Chong's "don't care Squat about Deadlift's" Warrior Blog

I can imagine that being rather painful on the shoulders. :D
It's not too bad now on week 4 but the first couple of weeks are murder. The raises before and low rest times have the delts full of lactic acid before you start, then it just gets worse. I had severe DOMS for a whole week after the first session :D
It's not too bad now on week 4 but the first couple of weeks are murder. The raises before and low rest times have the delts full of lactic acid before you start, then it just gets worse. I had severe DOMS for a whole week after the first session :D

lol...i think i might try that on my next 4 week block. Been doing straight OHP...good for stregth, but not the best builders probably.

Thats some ammount of exercises for an invalid :D
lol...i think i might try that on my next 4 week block. Been doing straight OHP...good for stregth, but not the best builders probably.

Thats some ammount of exercises for an invalid :D
Yeah I was doing the same but I think my side delts are now lagging behind, hence the increased work on that area.

I've always loved high volume training, I'm just built that way :) Though increasing isolation work does increase the need for more exercises... invalid or not :D
Monday 3rd December

Very strict rest times [90 sec] is from weight hitting the floor to starting first rep of next set
(reps shown in brackets are done with a 15 sec rest/pause)

Front Squats [45 sec] - Good
3x95 x 2 sets
3x100 x 8 sets [+2.5kg]
45' Leg Press [90 sec] - To keep weight down, higher reps and constant tension, no lockout.
20x240 [+10kg]
Leg Ext [60 sec] - Read the weights wrong, didn't realize I did an extra set last week, doh!!
Seated Leg Curl [60 sec] - Slow controlled negative, power up, squeeze, constant tension
15x65 [+5kg]
15x70 [+5kg]
12x75 [+5kg]
Standing Calf Raise [60 sec] -
20x70 [+15kg]
20x80 [+10kg]
20x95 [+3 reps]
RDL [60 sec] - Excellent form and feel in hammy's!
12x100 [+2 reps]
12x100 [+2 reps]
11x110 [+1 rep][+10kg]

Not as many increases as I thought, as I forgot my workout book and had to go from memory... muppet!

Almost killed myself with the Front Squats. Around set 7 with 100kg on shoulders I didn't stand far enough back from the squat rack. I use a collar on the pins and move it up and down to count the sets as it's difficult to keep count on these as the 10 sets are so quick... and tiring! I went down and near the bottom the bar caught the collar, sending me reeling backwards.... not really sure how I managed to recover it, finished the set aswell :D
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Lovely front squat volume :D

Thursday 6th December
Chest & Back

Very strict rest times [90 sec] is from weight hitting the floor to starting first rep of next set
(reps shown in brackets are done with a 15 sec rest/pause)

DB Incline Bench Press [120 sec] - Increased the angle of incline by approx 5%-10%, so slightly harder
DB Incline Flyes [75 sec] - Again slightly harder due to increased incline
12x20's [+5kg]
Decline Bench Press [90 sec] - Chest felt much more pre-fatigued from the inclines this week, first set was hard!
11x85 [+1 rep]
8(+1)x90 [+2 reps] (+1 rep)
Wide-Grip Pulldowns [90 sec] - Really want to focus on pulling with lats from elbows
10x72.5 [+7.5kg]
7x72.5 [+7 reps]
1-Arm DB Row [30 sec] - There were so poor last week I didn't bother recording lifts, so did first today
15x35 [+3 reps]
13x40 [+1 rep]
10x42.5 [+2.5kg]
Seated Cable Row [90 sec] - Close hammer grip, pull to stomach
15x52 [*new*]
Core Work [superset] - No rest all done one after the other as a warmdown
15xbw - Hyperextentions (3 sets)
15xbw - Leg Raise to low ab raise (3 sets)
20xbw - Bicycle crunch (3 sets)
I'm off to the gym for Shoulders and Arms and I swear I still have the worst DOMS in my forearms I've ever had! Something in that back workout obliterated my forearms... be interesting to see how they hold up to todays high volume workout! :D
Sunday 9th December
Shoulders & Arms

Very strict rest times [90 sec] is from weight hitting the floor to starting first rep of next set
(reps shown in brackets are done with a 15 sec rest/pause)

