x95 -> 6x95
5x95 -> 7x95
Forward BB Lunges [90 sec] - Cor blimey these are murder after the squats! 30 sec less rest than last week!
24x50 [*new*]
24x50 [+8 reps]
Leg Ext [superset] - All done without rest, hold and squeeze at top of each rep.
Seated Leg Curl [superset] - All 8 sets done without rest.... lactic acid!!
RDL [60 sec] - Taking it easy with these today, pre-fatigue from leg curls
Warmup = 20xbar + 5x50 + 10x70
12x80 [+2 reps]
12x90 [+2 reps]
12x95 [+2 reps]
Standing Calf Raise [60 sec] -
This workout was done in a fasted state. 15g BCAA's taken 15 mins before. Also I had wicked DOMS in my shoulders. I played football on Tuesday for the first time in about 3-4 years and I jarred my lower back, yet another old injury and the reason I quit football in the first place :( So no Deadlifts today.

Wednesday 14th November
Chest & Back

Very strict rest times [90 sec] is from weight hitting the floor to starting first rep of next set
(reps shown in brackets are done with a 15 sec rest/pause)

DB Incline Bench Press [120 sec] - Good tension in upper pec
8x50's [+1 rep]
8x50's [+1 rep]
DB Incline Flyes [75 sec] - Explosive power up, try to drive the DB's through each other at the top
15x22.5's [+6 reps][-2.5kg] - 25's being used
10x27.5's - 25's being used, surprised at getting 10 reps!
Pull Ups [120 sec] - Full stretch and pause at the bottom of every rep, hold and squeeze lats at the top, exhausting!
8xbw - Wide-Grip
8xbw - Hammer-Grip
4(+2+1+1)xbw - Close-Grip
Bench Press [90 sec] - Think I'll stick with this for a few weeks, the hammer press in aggravating my RC's
10x80 [+1 rep]
9x85 [+1 rep][+5kg]
9x85 [+1 rep][+5kg]
Deadlift [-- sec] - Couldn't do these today, niggly back injury
1-Arm DB Row [60 sec] - Had no power in my lats today, very sore from football
11x40 [+1 rep]
11x40 [+1 rep]
Cable Crossover [-- sec] - Didn't fancy these today
Chest on pad T-Bar [60 sec] - Controlled, pause at top
13x25 [+1 rep]
13x25 [+1 rep]
13x25 [+1 rep]
Renegade Rows [-- sec] - Couldn't do these with my back injury
Saturday 17th November
Shoulders & Arms

Very strict rest times [90 sec] is from weight hitting the floor to starting first rep of next set
(reps shown in brackets are done with a 15 sec rest/pause)

Rear Pec Dec [30 sec] - Warming up the delts
30x40 - [+10 reps]
20x50 -
Seated Lat Raises [60 sec] - Pause at top, constant tension in delt. No increase but more controlled this week
Arnold Press -> Shoulder Press [60 sec] - Straight into Shoulder Press without lowering weight. Again more controlled this week
6x20's -> 6x20's [+1 rep][+5kg]
6x22.5's -> 5x22.5's
6x22.5's -> 4x22.5's [+1 rep]
9x22.5's [-2 reps] - Shoulder Press only
EZ Upright Row [60 sec] - Slightly closer than shoulder width grip, elbows low and raised to nipple height only
15x30 [+3 reps]
13x40 [+1 rep]
9(+4)x40 [+1 rep]
Decline Close-Grip Bench Press [90 sec] - Good
8(+2)x90 [+3 reps]
Dips [90 sec] - Good
9xbw (+17.5kg) [+1 rep]
9(+4xbw)xbw (+17.5kg) [+2 reps] (+4 rest/pause)
Cable Curls (Straight Bar) [90 sec] - Some crazy gains since starting these 2 months ago
10x65 [+3 reps]
6x65 [+6 reps]
Zottman Curls [75 sec] - These give a crazy pump to forearms!
7x15's [+1 rep]
7x15's (3x12.5's) (2x10's) (2x10's) (1x12.5's) (1x15's) - OUCH!
Barbell Shrugs [60 sec] -

I have to say the cable curls along with the Zottman curls are giving me some of the best gains I've ever had with biceps. I hate curling with free bars but I actually enjoy using the cable machine.
Sunday 18th November

Very strict rest times [90 sec] is from weight hitting the floor to starting first rep of next set
(reps shown in brackets are done with a 15 sec rest/pause)

