Chong's "don't care Squat about Deadlift's" Warrior Blog

Ah 15 rep phase of HST, how I hate/love you.

I was wondering why the weights seemed light for you, missed your little injury. Doing the right kind of exercise post tear is vital for healing, which is something that I learned far too slowly!

I've actually used HST as a rehab routine before, it worked quite well.
Yeah I'm guilty of being a bit slow to learn for myself lol!

Interesting to hear you've tried something similar, I think the choice of weights will make or break this. I'm very surprised how well the injury held up with the 2 back exercises. I purposely tried the different grips and didn't feel any pain :)
How many sets do you do? Or is that WYSIWYG?
Yeah that's what I did. Only thing I didn't log in any details was the quick circuit type warmup but they were very light weights.
Hypertrophy Specific Training
Workout 2 of 6 - 15 reps
- Day 3

Warmup - 15 reps of each.
Rear Delt Raise - Leg Curl - Calf Raise - Lat Raise - Squats - Press-Ups

Pulldowns [60 sec] = Lean back and pull to sternum for full lat contraction and squeeze. Injury still holding up well.
15x40 - Wide-grip pronated [+5kg]
15x47.5 - Close-Grip supinated [+7.5kg]
Incline DB Press [60 sec] = Tried to make as difficult as possible, slow negatives, pause, power up, touch and squeeze pecs at the top.
15x27.5's - [+5kg]
15x27.5's - [+5kg]
Squats [90 sec] = Not as easy as you'd think!
15x55 - Front Squat [+5kg]
15x75 - Back Squat [+5kg]
BB Bent Over Row [60 sec] = Pause at top of every rep, squeeze lats.
15x45 - Wide-grip pronated [+5kg]
15x45 - Close-Grip supinated [+5kg]
Military Press [60 sec] = No lockout, no pause, constant tension in delts
15x35 - [+5kg]
15x35 - [+5kg]
Gironda Dips = Rather than risk failure I did a quick 15 sec rest/pause
13(+2)xbw - [+1 rep]
EZ-Bar Incline French Press [superset] = Upper arms just slightly past vertical for an extra stretch in the long head. Good
15x25 - [+5kg]
15x25 - [+5kg]
EZ-Bar Curl [superset] = Fast, explosive curls, squeeze and lower slowly, no lockout for constant tension
15x25 - [+5kg]
15x30 - [+5kg]
15x70 - [+10kg]
16 minutes @ level 9

Total Workout Time = 60 mins

Good workout, had my heart rate elevated for over 20 minutes, I hardly had to do anything on the X-Trainer, infact the hardest thing was keeping my heart rate under 160bpm!
Woo back to HST :D
Have fun :P
I'm very glad I decided to go with this, forgot how fun the 15's are :)
Hypertrophy Specific Training
Workout 3 of 6 - 15 reps
- Day 5

Warmup - 15 reps of each.
Lunges - Squats - Press-Ups

Squats [90 sec] = Very easy, didn't even feel like a warmup
15x60 - Front Squat [+5kg]
15x80 - Back Squat [+5kg]
Pulldowns [60 sec] = Lean back and pull to sternum for full lat contraction and squeeze. Injury still holding up well.
15x47.5 - Wide-grip pronated [+7.5kg]
15x55 - Close-Grip supinated [+7.5kg]
Incline DB Press [90 sec] = Lengthen rest time as these are getting more difficult after 12 reps
15x30's - [+5kg]
15x30's - [+5kg]
Gironda Dips = Easy
15xbw - [+2 reps]
Military Press [60 sec] = Lactic acid got my delts on that 2nd set, just a quick 10 sec prest/pause
15x40 - [+5kg]
12(+3)x40 - [+5kg]
BB Bent Over Row [60 sec] = Pause at top of every rep, squeeze lats.
15x50 - Wide-grip pronated [+5kg]
15x50 - Close-Grip supinated [+5kg]
15x70 - [+5kg]
EZ-Bar Incline French Press [superset] = Forgot my sheet and did weights wrong, thought I only raised 2.5kg last time!
15x25 -
15x27.5 - [+2.5kg]
EZ-Bar Curl [superset] = Fast, explosive curls, squeeze and lower slowly, no lockout for constant tension
15x30 - [+5kg]
15x35 - [+5kg]
16 minutes

