Chong's Hypergrowthy Log

18 Oct 2002
Started training again end of Dec. I've just finished a 4 month routine of my own to build some basic strength and get my stamina back. Got bodyweight down from 16st 7lbs to 15st for a total loss of 21lb in the first 3 months, then upped the calories a little and I'm currently around 15st 5lbs at 6' 1". Really sorted my diet out to godly levels of goodness and completely knocked booze on the head, have not touched a drop since New Years Eve.

So I've just had a week off to let my old bones heal and I've decided to go for....

Lyle McDonald's Generic Bulking Routine

Workout 1 of 4
Lower A
Day 1

Front Squats [60 sec] = Upped the rest times from 45 sec to 60 sec, see if this allows me to get the weight higher. 100kg is a sticking point for me on this exercise, once I go heavier I struggle with holding the bar in place.
WU = 20xbar, 3x50, 3x70, 3x90, 3x95
3x100 -
3x100 -
3x100 -
3x100 -
3x100 -
3x100 -
3x100 -
3x100 -
RDL [90 sec] = Taking it very easy to try and learn the form again, lots of warmups, more than I would normally do. I haven't done these in a long time!
WU = 12x40, 12x50, 12x60
12x70 -
12x70 -
45 Degree Leg Press [120 sec] = Feet close together to hit the outer quads. Constant tension, no lockout.
WU = 10x100x 8x200
12x300 -
12x300 -
10x300 -
Seated Leg Curls [90 sec] = Got the weight wrong here
13x50 -
12x60 -
12x60 -
Seated calf Raises [75 sec] = Squeeze at top, slow controlled negative
15x50 -
15x50 -
12x55 -
10x55 -
Pallof Press [60 sec] = Pause for 1 at start, power twist, retun slowly, pause for 1, repeat.... these hurt!!!
12x30x2 -
12x30x2 -
12x30x2 -

Total Workout Time = 90 mins

Workouts are taking longer than usual as I now have my 17 year old lad as a training partner who I need to keep a close eye on. He's as tall as me but weighs just 9st, so I'm going to beef him up. Got some of the weights wrong, I'm supposed to be starting with the heaviest weight and pyramid down if required to keep the reps up, or keep the weight and try to hold reps. If I can rep for 12 then the weight needs to be increased, so learning curve here.
Thought I'd give an overview of a typical days nutrition. I've been following this strictly for the last 4 months. My aim is to get all my nutrional needs from my food, vitamins, minerals, protein, pro-biotics, fibre, everything. I supplement only as a pre caution to ensure everything is topped up as I put my body under a huge amount of stress, both at work with long hours and big volume in the gym. A big focus of mine is promoting a healthy digestive system, get that right your body can look after itself much better.

7am - Wakeup Tonic
5g Glutamine
2g Sodium Bicarb
500mg Magnesium
1x Squeezed lemon + Cayenne Pepper in warm water
Pro-Biotic (10 billion)

- Power Shake
3g Organic Maca - yellow
3g Raw Organic Cocoa Powder
15g - WPC80
10g - 95% Whey Isolate
2g Ultra Colostrum
10g of Organic Flaxseed Powder
5g Organic Chia Seeds
Coffee with coconut milk & MCT

10am - snack
25g Walnuts & 25g Almonds
Coffee with coconut milk & MCT

12pm - lunch
300g Chicken breast - fried in coconut oil with tumeric & cayenne pepper
Cherry peppers with ricotta cheese in olive oil
Large bowl full of spinach, tomatoes, celery, cucumber, rocket, peppers & avocado
Coffee with coconut milk

Cup of Organic Macha Green Tea

1-3 cups Coffee with coconut milk

2g Organic Maca - yellow
3g Raw Organic Cocoa Powder
15g - WPC80
10g - 95% Whey Isolate
10g Coconut Oil
10g Olive Oil

PWO Drink - Workout days only
15g - WPC80
10g - 95% Whey Isolate
25g Dextrose
5g Creatine
2g Ultra Colostrum

Organic Steak & Liver / Wild Alaskan Salmon / Chicken / Pork
Any of the above meat usually pan fried in coconut oil with garlic & chilli
Spinach, Broccoli, Asparagus, Green Beans, Kale (all lightly steamed)
200g Organic Bio Live Yoghurt
1/2 Pommegranate, 100g Bluberries, 100g Strawberries, 1x Kiwi, pineapple
10g Organic Flaxseed
5g Organic Chia seeds

