Chong's Hypergrowthy Log

Workout 2 of 4
Upper A
Day 24

Inc DB Press [150 sec] = Terrible setup on 2nd and 3rd sets
8x50s - [+5kg]
7x50's - [+5kg]
6x50's - [+5kg]
8x47.5's - [+1 rep]
Hammer Chins [150 sec] = 2-3-1-1 tempo. Full, deliberate lat strech at the bottom of every rep, slight pause and squeeze at the top.
8xbw (+5kg) - [+5kg]
8xbw (+5kg) - [+5kg]
8xbw (+5kg) - [+5kg]
8xbw (+5kg) - [+5kg]
Bench Press [120 sec] = Rest pause on last set
12x90 - [+2.5kg]
11x90 - [+2.5kg]
10+1x90 - [+2.5kg][+1 rep] - rest/pause
DB Rows [60 sec] = Good
12x37.5 -
12x37.5 - [+2 reps]
10x37.5 - [+2.5kg]
Dips [90 sec] - Previously these have been done with a db between legs, changed to dipping belt and it felt a lot different with the weight swinging. Struggled a little.
10xbw (+27.5kg) - [+2.5kg]
8xbw (+25kg) -
Cable Curl [90 sec] - Good strict reps, 4-1-2-0 tempo. No progress as i looked at wrong page, /i should have been curling 65kg today doh!
15x60 -
12x60 -
Warmdown = Various RC exercises - No rest, all done one after the other, 14 sets, takes about 10 mins total
Medial Internal Rotation - 20x15
Medial External Rotation - 20x5
Ventral Internal Rotation - 20x15
Ventral External Rotation - 20x5
Lateral Internal Rotation - 20x15
Lateral External Rotation - 20x5
Rotational Diagonal Raise - 20x5

Total Workout Time = 90 mins

Another goodworkout with solid gains
Mirin' nutrition and thread title. Totes jelly of your intake for cutting, what's the sodium bicarb good for? Only thing I would add is Zinc I find it very beneficial.
Bicarb is good for general overall health, I also like the taste in my shakes. Plenty of zinc in the multi I take and I get a decent amount from diet. I also managed to grab some meg cheap ZMA from Myprotein couple weeks ago, think I got 270 tabs for about £8 :)
Also mirin thread title & intake.

I've skimmed so forgive me if you already explained, 160g carbs on training days seems quite low so I expect you're having infrequent high carb days?
Diet example was was I used to drop the weight, I'm now eating more carbs now for this 4 day a week schedule. As you said I doubt I'd make much progress with such low carbs and overall calories. I've probably added an additional 100g carbs most days to that example.
Workout 3 of 4
Lower B
Day 25

Deadlifts [150 sec] = Good
5x145 - [+15kg]
5x145 - [+5kg]
5x145 - [+5kg]
5x145 - [+5kg]
Walking Lunges DB[120 sec] = Only 60 secs rest between 3rd and 4th sets as I walked full width of gym, waited for partner then set off back OUCH!
26x40 - [+2 reps]
26x40 - [+4 reps]
18x40 - [+2 reps]
12x40 - [+12 reps]
Lying Leg Curl [90 sec] = 4-1-1-1 tempo, machine stacked at 65kg
12x65 - [+5kg]
12x65 - [+5kg][+1 rep]
9x65 - [+10kg]
Standing Calf Raise [60 sec] =
12x65 - [+5kg]
12x65 - [+5kg]
12x65 - [+5kg]
Renegade Rows [75 sec] = Tough
20x17.5's - [+5kg][+4 reps]
16x17.5's - [+5kg]
14x17.5's - [+5kg]

Total Workout Time = 90 mins

5th workout in 7 days, training seriously hard at the moment and making some gainz!!
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Workout 4 of 4
Upper B
Day 26