Front Squats [45 sec] - Decided to go 10x3. It allows more total reps over a given time period and is easier on the grip... anything to improve these!!
3x95 x 10 sets [+7 reps]
Forward BB Lunges [90 sec] - Almost fell over when I tried a rep. This hits my lower back injury hard, no chance!
45' Leg Press [superset] - To keep weight down, I'll go higher reps and constant tension, no lockout
20x150 [*new*]
RDL [60 sec] - My back injury really forced me to focus on perform form and engaging the hams. Must have been perfect form to allow me to do these.
Warmup = 20xbar + 5x50
12x100 [+5kg]
12x100 [+5kg]
Leg Ext [superset] - All done without rest, hold and squeeze at top of each rep.
12x60 [+5kg]
12x65 [+5kg]
12x70 [+5kg]
13x75 [+1 rep][+5kg]
Seated Leg Curl [superset] - All 8 sets done without rest.... lactic acid!!
12x50 [+5kg]
12x55 [+5kg]
12x60 [+5kg]
15x65 [+3 reps][+5kg]
Standing Calf Raise [60 sec] -
20x55 [+5kg]
20x70 [+5kg]
20x87.5 [+7.5kg]
16x87.5 [+16 reps]

I'm severely limited what I can do until my back heals so as much as I hate Leg Press, I've little choice.
Wednesday 21st November
Chest & Back

Very strict rest times [90 sec] is from weight hitting the floor to starting first rep of next set
(reps shown in brackets are done with a 15 sec rest/pause)

DB Incline Bench Press [120 sec] - More control on the negative, cost me rep but not worried
7x50's [-1 rep]
DB Incline Flyes [75 sec] - Explosive power up, try to drive the DB's through each other at the top. Strong.
10x27.5's [+10kg]
Bench Press [90 sec] - Trying to get the form right after not doing them for years
Wide-Grip Pulldowns [90 sec] - Concentrating on pulling with the lats from elbows, full stretch.
12x65 - [*new*]
Chest on pad T-Bar [60 sec] - Controlled, pause at top
12x35 [+10kg]
12x35 [+10kg]
12x35 [+10kg]
Deadlift [120 sec] - Gave them a try, see how back held up
1-Arm DB Row [60 sec] - Struggling to feel my lats, they were just pumped rock hard! So was lower back, horrible!!
Can't remember what I was lifting but the quality was crap anyway!
Cable Crossover [-- sec] - Didn't fancy these today
Renegade Rows [-- sec]

Overall a poor session. I forgot my water bottle and my workout book so had to guess at weights. Also I tried a new pre-workout sup, not thinking it had AAKG in it. Never a good idea when training back as I lose feeling in my lats as they pump up so much. The deadlifts pumped my lower back so much I couldn't do anything else. I jsut didn't feel strong with my back and idn't even attempt pull-ups, decided to go for more feeling with the pulldowns.
Sunday 25th November
Shoulders & Arms

Very strict rest times [90 sec] is from weight hitting the floor to starting first rep of next set
(reps shown in brackets are done with a 15 sec rest/pause)

Rear Pec Dec [30 sec] - Warming up the delts
30x40 -
20x55 - [+5kg]
15x60 - [+15 reps]
Seated Lat Raises [60 sec] - Pause at top, constant tension in delt. No increase but more controlled this week
13x10's [+1 rep]
Arnold Press -> Shoulder Press [75 sec] - Straight into Shoulder Press without lowering weight. Again more controlled this week
6x22.5's -> 6x22.5's [+5kg]
6x22.5's -> 6x22.5's [+1 rep]
10x22.5's [+1 rep] - Shoulder Press only
6x25's [+6 reps] - Shoulder Press only
EZ Upright Row [60 sec] - Slightly closer than shoulder width grip, elbows low with pause at top for 1 count
13x40 [+10kg]
10x50 [+10kg]
8(+4)x50 [+10kg]
Decline Close-Grip Bench Press [90 sec] - Good
10x90 [+1 rep
8(+2)(+2.5)x90 [+2 reps]
Dips [90 sec] - Good
10xbw (+17.5kg) [+1 rep]
9(+5xbw)xbw (+17.5kg) [+1 rep]
Cable Curls (Straight Bar) [90 sec] - More gains!!
11x65 [+1 rep]
7x65 [+1 rep]
Zottman Curls [75 sec] - Crazy pump to forearms on last set!
8x15's [+1 rep]
8x15's (3x12.5's) (3x10's) (3x7.5's) (2x10's) (1x12.5's) (1x15's) - OUCH!
Bent Over DB Rear Raises [60 sec] -
12x15's [*new*]
Barbell Shrugs [60 sec] -
14x95 [+2 reps][+15kg]
14x105 [+2 reps][+5kg]
12x110 [+10kg]

Good volume for this shoulder blasting routine and I'm feeling the benefits. I'll give it another week or 2 and then return volume to normal.
Monday 26th November