3-4 Free Range Eggs / Duck Eggs - Scrambled
Onions / Celery / peppers / cucumber / tomatoes
Bacon (sometimes)

250g Protein
100g Carbs
130g Fat

30g Protein
30g Carbs
2g Fat

SUPPLEMENTS USED - Mostly Myprotein but not exclusively.
Creapure Creatine
Orange Triad Multi-Vitamin
Ultra Omega-3 (80% EPA/DHA)
Magnesium Citrate
MP Whey Isolate 95%
MP WPC 80%
MCT powder
Ultra Colostrum (gut health)
Pro-Biotics -10 billion (gut health)
Glutamine (gut health)
ALCAR (pre-workout)
Myprotein Thermo Extreme (pre-workout)
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You steam asparagus?!?!?! :eek: :mad:

Nice to see you back, Chong. :)

Regarding front squats, is it shoulders or upper back that stops you keeping the bar?
Assuming you're suitably mobile, I found heavy and frequent deadlifts with good mornings are pretty cool for sorting upper back.

As much as I loathe both, they have helped me push past 110kg on front squats...
That's good, I've made a 115kg lift for Front's but that's my best and certainly not for 20+ reps which is what I'm aiming for. I will be Deadlifting for Lower B on Wednesdays.

Though I've never been a big deadlifter since I hurt my lower back in an arguement with a car, main problem being I wasn't in one so it was a bit one sided lol! Once I start getting to around 150kg+ it's as if my body goes into self protection mode, I can't even get the bar off the floor for a single rep. Yet I can rep 145kg for 5x5, very frustrating. I'll soon find out if that's still the case soon, as I've built my dead's back to upto 130kg so I'll be around that weight in a few weeks.

No chance I can risk GM's though, that's just asking for trouble.
Workout 2 of 4
Upper A
Day 2

Wicked leg and ass doms today!!

Inc DB Press [150 sec] = 3-1-1-0 tempo
8x42.5's -
8x42.5's -
8x42.5's -
8x42.5's -
Bench Press [120 sec] = ok, again 3-1-1-0 tempo
9x90 -
10x90 -
8x90 -
Hammer Chins [150 sec] = Can anyone say forearm and lat pumpz?! 2-3-1-1 tempo. Full, deliberate lat strech at the bottom of every rep, slight pause and squeeze at the top. Mustard.
8xbw -
DB Rows [60 sec] = Good focus on lats
12x32.5 -
10x32.5 -
10x32.5 -
Dips [90 sec] - 3-1-1-0 tempo
14xbw (+15kg)
9xbw (+15kg) - dropped db from legs and repped an additional 2xbw
Cable Curl [90 sec] - Sun's out, guns out...

Total Workout Time = 70 mins

Decent workout, hate Monday gym, it's the worst for benching & curling monkey crews
Workout 3 of 4
Lower B
Day 4

Deadlifts [150 sec] = Felt good, bar is lowered slowly and under control, can't really bang the weights on floor in this gym.
4x130 -
5x130 -
5x130 -
5x130 -
Walking Lunges [120 sec] = Used 16kg kettle bells for this
30x32 -
24x32 -
Lying Leg Curl [90 sec] = Constant tension.
15x40 - too light
12x50 -
10x55 -
Standing Calf Raise [60 sec] = Taking it easy, don't want to aggravate my achilles again
15x10 -
15x30 -
20x50 -
Renegade Rows [75 sec] = Strict form. Taking it easy as my lower back still sore from Lower A

Total Workout Time = 90 mins

Felt very sore today, not fully recovered so not pushing too hard today. Good workout.
Workout 4 of 4
Upper B
Day 7