Bench Press [150 sec] = Very hard on my delts
7x105 - [+1 rep]
7x105 - [+1 rep]
7x105 - [+1 rep]
7x105 - [+1 rep]
Wide-Grip Chins [150 sec] = Full, deliberate lat strech and pause at the bottom of every rep. 3-2-1-1 tempo.
8xbw(+10kg) - [+5kg]
8xbw(+10kg) - [+5kg]
8xbw(+10kg) - [+5kg]
7xbw(+10kg) 1xbw - [+5kg]
Seated Cable Rows [120 sec] = 3-1-1-1 tempo
10x87.5 - [+7.5kg]
10x87.5 - [+7.5kg]
10x87.5 - [+7.5kg]
Seated DB Press [120 sec] = 3-1-1-0 tempo, solid progress
12x35's - [+5kg]
11x35's - [+5kg]
9x35's - [+5kg]
Dips [90 sec] - 3-1-1-0 tempo. Shoulers were hammered by this point
11xbw (+27.5kg) - [+1 rep]
9xbw (+27.5kg) (+4xbw only) - [+2.5kg][+1 rep][+4reps xbw]
Zottmans Curls [90 sec] - Very strict form. Straight arms at bottom, hard squeeze at the top of rep, very painful. 3-2-1-2 tempo
12x17.5's -
6x17.5's - 4x15's, 2x10's, 1x15's
Warmdown = Various RC exercises - No rest, all done one after the other, 14 sets, takes about 10 mins total
Medial Internal Rotation - 21x15
Medial External Rotation - 21x5
Ventral Internal Rotation - 21x15
Ventral External Rotation - 21x5
Lateral Internal Rotation - 21x20
Lateral External Rotation - 21x5
Rotational Diagonal Raise - 21x5

Total Workout Time = 90 mins

6th workout in 8 days, I'm absolutely cream crackered. Going eat everything in sight in the next 36 hours, reckon I'll do over 10,000kcals :D
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Workout 1 of 4
Lower A
Day 29

Front Squats [60 sec] = Felt easier than last week
3x100 - Belt - [+10kg]
3x110 - Belt - [+10kg]
3x110 - Belt - [+5kg]
3x110 - Belt - [+2.5kg]
3x110 - Belt - [+2.5kg]
3x110 - Belt - [+2.5kg]
3x110 - Belt - [+2.5kg]
3x110 - Belt - [+2.5kg]
3x110 - Belt - [+2.5kg]
3x110 - Belt - [+2.5kg]
RDL [120 sec] = Good
8x110 - [+10kg]
8x110 - [+10kg]
8x110 - [+10kg]
8x110 - [+10kg]
45 Degree Leg Press [120 sec] = Good
13x340 - [+1 rep]
12x340 -
12x340 - [+10kg][+4 reps]
Seated Leg Curls [90 sec] = Not sure what going on with machine but it felt MUCH lighter today, weird!
12x80 - [+5kg]
12x90 - [+15kg]
12x85 - [+15kg]
Seated calf Raises [superset] = Squeeze at top, slow controlled negative
14x60 - [+2.5kg][+2 reps]
14x60 - [+2.5kg][+2 reps]
14x60 - [+2.5kg][+2 reps]
Pallof Press [superset] = Thought there was no chance I can increase weight to 45kg but managed it today :)
14x40x2 - [+1 rep]
12x45x2 - [+5kg]
10x45x2 - [+5kg]

Total Workout Time = 100 mins

More gainz :)
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Workout 2 of 4
Upper A
Day 31