Rear Pec Dec [30 sec] - Warming up the delts
20x40 -
15x55 -
15x60 -
Seated Lat Raises [60 sec] - I've really clicked with the form to isolate delts properly. I don't lower all the way to keep constant tension. Ouch!
Arnold Press -> Shoulder Press [90 sec] - Had to raise rest time slightly from 75 sec, delts were on fire!
6x22.5's -> 6x22.5's
6x22.5's -> 8x22.5's [+1 rep]
6x25's -> 3x25's [+5kg]
11x25's [+3 reps] - Shoulder Press only
EZ Upright Row [75 sec] - Again had to raise rest times
9(+3)x50 (+2 reps)
Decline Close-Grip Bench Press [90 sec] - Used rest/pause to gain lost reps
40x30 - rope pushdowns warmup
11x90 [-1 rep]
7(+2+2+2)x92.5 [-2 reps] (+4 reps)
Dips [90 sec] - Lost a rep but made it back using rest/pause
10xbw (+17.5kg) [-2 reps]
7(+4xbw)(+2xbw) (+17.5kg) [-1 rep][-2.5kg](+3 reps)
Cable Curls (Straight Bar) [90 sec] - Good form and focus on biceps
9x65 [+1 rep]
Zottman Curls [60 sec] - These pump blood into the forearms like nothing else!
7x15's (2x12.5's) (3x10's) (5x7.5's) (3x10's) (1x12.5's) (1x15's)
Bent Over DB Rear Raises [superset] -
Barbell Shrugs [superset] -
12x100 [+10kg]
14x110 [+2 reps][+10kg]
14x112.5 [+2 reps][+2.5kg]

Forearms are beasted, can hardly type....

Losts of warmups with strict rest times are helping to keep the weights down. Really helping with the joints and tendons, they feel great despite the high volume :)
Monday 10th December

Very strict rest times [90 sec] is from weight hitting the floor to starting first rep of next set
(reps shown in brackets are done with a 15 sec rest/pause)

Front Squats [50 sec] - Rest was slightly longer as I wasn't getting setup as quickly as I'd like. Struggling slightly with grip today especially at 102kg
3x95 x 2 sets
3x100 x 4 sets
3x102.5 x 3 sets [+2.5kg]
3x100 x 3 sets [+2 sets]
45' Leg Press [90 sec] - I get a headache from doing these so I can't push too hard. No lockout, constant tension.
15x250 [+10kg]
12x250 [+12 reps]
Leg Ext [60 sec] -
12x60 [+5kg]
14x75 [+2 reps]
12x75 [+1 rep]
Seated Leg Curl [60 sec] - Slow controlled negative, power up, squeeze, constant tension
13x75 [+1 rep]
Standing Machine Calf Raise [superset 1] -
20x70 [+15kg]
20x87.5 [+7.5kg]
25x95 [+5 reps][+7.5kg]
25x102.5 [+5 reps][+7.5kg]
RDL [superset 1] - Excellent form and feel in hammy's!
12x110 [+10kg]
12x112.5 [+1 rep][+2.5kg]
Core Work [superset 2] - No rest all done one after the other as a warmdown
15xbw - Hyperextentions (3 sets)
15xbw - Leg Raise to low ab raise (3 sets)
20xbw - Bicycle crunch (3 sets)
I've been laid up with a viral infection for nearly a week and it was the works xmas party on Friday which was an all nighter. Got in about 7am from that one and didn't have any voice left at all, killer sore throat! Still not fully over it but enough to hit the gym and try to cover lost ground from missing Wednesdays Chest & Back session.

Sunday 16th December
Chest, Shoulders & Triceps

Very strict rest times [90 sec] is from weight hitting the floor to starting first rep of next set
(reps shown in brackets are done with a 15 sec rest/pause)

DB Incline Bench Press [120 sec] - Happy to hold, as the first set of 45's felt very heavy and for a moment thought I might not get the 50's up!
DB Incline Flyes [75 sec] - Again slightly harder due to increased incline
11x27.5's [+1 rep]
11x27.5's [+1 rep]
Decline CGBP [90 sec] - Ditched Bench Press to keep the volume down
8(+2)x90 (+1 rep)
Dips [90 sec] - Tough. Much more pre-fatigue today from the chest work
8xbw (+17.5kg)
7(+4xbw) (+17.5kg)
Seated DB Press [90 sec] - Again a huge amount of pre-fatigue on shoulders compared to usual when I do these first
6x25's (3x22.5's)
Upright EZ-Bar Row [90 sec] - Good form
Lat Raises [60 sec] -
One-Arm Cable Pressdown [30 sec] -

Not a bad effort. Tomorrow I'll do Legs / Back / Biceps
Monday 17th December
Back & Biceps

Very strict rest times [90 sec] is from weight hitting the floor to starting first rep of next set
(reps shown in brackets are done with a 15 sec rest/pause)