Bench Press [150 sec] = ok
6x100 -
6x100 -
6x100 -
6x100 -
Wide-Grip Chins [150 sec] = Full, deliberate lat strech at the bottom of every rep, slight pause and squeeze at the top.
8xbw -
Seated DB Press [120 sec] = 3-1-1-0 tempo
12x27.5's - too easy
12x30's -
10x30's -
Seated Cable Rows [60 sec] = Good focus on lats
12x72.5 -
12x72.5 -
12x72.5 -
Dips [90 sec] - 3-1-1-0 tempo
12xbw (+15kg)
14xbw (+15kg) - +3 reps
Spider Curl [90 sec] - I can't really do these properly as my arms pump up so much I can barely get past 90 degree's
12x20 - too light
7x25 - arms too pumped to do them properly
Zottman Curls - 12x15's
Close-Grip Press ups - 27xbw, 20xbw

Total Workout Time = 70 mins

This should have been done Thursday but had to delay due to work. Slight variations to Upper A. I'm undecided about arms exercise choices, I will see if it's too much to do weighted dips and for curls I might just keep switching them around.
Workout 1 of 4
Lower A
Day 8

Front Squats [60 sec] = Just adding 2.5kg as I really need to focus on keeping perfect form
3x90 -
3x100 - Belt - [+5kg]
3x100 - Belt -
3x102.5 - Belt - [+2.5kg]
3x102.5 - Belt - [+2.5kg]
3x102.5 - Belt - [+2.5kg]
3x102.5 - Belt - [+2.5kg]
3x102.5 - Belt - [+2.5kg] - 3rd rep not great
2x102.5 - Belt - [+2.5kg] - didn't want to risk a poor 3rd rep
3x100 - Belt - [+3 reps] - easy, 2.5kg makes a difference!
RDL [90 sec] = Taking it easy, haven't done these in a long time.
12x70 - [+10kg]
12x80 - [+10kg]
12x90 - [+20kg]
45 Degree Leg Press [120 sec] = Warmups had my back and knees hurting, almost dropped them altogether so went for a cautious first set without increasing weight, felt fine
15x300 - [+3 reps]
15x310 - [+3 reps][+10kg]
Seated Leg Curls [90 sec] =
15x60 - [+2 reps][+10kg]
12x65 - [+5kg]
12x65 - [+5kg]
Seated calf Raises [90 sec] = Squeeze at top, slow controlled negative
13x55 - [+5kg]
11x55 -
9x55 -
Pallof Press [60 sec] = Pause for 1 at start, power twist, retun slowly, pause for 1, repeat.... brutal
12x35x2 - [+5kg]
12x35x2 - [+5kg]
12x35x2 - [+5kg]

Total Workout Time = 90 mins

Didn't really want to train lower day after upper for fear of back fatigue but no choice as I cant train tomorrow. Didn't help with front squats.
Workout 2 of 4
Upper A
Day 10

Inc DB Press [150 sec] = 3-1-1-0 tempo
8x45's - [+5kg]
8x45's - [+5kg]
8x45's - [+5kg]
8x45's - [+5kg]
Bench Press [120 sec] = Started off too heavy last week, dropped to 85kg so I can keep the 3-1-1-0 tempo without worrying of burning out before 10
10x90 - [+1 rep]
10x85 - [-5kg]
10x85 - [+2 reps]
Hammer Chins [150 sec] = Can anyone say forearm and lat pumpz?! 2-3-1-1 tempo. Full, deliberate lat strech at the bottom of every rep, slight pause and squeeze at the top. Mustard.
8xbw -
8xbw - [+1 rep]
8xbw - [+1 rep]
7xbw - [+1 rep]
DB Rows [60 sec] = Top quality reps, really managed to isolate the lats and feel them working hard
12x32.5 -
12x32.5 - [+2 reps]
12x32.5 - [+2 reps]
Dips [90 sec] - Forgot my chalk, really struggled with grip on this crappy station. So hard to do these right with hands slipping.
12xbw (+17.5kg) - [+2.5kg]
10xbw (+17.5kg) (+4 xbw only) - [+2.5kg]
Cable Curl [90 sec] - Good strict reps, 4-1-2-0 tempo
14x55 - [+5kg]
12x55 - [+5kg]
Warmdown = Various RC exercises - RC's have been complaining, time to pay them so attention and warmdown properly for a good 10 mins
Internal Cable rotation - 20x7.5 , 20x10
External Cable rotation - 12x5 , 12x5
Row to face - 20x15 , 20x20
90/90 DB external rotation - 15x5 , 15x5
Close-Grip Pushups - 20 , 18

