Chong's "don't care Squat about Deadlift's" Warrior Blog

Still looking good! sorry to hear about that forearm issue..strange, 1st time in my life I seem to have issue in forearm also. Pretty sure it result/associated with elbow tendonitis I had pretty badly last year. Anyway..hopefully yours clears up soon. Pics when the lbs are lost?
Still looking good! sorry to hear about that forearm issue..strange, 1st time in my life I seem to have issue in forearm also. Pretty sure it result/associated with elbow tendonitis I had pretty badly last year. Anyway..hopefully yours clears up soon. Pics when the lbs are lost?
I've always struggled with tendonitis and elbow problems. It's twice led to very lengthy lay-offs :(

I very rarely do pics because I cba with the effort of taking them, transferring, uploading, hosting, etc but I will be making an effort to get some up this time :)
I decided to abandon the cut and adopt a 5 day a week routine (which I have never done before) but after the session I changed my mind lol! The cut is going well so I'm going to stick at it. It's also keeping my drinking in check as I've not touched a drop since NYE... and I'm a BIG red wine drinker so that's a big positive for me.

Wednesday 23rd Jan

Very strict rest times [90 sec] is from weight hitting the floor to starting first rep of next set
(reps shown in brackets are done with a 15 sec rest/pause)

Standing DB Press [60 sec] - 60 sec rest is brutal
Seated Lat Raises [60 sec] - All concentration on isolating the delts, don't lower all the way keeping constant tension.
Cable Front Raises [60 sec] - Never done these before
12x10 - 5 sets
Rear DB Raises [60 sec] -
12x20's - 5 sets
DB Shrugs [60 sec] -

Didn't really enjoy this workout or the exercise choices.
Back on track! :)

Friday 24th Jan
Chest & Back

Very strict rest times [90 sec] is from weight hitting the floor to starting first rep of next set
(reps shown in brackets are done with a 15 sec rest/pause)

Deadlifts [120 sec] - Increased rest from 90 sec, easy.
5x135 [+5kg]
5x140 [+10kg]
5x140 [+10kg]
2x145 - Just having a feel of next weeks weight
Incline DB Press [100 sec] - Both setups on the 50's were stinkers!! Really hurt my forearm on 2nd set. 3rd was so poor and 1st rep was a grinder!
6x50's [+5kg]
5x50's [+5kg]
DB Incline Flyes [60 sec] - Easy, great focus on upper chest I was beasting them up and really powering the DB's together at the top
12x25's [+1 rep]
12x27.5's [+3 reps][+5kg]
Pull Up's [90 sec] - Abandoned, serious pain inside right elbow/tendon
8xbw - Wide-Grip
8xbw - Wide-Grip
Hammer Machine Pulldowns [90 sec] - New to these but they felt great! Love the double jointed grips which allows a natural plane of movement
12x80 [*new*]
Decline Bench Press [superset] - Changing from Flat, I just REALLY hate Flat BB Bench Press what can I say?
10x80 [*new*]
Hammer Chest on pad Row [superset] - Good focus on lats
12x47.5 [+2 reps]
No time for cardio today

Right arm is in trouble so I need to scrap all exercises that aggravate it, no matter how great it is. Sp Pull-Ups, Chins, BOR's, DB Rows, Cable Pulldowns are all out :( Not sure why but the double-jointed hammer strength machine's at this gym don't hurt my arm at all.... so at least I can still train my back. Doubt I'll be able to do any curling for a while.
So they cut the blood supply off, heavily support the joint and move it through full ROM, then flood it with blood? That's voodoo! :eek:

For sure vino is anabolic, I've performed all my PB's hungover from excess red wine the night before :D
So they cut the blood supply off, heavily support the joint and move it through full ROM, then flood it with blood? That's voodoo! :eek:

It's far less scary in practice. I've done it and had it done many times, and the most important aspect is that it absolutely smashes any tight tissues that restrict the movement. Coincidentally, two guys I train with had elbow pain yesterday and this got rid of it.