Inc DB Press [150 sec] = Horrendous first set, failed first rep attempt, amazed I got 8. 2nd and 3rd weren't that good either!
8x50s -
8x50's - [+1 rep]
8x50's - [+2 reps]
7x50's - [+5kg]
Hammer Chins [150 sec] = 2-3-1-1 tempo. Full, deliberate lat strech at the bottom of every rep, slight pause and squeeze at the top.
8xbw (+10kg) - [+5kg]
8xbw (+10kg) - [+5kg]
8xbw (+10kg) - [+5kg]
6xbw (+10kg) 1xbw - [+5kg]
Bench Press [120 sec] = Rest pause on last set
12x92.5 - [+2.5kg]
12x92.5 - [+2.5kg][+1 rep]
7+1x92.5 - [+2.5kg] - rest/pause
DB Rows [60 sec] = Good
12x40 - [+2.5kg]
10x40 - [+2.5kg]
10x37.5 - [+2.5kg]
Dips [120 sec] - Removed belt and immediately repped out 8 more on 2nd set
9xbw (+30kg) - [+2.5kg]
10xbw (+25kg) 8xbw - [+2 reps][+8xbw reps]
Cable Curl [90 sec] - Good strict reps, 4-1-2-0 tempo. No progress as i looked at wrong page, /i should have been curling 65kg today doh!
12x65 - [+5kg]
10x65 - [+5kg]
Warmdown = Various RC exercises - No rest, all done one after the other, 14 sets, takes about 10 mins total
Medial Internal Rotation - 18x25kg
Medial External Rotation - 18x7.5kg
Ventral Internal Rotation - 20x20kg
Ventral External Rotation - 20x5kg
Lateral Internal Rotation - 20x20kg
Lateral External Rotation - 22x5kg
Rotational Diagonal Raise - 20x7.5kg

Total Workout Time = 120 mins

It's all about that progression.... gainz everywhere :)
Workout 3 of 4
Lower B
Day 35

Deadlifts [150 sec] = Good
4x150 - [+5kg]
5x150 - [+5kg]
5x150 - [+5kg]
5x150 - [+5kg]
Walking Lunges DB[120 sec] = Tough
24x45 - [+5kg]
24x45 - [+5kg]
24x45 - [+5kg][+6 reps]
Lying Leg Curl [90 sec] = 4-1-1-1 tempo, machine stacked at 65kg
13x65 - [+1 rep]
13x65 - [+1 rep]
11x65 - [+2 reps]
Standing Calf Raise [60 sec] =
18x70 - [+5kg][+6 reps]
18x70 - [+5kg][+6 reps]
18x70 - [+5kg][+6 reps]
Renegade Rows [75 sec] = Ouch
20x20's - [+2.5kg]
20x20's - [+2.5kg]
10x20's - [+2.5kg]

Total Workout Time = 90 mins

A few enforced days off due to family issues, I think 1 more session tomorrow to finish and then 2 weeks deload.
Workout 4 of 4
Upper B
Day 37

Bench Press [150 sec] = Very hard on my delts last time, felt quite easy this time
8x105 - [+1 rep]
8x105 - [+1 rep]
8x105 - [+1 rep]
8x105 - [+1 rep]
Wide-Grip Chins [150 sec] = Full, deliberate lat strech and pause at the bottom of every rep. 3-2-1-1 tempo.
8xbw(+15kg) - [+5kg]
8xbw(+15kg) - [+5kg]
6xbw(+15kg) 2xbw - [+5kg]
5xbw(+15kg) 3xbw - [+5kg]
Seated Cable Rows [120 sec] = 3-1-1-1 tempo
9x95 - [+7.5kg]
12x87.5 - [+2 reps]
11x87.5 - [+1 rep]
Seated DB Press [120 sec] = Holy moses them 37's are heavy to get in place!
9x37.5's - [+5kg]
11x35's -
10x35's - [+1 rep]
Dips [90 sec] - 3-1-1-0 tempo. Shoulers hammered by this point...
10xbw (+30kg) - [+1 rep]
8xbw (+30kg) (+5xbw only) - [+5kg][+1rep xbw]
10xbw - [+10 reps] - very slow & deliberate to hammer tri's
Cable Curls [90 sec] - Very strict form. Straight arms at bottom, hard squeeze at the top of rep, very painful. 3-2-1-2 tempo
14x65 - [+2 reps]
10x65 (2x55) - [+2 reps]
Warmdown = Various RC exercises - No rest, all done one after the other, 14 sets, takes about 10 mins total
Medial Internal Rotation - 25x25kg
Medial External Rotation - 20x7.5kg
Ventral Internal Rotation - 20x20kg
Ventral External Rotation - 20x7.5kg
Lateral Internal Rotation - 20x25kg
Lateral External Rotation - 22x7.5kg
Rotational Diagonal Raise - 20x7.5kg