Total Workout Time = 90 mins

Overall I'm feeling good, feeling fit and strong. Only my RC's are aching of any note so I'm going to give them a good 10 minute warmdown after upper A&B. Also did a few DB rotations as part of warmup.
Workout 3 of 4
Lower B
Day 12

Deadlifts [150 sec] = Felt good, bar is lowered slowly and under control, can't really bang the weights on floor in this gym.
5x130 - [+1 rep]
5x135 - [+5kg]
5x135 - [+5kg]
5x135 - [+5kg]
Walking Lunges [120 sec] = I'm struggling with balance and my lower back is complaining so rather than go up in weight I've increased volume to allow me to focus on form better
24x32 -
24x32 -
24x32 - [+1 set]
Lying Leg Curl [90 sec] = 4-1-1-1 tempo, brutal on the ham's
12x55 - [+15kg]
12x55 - [+5kg]
9x55 -
Standing Calf Raise [60 sec] = Taking it easy, don't want to aggravate my achilles again
15x55 - [+25kg]
15x55 - [+5kg]
15x55 - [+1 set]
Renegade Rows [75 sec] = Strict form, hold DB to side for 2 count on each rep
12x12.5's - [+2.5kg]
12x12.5's - [+2 reps][+2.5kg]
12x12.5's - [+2 reps][+2.5kg]
RC cable exercises - No rest, all done one after the other, 14 sets, takes about 10 mins total
Medial Internal Rotation - 20x10
Medial External Rotation - 20x7.5
Ventral Internal Rotation - 20x7.5
Ventral External Rotation - 20x5
Lateral Internal Rotation - 20x7.5
Lateral External Rotation - 20x5
Rotational Diagonal Raise - 20x5

Total Workout Time = 120 mins

Shoulders feeling very sore, I can feel an RC injury around the corner so I'm really going to focus on strengthening that area.

On another note my new training partner is coming on leaps and bounds, I'm amazed how quickly he's progressing. Had him do 5x5 Deadlifts with 40kg absolutely perfect form, his legs have nice red lines all the way up as he's rubbed the skin with the bar. I cannot stress how poor his whole body conditioning was, his motor skills non-existant. To say "awkward" would be understatement of the year, he couldn't even set his back straight to even attempt to bend over. He couldn't do a single bodyweight squat without his back bending and knee's collapsing together. Could not perform 1 single perfect form press up or a bench press rep with just the Oly Bar. I kid you not I was utterly shocked how non-existant his strength or co-ordination was, truly shocked.

He's now repping 3x10 with the bar, can do 10 pressups, 5 chins and the Deadlifting had me feeling proud, he's really tried his heart out and I think today he saw he can actually make a go of this.... just like I told him he could :) Bodyweight now upto around 9st 5lb so he's gained close to half a stone in 3 weeks.
Workout 4 of 4
Upper B
Day 14

Bench Press [150 sec] = Now that's progress?!
8x100 - [+2 reps]
8x100 - [+2 reps]
8x100 - [+2 reps]
8x100 - [+2 reps]
Wide-Grip Chins [150 sec] = Full, deliberate lat strech and pause at the bottom of every rep. 3-2-1-1 tempo.
8xbw -
8xbw - [+5kg]
8xbw - [+5kg]
7.5(+1)xbw - [+5kg] - just barely failed to get that last rep by about 6 inch
Seated DB Press [120 sec] = 3-1-1-0 tempo
12x30's - [+5kg]
12x30's -
11x30's - [+1 rep]
Seated Cable Rows [60 sec] = 3-1-1-1 tempo
12x80 - [+7.5kg]
10x80 - [+7.5kg]
11x80 - [+7.5kg]
Dips [90 sec] - 3-1-1-0 tempo. Looks like small increases with just 2.5kg as I weight over 100kg myself but I'm dipping twice a week so that's 5kg a week increase in total
12xbw (+20kg) - [+2.5kg]
10xbw (+20kg) (+2xbw only) - [+2.5kg]
Zottmans Curls [90 sec] - Very strict form. Straight arms at bottom, hard squeeze at the top of rep, very painful. 3-2-1-2 tempo
12x17.5's - [+2.5kgx2]
10x15's - 12x12.5's - 3x10's - 1x15's - down the rack, no rest
Close-Grip Press ups - 25xbw, 12xbw