It's far less scary in practice. I've done it and had it done many times, and the most important aspect is that it absolutely smashes any tight tissues that restrict the movement. Coincidentally, two guys I train with had elbow pain yesterday and this got rid of it.
I'm going to give it a try, it's the mad things like this that usually work! :D
sounds like 'golfers elbow' or medial epicondylitis as proper name...right inside the inner elbow joint. Had it in both arms over last two years...its not nice.
No doubt you know about it...and they say rest, and more rest if the cure. Didnt seem to work for me, along with steriod shots from the doctor (just made worse after time)...what did work I think was that after a couple of weeks rest to ease the 'sharpness' of the pain, was doing loads of light weight forearm exercises 2-3 times daily. I started with a hammer basically repping every wrist movement you can so..up and down, rotational etc. I gradullay made the hammer heavier over days/weeks till i could use a bar for wrist curls (yes..wrist and a light dumbell for rotational work, i kept the hammer movements in also. again gradulaly increasing the weight over weeks until I could do the likes of pullups without too much pain. But you toatlly correct, at the moment you need to avoid these exercises until the pain dulls a bit.

you can also use Ibruprofen daily for a week or two and do the ice thing to try get rid of the inflamation...but i didnt really find this to be a fix.
that band thing looks interesting though..give it a shot!

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Sunday 27th Jan
Shoulders & Arms

Very strict rest times [90 sec] is from weight hitting the floor to starting first rep of next set
(reps shown in brackets are done with a 15 sec rest/pause)

Rear Pec Dec [45 sec] - I was previosuly just using this as a warmup but pushed today, hence the big jump
15x75 [+15kg]
15x85 [+25kg]
9x90 [+20kg] - machine stacked
Arnold Press [90 sec] - Aronolds until front delts tire and then concentrate on side delt with straight press
10x25's [+2 reps]
7x27.5's - [+1 rep]
7x27.5's [+1 rep]
8x30's - Shoulder Press[+1 rep][+5kg]
8x30's - Shoulder Press [+2 reps]
Seated Lat Raises [60 sec] - All concentration on isolating the delts, don't lower all the way keeping constant tension.
EZ Upright Row [-- sec] - Abandoned they aggravate injury
Decline CGBP [90 sec] -
25xbar > 10x50
11x80 [+1rep]
10x85 [+4 reps]
7(+1)x87.5 [+1 rep][+2.5kg]
Close-Grip Cable Curls [75 sec] - Can't do wide grip, hurts my arm but I was surprised I could do them close-grip, bonus!
10x60 [+5kg]
10x60 [+5 reps]
7x65 [+7 reps]
Dips [90 sec] - Elbows tight by side, upright torso with knee's in front. Lowered until bicep kisses forearm.
10xbw +5kg [+2 reps]
7xbw +7.5kg [+1 rep][+2.5kg]
5xbw +7.5kg [+5 reps]
High Curl to Face [60 sec] - Close Grip again allowed me to train without discomfort. Very strict form!
12x50 [+10kg]
10x55 [+5kg]
Reverse Grip pulldown [30 sec] - Still felt like my triceps had a lot left in them
20x30 [*new*]
X Trainer -
16 mins @ 150bpm = 0.89km (+0.01 km)

Considering I felt like death this morning, banging headache and a sore back from shovelling about 5 ton of snow off mine and the neighbours drive yesterday, I felt full of beans! I was expecting losses in performance due to the change of direction and unplanned shoulder workout midweek.... how wrong can you be?