Total Workout Time = 60 mins

Good workout, got a couple of weights slightly wrong as I was going from memory for last workout
Hypertrophy Specific Training
Workout 4 of 6 - 15 reps
- Day 7

Warmup - 15 reps of each.
Lunges - Squats - Press-Ups

Squats [90 sec] = Still a bit too easy, think I under-cooked this one but need to be careful with my back
15x65 - Front Squat [+5kg]
15x85 - Back Squat [+5kg]
Incline DB Press [90 sec] = Good focus on pecs
15x32.5's - [+5kg]
15x32.5's - [+5kg]
Gironda Dips = Didn't give myself enough rest after the inclines, needed a 10 sec rest/pause to avoid risking failure
13(+2)xbw (+2.5kg) - [+2.5kg]
Military Press [60 sec] = Lactic acid got my delts on that 2nd set, just a quick 10 sec prest/pause
15x42.5 - [+2.5kg]
12(+3)x42.5 - [+2.5kg]
Pulldowns [60 sec] = Lean back and pull to sternum for full lat contraction and squeeze. Injury still holding up well.
15x55 - Wide-grip pronated [+7.5kg]
15x62.5 - Close-Grip supinated [+7.5kg]
BB Bent Over Row [60 sec] = Pause at top of every rep, squeeze lats.
15x55 - Wide-grip pronated [+5kg]
15x55 - Close-Grip supinated [+5kg]
15x75 - [+5kg]
EZ-Bar Incline French Press [60 sec] = Forgot my sheet and did weights wrong, thought I only raised 2.5kg last time!
15x30 - [+5kg]
15x30 - [+2.5kg]
EZ-Bar Curl = Dropped to single set, don't need the volume now
15x37.5 - [+2.5kg]
16 minutes

Total Workout Time = 60 mins

Good workout. Can start dropping a few exercises to single sets now. Curls done today, next time I think Military, French Press and possibly Rows down to 1 set.
Hypertrophy Specific Training
Workout 5 of 6 - 15 reps
- Day 9

Warmup - 15 reps of each.
Squats - Press-Ups

Squats [90 sec] = A bit tougher today
15x70 - Front Squat [+5kg]
15x90 - Back Squat [+5kg]
Incline DB Press [90 sec] = 10 sec rest/pause for final reps
15x35's - [+5kg]
13(+2)x35's - [+5kg]
Pulldowns [90 sec] = Lean back and pull to sternum for full lat contraction and squeeze. Injury still holding up well.
15x65 - Wide-grip pronated [+7.5kg]
15x72.5 - Close-Grip supinated [+7.5kg]
Gironda Dips = Straight 15 reps today with more weight! Felt easy
15xbw (+5kg) - [+2 reps][+2.5kg]
Military Press [60 sec] = Lactic acid got my delts on that 2nd set, just a quick 10 sec rest/pause. Last few reps were mini push press.
15x45 - [+2.5kg]
12(+3)x45 - [+2.5kg]
BB Bent Over Row [60 sec] = Pause at top of every rep, squeeze lats.
15x60 - Wide-grip pronated [+5kg]
15x60 - Close-Grip supinated [+5kg]
15x80 - [+5kg]
EZ-Bar Incline French Press [60 sec] = Good focus on triceps
15x32.5 - [+2.5kg]
15x32.5 - [+2.5kg]
EZ-Bar Curl = Good
15x40 - [+2.5kg]
16 minutes

Total Workout Time = 60 mins

Gutsy workout. I had a horrendous headache right at the back of my skull after the squats. My eyesight went for a few seconds, thought I was going to throw up for a sec. Had to rest for about 5 mins but the headache was there, I could feel every heartbeat in my skull! The Pulldowns were particularly painful and I almost called it a night but just kept taking 1 set at a time. Started to ease off after the Military Press so I stuck with it.... I aint got time for no pain interupting my HST :/