Total Workout Time = 90 mins

Good workout.
Workout 1 of 4
Lower A
Day 15

Front Squats [60 sec] = Good progress, I was wilting towards the end last week and had to drop the weight, strong this week
3x90 -
3x100 - Belt -
3x105 - Belt - [+5kg]
3x105 - Belt - [+2.5kg]
3x105 - Belt - [+2.5kg]
3x105 - Belt - [+2.5kg]
3x105 - Belt - [+2.5kg]
3x105 - Belt - [+2.5kg]
3x105 - Belt - [+2.5kg][+1 rep]
3x105 - Belt - [+5kg]
RDL [120 sec] = I'm wary of these, so increased volume this week rather than weight to focus on form
8x90 - [+20kg]
8x90 - [+10kg]
8x90 -
8x90 - [+8 reps]
45 Degree Leg Press [120 sec] = Again warmups had my knees hurting but felt better with more weight
12x320 - [+20kg]
12x320 - [+10kg]
12x320 - [+12 reps]
Seated Leg Curls [90 sec] = 3-1-1-1 tempo
12x70 - [+10kg]
12x70 - [+5kg]
12x70 - [+5kg]
Seated calf Raises [90 sec] = Squeeze at top, slow controlled negative
14x56.25 - [+1.25kg][+1 rep]
12x56.25 - [+1.25kg][+1 rep]
11x56.25 - [+1.25kg][+2 reps]
Pallof Press [60 sec] = Pause for 1 at start, power twist, retun slowly, pause for 1, repeat. B-R-U-T-A-L!!
12x40x2 - [+5kg]
12x40x2 - [+5kg]
12x40x2 - [+5kg]

Total Workout Time = 90 mins

Was worried how I would fare on Front Squats after training back yesterday, held up fine. Good session.
Workout 2 of 4
Upper A
Day 17

Inc DB Press [150 sec] = Thought I had that last 8th rep easy, just failed to lock it out
8x47.5's - [+5kg]
8x47.5's - [+5kg]
8x47.5's - [+5kg]
7x47.5's - [+5kg]
Hammer Chins [150 sec] = 2-3-1-1 tempo. Full, deliberate lat strech at the bottom of every rep, slight pause and squeeze at the top.
8xbw -
8xbw -
8xbw -
8xbw - [+1 rep]
Bench Press [120 sec] = Rest pause on last set
12x87.5 - [+2 reps]
10x87.5 - [+2.5kg]
9+1x87.5 - [+2.5kg] - rest/pause
DB Rows [60 sec] = Bigger jump than I wanted as 35's being used,
12x37.5 - [+5kg]
10x37.5 - [+5kg]
10x35 - [+2.5kg]
Dips [90 sec] - Good
12xbw (+22.5kg) - [+2.5kg]
10xbw (+22.5kg) - [+2.5kg]
Cable Curl [90 sec] - Good strict reps, 4-1-2-0 tempo
15x60 - [+1 rep][+5kg]
12x60 - [+5kg]
Warmdown = Various RC exercises - No rest, all done one after the other, 14 sets, takes about 10 mins total
Medial Internal Rotation - 20x12.5
Medial External Rotation - 20x5
Ventral Internal Rotation - 20x12.5
Ventral External Rotation - 20x5
Lateral Internal Rotation - 20x12.5
Lateral External Rotation - 20x5
Rotational Diagonal Raise - 20x5

Total Workout Time = 90 mins

RC's starting feel much better
Workout 3 of 4
Lower B
Day 19

Deadlifts [150 sec] = That first set felt horrible, others were ok
5x130 -
5x140 - [+5kg]
5x140 - [+5kg]
5x140 - [+5kg]
Walking Lunges DB [120 sec] = To be dead honest I don't know if I only did 22 in 2nd set, I tend to lose count on these, they're horrific
24x40 - [+8kg]
22x40 - [+8kg]
16x40 - [+8kg]
Lying Leg Curl [90 sec] = 4-1-1-1 tempo, the pad didn't touch my butt on last reps, didn't count
12x60 - [+5kg]
11x60 - [+5kg]
11x55 - [+2 reps]
Standing Calf Raise [60 sec] = Only had time for 2 sets, gym closing
20x60 - [+5 reps][+5kg]
20x60 - [+5 reps][+5kg]
Renegade Rows [75 sec] = No time, will have to try and do tomorrow