Chins [90 sec] - Haven't done these for a while. Very strict and controlled, good pull from elbows to lats
6xbw [*new*]
BOR's [90 sec] - So long since I last did one of my fav exercises! Excellent feel in lats, constant tension
12x60 [*new*]
Wide-Grip Pulldowns [90 sec] - Again good focus on the working muscle and keeping constant tension
8x72 (4x57) [+7.5kg]
Cable Curl [90 sec] - Good effort with much more pre-fatigue than I'm used to for these. Chins really do hammer the bi's
12x50 [*new*]
1-Arm DB Row [30 sec] - Struggled to engage lats, was tired now
BB Shrugs [60 sec] - Pause at top of each rep, lower and power up, constant tension
Static Holds [60 sec] - Forearms were already fried, just having a go. Didn't learn much as I was sweating so much it was just turning the liquid chalk to mush
30 sec x100
15 sec x120
15 sec x110
Tuesday 18th December

Very strict rest times [90 sec] is from weight hitting the floor to starting first rep of next set
(reps shown in brackets are done with a 15 sec rest/pause)

Seated Leg Curl [60 sec] - Slow controlled negative, power up, squeeze, constant tension
20x50 [+8 reps]
18x65 [+3 reps]
16x75 [+1 rep][+5kg]
14x75 [+1 rep]
Leg Ext [60 sec] -Pause and squeeze quads at top of every rep, lower and power up, constant tension, pain.
15x75 [+10kg]
12x80 [+5kg]
12x87.5 [+12.5kg]
Front Squats [45 sec] - Had to lower the weight slightly from last week as my legs were really pumped. Excellent form throughout the 10 sets
3x90 x 3 sets
3x95 x 7 sets
45' Leg Press [90 sec] - Really focussed on driving through my heels, no lockout, constant tension, much better focus on the quads
8x260 [+10kg]
Standing Machine Calf Raise [60 sec] -
20x95 [+7.5kg]
25x102.5 [+7.5kg]
25x110 [+7.5kg]
RDL [60 sec] - Couldn't get into these. My back was fatigued from yesterday, legs were fried, core was tired.
Core Work [n/a] - No energy left

I want to keep as pain and injury free as possible and keeping the weights low will help. The pre-fatigue of intense warmups with isolation worked well, along with keeping constant tension in the working muscles at all times. It's painful but my legs are beasted!
Friday 21st December
Chest & Back

Very strict rest times [90 sec] is from weight hitting the floor to starting first rep of next set
(reps shown in brackets are done with a 15 sec rest/pause)

Incline Bench Press [100 sec] - Changed to BB which is a fixed angle approx 40 degree's. Pause at chest to remove elastic energy and recruit more muscle fibre. Hard!
7x80 [*new*]
7x80 (6x60)
Chins [90 sec] - Full stretch, power up. Really trying to engage lats and pull from elbows.
DB Bench Press [90 sec] - Haven't done these for years! Surpringly tough, how many people are stronger on incline than flat???
8x40's [*new*]
BB Row [90 sec] - Deadlift style. Weight returned to floor every rep and lifted as dead weight. Back perfectly parallel to floor, bar to chest.
12x60 [*new*]
DB Incline Flyes [75 sec] - I've got strong at these focussing on constant tension in pecs to pull the weight up and take stress off shoulders.
7x30's's [+5kg]
8x30's [+5kg] - I think this is a PB!
1-Arm DB Row [30 sec] - Back to basics. Lowered the weight 25% No belt, no straps, back parallel to floor, constant tension in lats
Wide-Grip Pulldowns [superset] - Just done as a warmdown, get some blood in there
Cable Crossover [superset] - All 4 sets done as superset, constant tension, good warmdown
Core Work [superset] - No rest all done one after the other as a warmdown
15xbw - Hyperextentions (3 sets)
15xbw - Leg Raise to low ab raise (3 sets)
20xbw - Bicycle crunch (2 sets)

Had a change up of the routine. Again I'm trying to focus on using the muscles to pull the weights rather than just lifting them. Constant tension as much as I can and I'm being really strict with form.

Ego left at the door in regards to weights used. BOR's are a good example, I used to row 100kg for 20 reps, now I'm using 60kg with much more strict form without belts and straps. I'm also focussing on removing elastic energy and lifting more dead weight to engage more muscle activity with less weight.
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Good work on being strict with the BORs, not something you see often. Too much body English involved by most lifters.
Had a change up of the routine. Again I'm trying to focus on using the muscles to pull the weights rather than just lifting them. Constant tension as much as I can and I'm being really strict with form.