Total Workout Time = 90 mins

More gains.... need to decide if I should press on for 1 more week or deload???
Serious volume! :eek:
Always been a lover of the volume! ;)

Workout 1 of 4
Lower A
Day 1 - Cutting

Front Squats [45 sec] = 15 sec less rest per set than last time!! Had to drop the weight towards the end to keep form in check.
3x90 -
3x110 - Belt - [-15 sec]
3x110 - Belt - [-15 sec]
3x110 - Belt - [-15 sec]
3x110 - Belt - [-15 sec]
3x110 - Belt - [-15 sec]
3x110 - Belt - [-15 sec]
3x100 - Belt - [-15 sec]
3x100 - Belt - [-15 sec]
3x100 - Belt - [-15 sec]
RDL [120 sec] = Tough! Grip went on 3rd set so used straps
8x110 -
8x115 - [+5kg]
6x115 - [+5kg]
8x115 - straps - [+5kg]
45 Degree Leg Press [120 sec] = Good
13x340 - [+1 rep]
13x340 - [+1 rep]
Seated Leg Curls [90 sec] = Machine stacked at 90kg. Power up, slow release
12x90 -
12x90 - [+5kg]
Seated calf Raises [superset] = No improvements but held weight and reps
14x60 -
12x60 -
12x60 -
Pallof Press [superset] = TOUGH!!
13x45x2 - [+1 rep]
13x45x2 - [+3 reps]
Sprint Bike = Agony
60 sec - seated = [4 sets] - low resistance
30 sec - standing sprint = [4 sets] - high resistance
Treadmill - 15% incline @ 3.1 km/h
5 mins

Total Workout Time = 100 mins

Had a few enforced days off, so fully recovered but diet has been poor last couple of days. Now back upto 16st and looking beefy. Goal is to now shed 6lb-9lb over the next 3 weeks, as we're off on holidays.

I will continue with the program and keep up the intensity to try and keep hold of as much muscle as possible. To help with recovery as I will only be eating 2000kcals per day I will lower the volume. So Instad of 4sets of 6-8 reps, it's 3 sets and instead of 3 sets of 10-12 reps it will be just 2 sets. Additionally I will add some form of HIIT/cardio at the end of each session though it will only be 10 mins at most.
Workout 2 of 4
Upper A
Day 2 cutting

Inc DB Press [150 sec] = Can't increase weight as 50's are biggest. Will try to reduce rest and hold reps
8x50s -
8x50's -
8x50's -
Hammer Chins [150 sec] = 2-3-1-1 tempo. Full, deliberate lat strech at the bottom of every rep, slight pause and squeeze at the top.
8xbw (+12.5kg) - [+2.5kg]
8xbw (+12.5kg) - [+2.5kg]
7(+1)xbw (+12.5kg) - [+2.5kg] rest/pause
DB Rows [60 sec] = Usually do these 4th but bench was occupied so more fatigued this week
12x40 -
11x40 - [+1 rep]
Bench Press [120 sec] = Good
12x92.5 -
12x95 - [+2.5kg][+1 rep]
Dips [120 sec] - Again more fatigue as these were straight after bench rather than rows
12xbw (+30kg) - [+3 reps]
9xbw (+30kg) 4xbw - [+5kg]
Zottman Curls [90 sec] - Dropsets just to hammer biceps as quickly as possible, curls bore me to death
8x20's + 4x15's + 3x10's
6x17.5's + 6x12.5's + 3x10's + 1x17.5's
Warmdown = Various RC exercises - Couldn't do these today as the adjustable cable machine was being used and gym was closing soon

Total Workout Time = 90 mins

Good workout and happy just to hold weight and reps while on 2200kcals and low carb but still managed some respectable increases.
Workout 3 of 4
Lower B
Day 4 - cutting