Total Workout Time = 60 mins

Bit of a strange workout, had some really bad news about my lad's grandma being diagnosed with terminal cancer this afternoon and she's just a few days to live :sad: It's happened so rapidly, she's in a bad way and he didn't want to go and see her again at the hospital, which I don't blame him, so he wanted to go hit the gym to try and take his mind off it. Such we rushed off to the gym forgetting the gym closes early Friday's so we actually had less than 1 hour by the time we'd warmed up, so a rushed session...
Workout 4 of 4
Upper B
Day 20

Bench Press [150 sec] = Good
6x105 - [+5kg]
6x105 - [+5kg]
6x105 - [+5kg]
6x105 - [+5kg]
Wide-Grip Chins [150 sec] = Full, deliberate lat strech and pause at the bottom of every rep. 3-2-1-1 tempo.
8xbw(+5kg) - [+5kg]
8xbw(+5kg) - [+5kg]
8xbw(+5kg) - [+5kg]
8xbw(+5kg) - [+5kg][+1 rep]
Seated DB Press [120 sec] = 3-1-1-0 tempo
12x32.5's - [+5kg]
11x32.5's - [+5kg]
9x32.5's - [+5kg]
Seated Cable Rows [90 sec] = 3-1-1-1 tempo
12x80 -
12x80 - [+2 reps]
12x80 - [+1 rep]
Dips [90 sec] - 3-1-1-0 tempo. Looks like small increases with just 2.5kg as I weight over 100kg myself but I'm dipping twice a week so that's 5kg a week increase in total
12xbw (+25kg) - [+2.5kg]
10xbw (+25kg) (+2xbw only) - [+2.5kg]
Zottmans Curls [90 sec] - Very strict form. Straight arms at bottom, hard squeeze at the top of rep, very painful. 3-2-1-2 tempo
12x17.5's -
10x15's - down the rack to failure
Renegade Rows - Missed them yesterday

Total Workout Time = 90 mins

Good workout
Workout 1 of 4
Lower A
Day 22

Front Squats [60 sec] = Crikey that's getting heavy...
3x90 -
3x100 - Belt -
3x105 - Belt -
3x107.5 - Belt - [+2.5kg]
3x107.5 - Belt - [+2.5kg]
3x107.5 - Belt - [+2.5kg]
3x107.5 - Belt - [+2.5kg]
3x107.5 - Belt - [+2.5kg]
3x107.5 - Belt - [+2.5kg]
3x107.5 - Belt - [+2.5kg]
RDL [120 sec] = I'm so wary of these buggers
8x100 - [+10kg]
8x100 - [+10kg]
8x100 - [+10kg]
8x100 - [+10kg]
45 Degree Leg Press [120 sec] = Read my sheet wrong, thought I did 330kg last week, felt really heavy after those squats, a lot of pressure in my head. Didn't enjoy these at all, no real quality there
12x340 - [+20kg]
12x340 - [+20kg]
8x330 - [+10kg]
Seated Leg Curls [90 sec] = 3-1-1-1 tempo
12x75 - [+5kg]
11x75 - [+5kg]
12x70 -
Seated calf Raises [superset] = Squeeze at top, slow controlled negative
13x57.5 - [+1.25kg]
12x57.5 - [+1.25kg]
12x57.5 - [+1.25kg]
Pallof Press [superset] = There's no chance I can increase weight to 45kg it would pull my arms out their sockets, so will try to increase volume and make harder with supersets
13x40x2 - [+1 rep]
13x40x2 - [+1 rep]
13x40x2 - [+1 rep]

Total Workout Time = 100 mins

Head not in this at the start at all, got a lot of problems going on at home and I feel really stressed at the moment. Glad I went now, I was pushing so hard I didn't have time to think of anything but the pain I was putting myself through.... job done!
Mirin' nutrition and thread title. Totes jelly of your intake for cutting, what's the sodium bicarb good for? Only thing I would add is Zinc I find it very beneficial.
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