Not sure what caused but I had an 8g serving of OAKG pre-workout which is the only new addition to my routine. I'll cut it back to 5g from now on!
Hypertrophy Specific Training
Workout 6 of 6 - 15 reps
- Day 12

Incline DB Press [90 sec] = 10 sec rest/pause for final reps
15x37.5's - [+5kg]
13(+2)x37.5's - [+5kg]
Squats [150 sec] = A bit tougher today
15x75 - Front Squat [+5kg]
15x95 - Back Squat [+5kg]
Pulldowns [90 sec] = To be honest the wide-grip was pants, the 7.5kg jumps are too big and it was too heavy to perform the reps as controlled as I like
12x72.5 - Wide-grip pronated [+7.5kg]
15x80 - Close-Grip supinated [+7.5kg]
Military Press [90 sec] = First set very easy, didn't rest long enough and lactic acid got me 2nd set
15x47.5 - [+2.5kg]
10(+5)x47.5 - [+2.5kg]
BB Bent Over Row [90 sec] = Just getting a bit too heavy to perform as strict as I'd like for 15 reps
15x65 - Wide-grip pronated [+5kg]
13x65 - Close-Grip supinated [+5kg]
RDL - Just made 15th rep as grip was failing
15x85 - [+5kg]
EZ-Bar Incline French Press [60 sec] = Messed this up. Did first set then remembered I'd forgot the Gironda Dips, so did them and came back to these. Resulting in fried triceps!
15x35 - [+2.5kg]
10(+3)x35 - [+2.5kg]
Gironda Dips = I would have hit 15 reps if I had done these earlier
13xbw (+7.5kg) - [+2.5kg]
EZ-Bar Curl = Tough!
14(+2)x42.5 - [+2.5kg]

Total Workout Time = 60 mins

Slightly rushed workout as I wanted to get back for the Spurs v Inter game. Forgot to do the Gironda's until halfway through tricep press, not good! Rest times were a little short on some also but decent workout. Back work wasn't as good as I'd like, needed to push quite hard and was worried about aggravating the injury.
Good work keeping it all to an hour though. A nice round time to get a shed load of work in! :D
Hypertrophy Specific Training
Workout 1 of 6 - 10 reps
- Day 15

Squats [120 sec] = Easy
10x80 - Front Squat [+5kg]
10x100 - Back Squat [+5kg]
Incline DB Press [90 sec] = Nice and slow controlled negs, pinch and squeeze pec's at top
10x37.5's -
10x40's - [+5kg]
Gironda Dips = Tough!
10xbw (+10kg) - [+2.5kg]
Pulldowns [90 sec] = Kept the weight at the same as last workout to try and focus on more controlled form, much better today. Probably ditch these for pull-ups next time
10x72.5 - Wide-grip pronated
Hammer Chins [90 sec] = Full stretch and power up, chest to bar
10xbw - [*new*]
Military Press [90 sec] = Easy
10x50 - [+2.5kg]
10x50 - [+2.5kg]
BB Bent Over Row [90 sec] = Good
10x70 - Wide-grip pronated [+5kg]
10x70 - Close-Grip supinated [+5kg]
RDL - ok
15x90 - [+5kg]
EZ-Bar Incline French Press [60 sec] = Good
10x37.5 - [+2.5kg]
10x37.5 - [+2.5kg]
EZ-Bar Curl = Tough!
10x45 - [+2.5kg]

Total Workout Time = 50 mins

Supposed to train yesterday but spent most of the day in bed. Weird pains in my stomach and my back was just aching like mad from my neck to my backside. Felt very lethargic, if I didn't know better I'd say it was a light dose of food poisoning. Didn't sleep well at all last night due to sleeping all afernoon either but decided to train anyway, feel better now :)
Good work keeping it all to an hour though. A nice round time to get a shed load of work in! :D
Yeah had the heart-rate thumping! I hate rushing, that's when I usually pick up a niggly injury.
Hypertrophy Specific Training
Workout 2 of 6 - 10 reps
- Day 17