Ego left at the door in regards to weights used. BOR's are a good example, I used to row 100kg for 20 reps, now I'm using 60kg with much more strict form without belts and straps. I'm also focussing on removing elastic energy and lifting more dead weight to engage more muscle activity with less weight.

not debating...just want your thoughts on this. Do you really think what you say above works. Bar rows are a great example, one that you want to put a load of weight on and blast yourself, sometimes at loss of form.
Just something I have always strugled with is keeping the weights low and stressing muscle as much with the low weight and higher reps.
I havent trained in a BB gym for years, so dont really sees others training much. But not very often you see big guys with a lot of power traing with small weights. Being in an similar boat to you regarding past injuries etc. but could be a good way to train occasionally if the low weight thing actually works when you feel a bit your body has been a bit overstressed.
Its a 'head' thing also:D
In regards to both posts I think there's room for all different kinds of training, trick is using all them optimally. I've made great gains going very heavy and I've made great gains with less "body English" as Lie puts it :D

What I do think's true is once you start hitting a certain load you change the way you perform a rep slightly. Be it utilizing elastic energy, less time under tension, less ROM, more rest, whatever. If you keep training heavy all the time there's going to be a trade off somewhere? Can you really hit a muscle as hard with 60kg as you can with 100kg? Without going off on one, I think there are worthwhile advantages to both and they can compliment each other.

I think HST is a good example of how your muscles adapt to a certain way of training and why it produces such good results. Everyone who's tried HST knows how shocking the 15's are in weeks 1&2 :D Are you going to get massive doing them all the time, of course not but they serve their purpose in supporting the other rep ranges?
good thought mate!

Ye...ive done lots of HST...and pretty much got my best gains in size and strength from thats pretty much explains it all!

Actually..a couple of years back I started HST after following yor log on MP :) I think i leaned a lot form you! I think you are a bit of a guru :D Really want to do again...just waiting for the right time..and its near I think.

Yeah same here mate, I definitely want to run 1 or 2 HST cycles very soon..... I think it's the thought of Squats for 15 reps that keeps putting me off LOL! :D :D

Did you ever go on the official HST forums? They were really good for new idea's and making the routine more advanced :)
Thursday 27th December
Shoulders & Arms

Very strict rest times [90 sec] is from weight hitting the floor to starting first rep of next set
(reps shown in brackets are done with a 15 sec rest/pause)

Seated Lat Raises [45 sec] - All concentration on isolating the delts, don't lower all the way keeping constant tension. Ouch!
Shoulder Press [90 sec] - Lower to kiss delt with DB and press up, no lockout, constant tension in delts
12x25's [+1 rep]
8x27.5's (4x20's)
EZ Upright Row [90 sec] - Struggling with sore right elbow/forearm. Making it quite difficult to concentrate on the working muscles
10x55 [+1 rep][+5kg]
8x55 [+5kg]
Arms Blaster Warmups - All done concurrent without rest to keep time down. Blood in the triceps and elbows greased!
15x15, 15x30 - Reverse Grip Tricep Pushown
15x15, 15x30 - Normal Grip Tricep Pushdown
15x15, 15x30 - Overhead Cable Extention
15x15, 15x30 - Cable Curls

California Press [90 sec] - First time I've ever done these and I think they have a bright future in my workouts!! Humbled at the weight compared to CGBP!!
6x40 - could feel elbows twinge, slung ego out the door
15x30 - better
8x70 - CGBP
Wide-Grip Cable Curls [90 sec] - Grip wider than shoulder width using straight bar to target the inner bicep heads
12x45 [*new*]
7x50 (1x40, 2x35)
Dips [90 sec] - Elbows tight by side, upright torso with knee's in front. Lowered until bicep kisses forearm. Triceps seriously fatigued from California Press!!!
6xbw (+1, +1, +1, +1)
Hammer Curl (tricep bar) [60 sec] - Close hammer grip to target the outer bicep head
12x30 [*new*]
Arms Blaster Warmdowns - All done concurrent without rest to keep time down. Blood in the triceps and elbows greased!
15x35 - Reverse Grip Tricep Pushown
15x35 - Normal Grip Tricep Pushdown
15x35 - Overhead Cable Extention
15x15, 15x20 - Preacher Curls EZ-Bar
- Squeeze biceps top of every rep
Rear Pec Dec [30 sec] -
15x50 -
12x60 -
10x65 -

First time I've been able to do this split for nearly 3 weeks. Changed a few things and had a go at some new exercises. I've been suffering with a cold and also what feels like the beginnings of bicep tendonitis in my right arm. Elbows feel a little flaky aswell so I spent a lot of time on warmups and keeping the weights down.

Will be changing routine next week to either HST or Chad Waterburys 10x3, haven't decided yet but I want to shed 10lb-14lb of fat in next few months.
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