I'd have been happy with these increases on a bulk but with the calorie restriction I'm on today was unexpected. Wonders how I'll fare with Legs tomorrow....
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Monday 28th Jan

Very strict rest times [90 sec] is from weight hitting the floor to starting first rep of next set
(reps shown in brackets are done with a 15 sec rest/pause)

Front Squats [45 sec] - Pleased with my form, concentrating on the depth and all are at least just below parallel. Can't go full ATG as my lower back tucks in
3x90 x 1 set
3x95 x 2 sets
3x97.5 x 2 sets
3x100 x 5 sets [+2.5kg]
RDL [90 sec] - Struggled with these as my lower back is still fatigued from shifting all that snow!
8x110 [+15kg]
45' Leg Press [90 sec] - Driving through my heels, no lockout, constant tension, good focus on the quads again. Hits the teardrop hard!
15x300 [+3 reps][+10kg]
Seated Leg Curl [60 sec] - Concentrating on slow controlled negative, power up, squeeze, constant tension.
12x75 [+5kg]
11x80 [+5kg]
Leg Ext [60 sec] - Pause and squeeze quads at top of every rep, lower and power up, constant tension.
13x87.5 [+7.5kg]
10x95 [+7.5kg]
Standing Machine Calf Raise [60 sec] -
20x110 [+2 reps]
X Trainer - Didn't make the 16 min, had to stop as my knee was getting sore
13 mins @ 150bpm

I think there's something wrong with me.... Why would I want to do that to myself? :D
Chad Waterbury Fatloss 10x3 Program
- Day 1

[45 sec] = Rest between sets, very strict. Clock starts at the end of last rep and I'm starting the second set exactly 45 seconds later.

Front Squats [45 sec] - Bloody hell these are tough!
3x100 - 7 sets
Hammer Chins [45 sec] - Full stretch, power up and touch hands with chest, squeeeeeeeeeeezzzzeeee!!!
3xbw - 10 sets
Gironda Dips [45 sec] - Started off too light did about 5 sets building upto 20kg, so started again.
3xbw (+15kg) - 5 sets
3xbw (+20kg) - 5 sets
3xbw (+25kg) - 5 sets
Deadlift [45 sec] = Had a gusher! Both legs bleeding but my left look like I'd been hacked with an axe lol! Had to back off last 2 sets, my lower back was pumped!!
3x120, 3x125, 3x127.5, 3x130, 3x132.5, 3x132.5, 3x132.5, 3x120, 3x120
X-Trainer - 16 mins
60 sec low intensity on Level 7
30 sec all out sprint on Level 14

Time to change things up, never good to stick to same routine too long. I'm going to go heavy and spend more time getting fitness up with Psycho Circuits....
lol...cos you mad..enjoy tomorow! I think that most days I leave the gym..'Im gona kill myself doing this ****' :D
Thought the very same thing again after todays session :D
It's a very good program, I think this is the 4th or 5th time I've used it now and I'm always pinching the 10x3 format for my other routines, mainly Front Squats, works well :)
Chad Waterbury Fatloss 10x3 Program
- Day 3
Workout 2 of 3

[45 sec] = Rest between sets, very strict. Clock starts at the end of last rep and I'm starting the second set exactly 45 seconds later.

HC2PP [45 sec] - Forearm flared up again, so changed to press only
3x60 - HC2PP
3x60 - HC2PP
3x62.5 - HC2PP
3x65 - HC2PP
3x65 - HC2PP
3x65 - Press only
3x65 - Press only
3x65 - Press only
3x70 - Press only
3x70 - Press only
Decline CGBP [45 sec] - Good focus on triceps
3x90 - 10 sets
Incline DB Press [45 sec] - This exercise is too stressful on shoulders to do 10 sets of setups every 45 secs so I think I'll do a 6x5 instead next week.
8x27.5's - Flyes
Cable Curls [45 sec] = Machine stacked at 65kg, not heavy enough for 3 reps so went with 6x5
6x65 - 5 sets
X-Trainer - 16 mins
60 sec low intensity on Level 7
30 sec all out sprint on Level 14

This is what happens when I'm rushed, I didn't have my workout book and was using memory fo the routine from previous. Then I realised this was supposed to be upper chest and arms only. I think I'll just leave the shoulder press out of the next workout, should be ok.
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