Incline DB Press [90 sec] = 40's were being used so had to make bigger jump
10x42.5's - [+10kg]
10x42.5's - [+5kg]
Squats [120 sec] = Fronts getting a bit tougher now
10x85 - Front Squat [+5kg]
10x105 - Back Squat [+5kg]
Gironda Dips = Tough!
10xbw (+10kg) - [+2.5kg]
Pulldowns [90 sec] = Again kept the weight at the same as last workout to try and focus on more controlled form, perfect today!
10x72.5 - Wide-grip pronated
Hammer Chins [90 sec] = Full stretch and power up, chest to bar
10xbw (+2.5kg) - [+2.5kg]
Military Press [90 sec] = Easy
10x52.5 - [+2.5kg]
10x52.5 - [+2.5kg]
BB Bent Over Row [90 sec] = Good
10x75 - Wide-grip pronated [+5kg]
10x75 - Close-Grip supinated [+5kg]
RDL - ok
15x95 - [+5kg]
EZ-Bar Incline French Press [60 sec] = Did first set with wrong weight, doh!
10x37.5 -
10x40 - [+2.5kg]
EZ-Bar Curl = Again read the sheet wrong and used weight from last workout, idiot!
10x45 -

Total Workout Time = 55 mins

Been low-carbing and had surprising energy levels, wasn't looking forward to this workout. Shame I cocked the weights up a few times, I seem to make lots of silly mistakes when low-carbing.

11/03/13 - yesterday
1800 kcals
220g Protein
12g Carbs
100g Fat

12/03/13 - today
2400 kcals
265g Protein
28g Carbs
140g Fat

Very little protein powder used, almost all calories are from steak, liver, lamb, mackerel, eggs, cheese, cream and coconut oil. Just a single 40g protein shake each day to boost intake. Looking quite lean now and around the 15st 4lb mark.
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Hypertrophy Specific Training
Workout 3 of 6 - 10 reps
- Day 19

Squats [120 sec] = Fronts getting tough after about 8 reps
10x90 - Front Squat [+5kg]
10x110 - Back Squat [+5kg]
Incline DB Press [90 sec] = Easy, OAKG POWAH!
10x45's - [+5kg]
10x45's - [+5kg]
Pulldowns [90 sec] = Didn't really get the lats engaging as much as I'd like, crappy
10x80 - Wide-grip pronated [+7.5kg]
Hammer Chins [90 sec] = Full stretch and power up, chest to bar
10xbw (+5kg) - [+2.5kg]
Gironda Dips = Easy, more OAKG POWAH!
10xbw (+15kg) - [+5kg]
Military Press [90 sec] = First set easy, 2nd set not easy at all
10x55 - [+2.5kg]
9(+1)x55 - [+2.5kg]
BB Bent Over Row [90 sec] = Good
10x80 - Wide-grip pronated [+5kg]
10x80 - Close-Grip supinated [+5kg]
RDL - Easy
10x100 - [+5kg]
EZ-Bar Incline French Press [60 sec] = Elbows positioned further behind head than vertical to get a good stretch and constant tension in muscle
10x42.5 - [+5kg]
10x42.5 - [+2.5kg]
EZ-Bar Curl = Good
10x47.5 - [+2.5kg]

Total Workout Time = 60 mins

4 days with very low carb, under 15g yesterday and around 20g today but still feeling full of energy despite low calories aswell. I'm glad I bought the OAKG as this is kicking in now and making some of the pressing movements easier, as last time I tried it, it doesn't seem to help with pulling movements weirdly. It only seems to boost strength in chest and shoulders.