Deadlifts [150 sec] = Held weight and reps this week, much better quality reps
2x130 -
5x150 -
5x150 -
5x150 -
Walking Lunges DB[120 sec] = VERY tough
24x50 - [+5kg]
24x50 - [+5kg]
Lying Leg Curl [90 sec] = 4-1-1-1 tempo, machine stacked at 65kg
15x65 - [+2 reps]
13x65 -
Standing Calf Raise [60 sec] =
20x75 - [+5kg][+2 reps]
20x75 - [+5kg][+2 reps]
20x75 - [+5kg][+2 reps]
Renegade Rows [120 sec] = Ouch
10x25's - [+5kg]
10x25's - [+5kg]
10x25's - [+5kg]

Total Workout Time = 90 mins

Beasted... Low calories and low carbs biting today....
I think I am getting DOMS from just looking at your workouts, tbh... :eek:
Yeah they hurt lol :D

Workout 4 of 4
Upper B
Day 7 - cutting (30% less volume)

Bench Press [150 sec] = Good
8x107.5 - [+2.5kg]
8x107.5 - [+2.5kg]
8x107.5 - [+2.5kg]
Wide-Grip Chins [150 sec] = Full, deliberate lat strech and pause at the bottom of every rep. 3-2-1-1 tempo.
8xbw (+16.5kg) - [+1.5kg]
8xbw (+15kg) -
7.5xbw (+15kg) - [+1 rep] just missed 8th rep by 6 inch
Seated Cable Rows [120 sec] = 3-1-1-1 tempo
10x95 - [+1 rep]
10x95 - [+7.5kg]
11x87.5 -
Seated DB Press [120 sec] = Beastly
10x37.5's - [+1 rep]
9.5x37.5's - [+5kg] - spotter just touched my elbows last rep, don't think I needed it but can't count full rep
Dips [90 sec] - 3-1-1-0 tempo. Shoulers hammered by this point...
10xbw (+30kg) -
8xbw (+30kg) (+5xbw only) -
Hammer Curls [90 sec] - Very strict form. Straight arms at bottom, hard squeeze at the top of rep, very painful. 3-2-1-2 tempo
6x17.5's + 5x15's + 4x12.5's + 1x17.5's - dropset
Warmdown = Various RC exercises - No rest, all done one after the other, 14 sets, takes about 10 mins total
Medial Internal Rotation - 25x25kg
Medial External Rotation - 20x7.5kg
Ventral Internal Rotation - 20x20kg
Ventral External Rotation - 20x7.5kg
Lateral Internal Rotation - 20x25kg
Lateral External Rotation - 22x7.5kg
Rotational Diagonal Raise - 22x7.5kg

Total Workout Time = 90 mins

Good workout
Workout 1 of 4
Lower A
Day 8 - Cutting

Front Squats [45 sec] = Had to drop the weight slightly last set to keep form in check.
3x110 - Belt
3x112.5 - Belt - [+2.5kg]
3x112.5 - Belt - [+2.5kg]
3x112.5 - Belt - [+2.5kg]
3x112.5 - Belt - [+2.5kg]
3x112.5 - Belt - [+2.5kg]
3x110 - Belt - [+10kg]
RDL [120 sec] = Good
8x120 - [+5kg]
8x120 - straps - [+5kg]
8x120 - straps - [+5kg]
45 Degree Leg Press [120 sec] = Heavy
13x350 - [+10kg]
13x350 - [+10kg]
Seated Leg Curls [90 sec] = Machine stacked at 90kg can't go higher
15x90 - [+3 reps]
15x90 - [+3 reps]
Seated calf Raises [superset] =
14x62.5 - [+2.5kg]
14x62.5 - [+2.5kg]
12x62.5 - [+2.5kg]
Pallof Press [superset] = I can't believe I managed 50kg!!! Almost twisted my trainers off
15x45x2 - [+2 reps]
12x50x2 - [+5kg]
Sprint Bike = Agony
60 sec - seated = [3 sets] - low resistance
30 sec - standing sprint = [3 sets] - high resistance