Very strict rest times [90 sec] is from weight hitting the floor to starting first rep of next set
(reps shown in brackets are done with a 15 sec rest/pause)

Front Squats [45 sec] - Good
3x97.5 x 10 sets [+2.5kg]
45' Leg Press [90 sec] - To keep weight down, higher reps and constant tension, no lockout.
20x230 [+10kg]
RDL [60 sec] - All I could feel was my lower back, abandoned
Leg Ext [60 sec] - Slow controlled negative, power up, squeeze, constant tension
12x75 [+5kg]
11x80 [+5kg]
Seated Leg Curl [60 sec] - Slow controlled negative, power up, squeeze, constant tension
15x55 [+3 reps][+5kg]
15x60 [+3 reps][+5kg]
15x65 [+3 reps][+5kg]
18x70 [+3 reps][+5kg]
Standing Calf Raise [60 sec] -
25x70 [+5 reps]
17x95 [+7.5kg]
RDL [60 sec] - Decided to have another go with pre-fatigued ham's, better!

Back feels better but still not 100%. Big gains on the Leg Curl as ham's weren't pre-fatigued from the RDL's
Thursday 29th November
Chest & Back

Very strict rest times [90 sec] is from weight hitting the floor to starting first rep of next set
(reps shown in brackets are done with a 15 sec rest/pause)

DB Incline Bench Press [120 sec] - ok
8x50's [+1 rep]
DB Incline Flyes [75 sec] - Explosive power up, try to drive the DB's through each other at the top. Strong.
12x17.5's [+5kg]
10x27.5's [+1 rep]
Decline Bench Press [90 sec] - ok
10x80 [+20kg]
10x85 [+1 rep][+5kg]
10x85 [+1 rep][+5kg]
6x90 [+7.5kg]
1-Arm DB Row [30 sec] - There were so poor last week I didn't bother recording lifts, so did first today
Wide-Grip Pulldowns [90 sec] - No increase but held same reps even with pre-fatigue from rows. Good form.
12x65 -
Deadlift [120 sec] - Back still not 100%, going to drop these for a while

Very tired today, didn't really feel up for it. I've cut down on the volume and I'll scrap the deadlifts until my back is fully recovered.
Good session fella, even if you were feeling tired :D
Impressive inclines as well for now, i need to do some more db bench tbh i've been neglecting my bench since focusing on strongman and thats not good for my general pressing or evening out back strength.
Nah I think I just look strong compared to the girly weights you two weaklings are lifting? ;):D

Good session fella, even if you were feeling tired :D
Impressive inclines as well for now, i need to do some more db bench tbh i've been neglecting my bench since focusing on strongman and thats not good for my general pressing or evening out back strength.
All about the balance to keep progressing and injury free. You need a big upper chest to keep those huge traps of yours in check!

You really are strong as a bison! :cool:

Love your workouts :cool:
Sunday 2nd December
Shoulders & Arms

Very strict rest times [90 sec] is from weight hitting the floor to starting first rep of next set
(reps shown in brackets are done with a 15 sec rest/pause)

Rear Pec Dec [30 sec] - Warming up the delts
30x40 -
20x55 -
15x60 -
Seated Plate Lat Raises [60 sec] - All DB's in use so used a 10kg plate in each hand instead. Interesting.
14x10's [+1 rep]
Arnold Press -> Shoulder Press [75 sec] - Straight into Shoulder Press without lowering weight. Again more controlled this week
6x22.5's -> 6x22.5's
6x22.5's -> 7x22.5's [+1 rep]
6x22.5's -> 6x22.5's [+2 reps]
8x25's [+2 reps] - Shoulder Press only
EZ Upright Row [60 sec] - Slightly closer than shoulder width grip, elbows low with pause at top for 1 count
Decline Close-Grip Bench Press [90 sec] - Good
12x90 [+2 reps
9(+2)x92.5 [+1 rep][+2.5kg]
Dips [90 sec] - Good
12xbw (+17.5kg) [+2 reps]
8(+3xbw) (+20kg) [+2.5kg]
Cable Curls (Straight Bar) [90 sec] - Good
8x65 [+1 rep]
Zottman Curls [60 sec] - Power up, slow negative
7x15's [+1 set]
7x15's (4x10's) (5x7.5's) (2x10's) (2x15's) - OUCH!
Bent Over DB Rear Raises [superset] -
12x20's [+10kg]]
Barbell Shrugs [superset] -

Considering I was suffering with a stomach bug all Friday night and Saturday. Ate sod all, then I mangaed to just eat a load of crap this morning because I was starving... not a bad effort!
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