13/03/13 - yesterday
3150 kcals
330g Protein
14g Carbs
190g Fat

14/03/13 - today
2700 kcals
310g Protein
20g Carbs
150g Fat

I've decided to boost calorie intake to minimise muscle loss during this low-carb phase and try to keep energy levels up. As before very little protein powder used, almost all calories are from steak, liver, lamb, mackerel, eggs, cheese, cream and coconut oil. Just a single 40g protein shake each day to boost intake, also using:

20g OAKG
20g Glutamine
20g BCAA - 4:1:1 ratio (training days only)
Mmmm love the sound of your foods! :D
The organic steak with NZ lambs liver fried in fresh chilli and garlic is unbelievable, it's more anabolic than UE's blood :D
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Hypertrophy Specific Training
Workout 4 of 6 - 10 reps
- Day 22

Squats [120 sec] = Fronts getting tougher
10x95 - Front Squat [+5kg]
10x115 - Back Squat [+5kg]
Incline DB Press [90 sec] = Despite the ugliest set-up ever, still repped 10 out, then an even worse setup cost me 2nd set.
10x47.5's - [+5kg]
8x47.5's - [+5kg]
Hammer Chins [90 sec] = Hard!
10xbw (+7.5kg) - [+2.5kg]
10x80 - Wide-grip pulldowns
Gironda Dips = Easy, more OAKG POWAH!
10xbw (+20kg) - [+5kg]
Military Press [90 sec] = OAKG kicking in again, this was easier than last week
10x57.5 - [+2.5kg]
10x57.5 - [+2.5kg]
BB Bent Over Row [90 sec] = Very hard
10x85 - Wide-grip pronated [+5kg]
9x85 - Close-Grip supinated [+5kg]
RDL - Grip was struggling here
10x100 - [+5kg]
EZ-Bar Incline French Press [60 sec] = Getting heavy. Really trying to focus all stress onto tri's and away from elbows
10x45 - [+5kg]
8(+1)x45 - [+2.5kg]
EZ-Bar Curl = Struggling with grip, biceps not really stressed.
9(+1)x50 - [+2.5kg]
Renegade Rows [60 sec] = Warmdown
20x10's -

Total Workout Time = 65 mins

7 days with very low carb now and I'm starting to struggle with pulling movements, push aren't a problem. Can't wait to demolish some CARBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

15/03/13 - Friday (no protein shakes)
2400 kcals
300g Protein
9g Carbs
120g Fat

16/03/13 - yesterday (no protein shakes)
2600 kcals
290g Protein
10g Carbs
130g Fat

16/03/13 - today (so far...)
1500 kcals
225g Protein
12g Carbs
65g Fat
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Hypertrophy Specific Training
Workout 5 of 6 - 10 reps
- Day 24

Squats [120 sec] = Had to reset grip of Fronts. Very tough on shoulders to go over 6 reps with weight
8(+2)x100 - Front Squat [+5kg]
10x120 - Back Squat [+5kg]
Incline DB Press [90 sec] = Ok
10x47.5's -
9x47.5's - [+1 rep]
Hammer Chins [90 sec] = Hard!
10xbw (+10kg) - [+2.5kg]
10x80 - Wide-grip pulldowns
Gironda Dips = DB slipped from my legs due to sweating, 60lb DB dropping on your ankle hurts!
8(+2)xbw (+25kg) - [+5kg]
RDL - Grip was struggling here
10x110 - [+5kg]
Military Press [90 sec] = Decided to rest/pause rather than risk failure
9(+1)x60 - [+2.5kg]
6(+3)x60 - [+2.5kg]
BB Bent Over Row [90 sec] = Rubbish. Injury flared up in my shoulder
6x85 - Wide-grip pronated
10x85 - Close-Grip supinated [+1 rep]
EZ-Bar Incline French Press [60 sec] = Injury was hurting now
8x45 -
8(+1)x45 -
EZ-Bar Curl = Lost interest, in pain!