Total Workout Time = 90 mins

Workout 2 of 4
Upper A
Day 10 - cutting

Inc DB Press [150 sec] = Can't increase weight as 50's are biggest. Will try to reduce rest and hold reps
8x50s -
8x50's -
8x50's -
Hammer Chins [150 sec] = 2-3-1-1 tempo. Full, deliberate lat strech at the bottom of every rep, slight pause and squeeze at the top.
8xbw (+15kg) - [+2.5kg]
8xbw (+15kg) - [+2.5kg]
6(+2)xbw (+12.5kg) - rest/pause
DB Rows [60 sec] = Usually do these 4th but bench was occupied so more fatigued this week
12x40 -
10x40 - [-1 rep]
Bench Press [120 sec] = Good
12x97.5 - [+5kg]
9x97.5 - [+2.5kg]
Dips [120 sec] - Again more fatigue as these were straight after bench rather than rows
12xbw (+30kg) -
9xbw (+30kg) 4xbw -
Zottman Curls [90 sec] - Dropsets just to hammer biceps as quickly as possible, curls bore me to death
8x20's + 4x15's + 3x12.5's
6x15's + 4x12.5's
Warmdown = Various RC exercises -
Medial Internal Rotation - 20x20kg
Medial External Rotation - 20x5kg
Ventral Internal Rotation - 20x20kg
Ventral External Rotation - 20x5kg
Lateral Internal Rotation - 20x20kg
Lateral External Rotation - 20x5kg
Rotational Diagonal Raise - 20x7.5kg
Back Stretch - 3x30 sec

Total Workout Time = 90 mins

Had physio on Monday and I need to sort out my mid-back and posture "thoracic extension"
Workout 3 of 4
Lower B
Day 12 - cutting

Deadlifts [150 sec] = Held weight and reps this week, much better quality reps
5x150 -
5x150 -
5x150 -
Walking Lunges DB[120 sec] = Better reps, more controlled
26x50 - [+2 reps]
26x50 - [+2 reps]
Single leg Lying Leg Curl [90 sec] = 4-1-1-1 tempo, machine stacked at 65kg so had to switch to single leg
12x35 -
12x35 -
Standing Calf Raise [60 sec] =
20x80 - [+5kg][+2 reps]
20x80 - [+5kg][+2 reps]
Renegade Rows [120 sec] = Ouch
16x25's - [+6 reps]

Total Workout Time = 90 mins

Workout 4 of 4
Upper B
Day 13 - cutting (30% less volume)

Bench Press [150 sec] = Good
8x110 - [+2.5kg]
7x110 - [+2.5kg]
8x110 - [+2.5kg]
Wide-Grip Chins [150 sec] = Full, deliberate lat strech and pause at the bottom of every rep. 3-2-1-1 tempo.
8xbw (+16.5kg) -
8xbw (+15kg) -
7(+1)xbw (+15kg) -
Seated Cable Rows [120 sec] = 3-1-1-1 tempo
12x95 - [+2 reps]
10x95 -
12x87.5 - [+1 rep]
Seated DB Press [120 sec] = Beastly
10x37.5's - [+1 rep]
10x37.5's - [+5kg]
Dips [90 sec] - 3-1-1-0 tempo. Shoulers hammered by this point...
10xbw (+32.5kg) - [+2.5kg]
9xbw (+30kg) (+8xbw only) - [+1 rep][+3xbw]
Hammer Curls [90 sec] - Very strict form. Straight arms at bottom, hard squeeze at the top of rep, very painful. 3-2-1-2 tempo
7x17.5's + 5x15's + 4x10's + dropset
Warmdown = Various RC exercises - No rest, all done one after the other, 14 sets, takes about 10 mins total
Medial Internal Rotation - 20x20kg
Medial External Rotation - 20x5kg
Ventral Internal Rotation - 20x20kg
Ventral External Rotation - 20x5kg
Lateral Internal Rotation - 20x20kg
Lateral External Rotation - 22x5kg
Rotational Diagonal Raise - 20x5kg

Total Workout Time = 90 mins

Good workout
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