Total Workout Time = 65 mins

Injury flared up again :(

Went to chiropractors and had my back cracked after this. Woke up next morning with the flu and spent the next 72 hours in bed. Took me a week to shake it off.
Hypertrophy Specific Training
Workout 1 of 6 - 15 reps
- Day 1

Squats [60 sec] = Good
15x55 - Front Squat [+5kg]
15x75 - Back Squat [+5kg]
Incline DB Press [60 sec] = Tried to make as difficult as possible, slow negatives, pause, power up, touch and squeeze pecs at the top.
15x27.5's - [+5kg]
15x27.5's - [+5kg]
Pulldowns [60 sec] = Lean back and pull to sternum for full lat contraction and squeeze. Injury still holding up well.
15x45 - Wide-grip pronated [+5kg]
15x50 - Close-Grip supinated [+5kg]
BB Bent Over Row [-- sec] = Pause at top of every rep, squeeze lats.
15x45 - Close-Grip supinated [+5kg]
15x70 - [+10kg]
Military Press [60 sec] = No lockout, no pause, constant tension in delts
15x37.5 - [+7.5kg]
15x37.5 - [+7.5kg]
Gironda Dips = Easy
15xbw - [+2 reps]
EZ-Bar Incline French Press [superset] = Upper arms just slightly past vertical for an extra stretch in the long head. Good
15x25 - [+5kg]
15x25 - [+5kg]
EZ-Bar Curl [superset] = Fast, explosive curls, squeeze and lower slowly, no lockout for constant tension
15x25 - [+5kg]
15x30 - [+5kg]

Total Workout Time = 50 mins

As it's been over a week since that last session of 10's and how ill I've been with hardly any food, I decided to start over again rather than try to continue. The 15's should give a nice easy break in without stressing my immune system too much. Still not fully recovered yet but I feel like I've lost all the progress I made.... bloody annoying! :rolleyes:
i know how it feels back problem went again about 2 weeks ago..after it being good for over a year, been to see a chiro a couple of times aswell. Tendonitis in my arm still lingering...but we batter on :D I think its definetly an age thing...i never had probems years ago :( my wife thinks im MAD

Its a shame. was wanting to see what kind of weight you got to with this. Good call starting again though, slow and steady and you might make it to the 5's :)
Good luck.
i know how it feels back problem went again about 2 weeks ago..after it being good for over a year, been to see a chiro a couple of times aswell. Tendonitis in my arm still lingering...but we batter on :D I think its definetly an age thing...i never had probems years ago :(
It's so hard to conquer as the nagging doubt is always there knocking confidence. Then the second I seem to relax and BANG! :( Old Gititis I think it's called...

my wife thinks im MAD
That made me LOL, my missus thinks I'm a certified nutcase haha :D
Its a shame. was wanting to see what kind of weight you got to with this. Good call starting again though, slow and steady and you might make it to the 5's :)
Good luck.
That's my new goal..... just see if I drag my knackered old carcass into the 5's without killing myself, don't care what I lift :)

By starting again at least I have more of an idea what weights to use instead of just guessing like I was before. Those in green are the differences from Workout 1 of the last cycle.
Hypertrophy Specific Training
Workout 2 of 6 - 15 reps
- Day 3

Squats [60 sec] = Good
15x60 - Front Squat [+5kg]
15x80 - Back Squat [+5kg]
Incline DB Press [90 sec] = Good
15x30's - [+5kg]
15x30's - [+5kg]
Gironda Dips = Good
15xbw (2.5kg) - [+2.5kg]
Pulldowns [60 sec] = Lean back and pull to sternum for full lat contraction and squeeze. Injury still holding up well.
15x50 - Wide-grip pronated [+7.5kg]
15x57.5 - Close-Grip supinated [+7.5kg]
BB Bent Over Row [-- sec] = Pause at top of every rep, squeeze lats.
15x50 - Close-Grip supinated [+5kg]
15x75 - [+5kg]
Military Press [90 sec] = No lockout, no pause, constant tension in delts
15x40 - [+7.5kg]
15x40 - [+7.5kg]
EZ-Bar Incline French Press [60 sec] = Upper arms just slightly past vertical for an extra stretch in the long head. Good
15x27.5 - [+2.5kg]
15x27.5 - [+2.5kg]
EZ-Bar Curl [60 sec] = Fast, explosive curls, squeeze and lower slowly, no lockout for constant tension
15x32.5 - [+7.5kg]
15x32.5 - [+2.5kg]

Total Workout Time = 50 mins
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