Chong's Hypergrowthy Log

Workout 1 of 4
Lower A
Day 15 - Cutting

Front Squats [45 sec] = Wanted to go higher today and could have but didn't want to risk it
3x110 - Belt
3x112.5 - Belt -
3x112.5 - Belt -
3x115 - Belt - [+2.5kg]
3x115 - Belt - [+2.5kg]
3x115 - Belt - [+2.5kg]
2x117.5 - Belt - [+5kg]
2x120 - Belt - [+5kg][+2 reps]
1x122.5 - Belt - [+7.5kg][+1 rep]
RDL [120 sec] = Good form
10x125 - [+5kg][+2 reps]
8x125 - straps - [+5kg]
8x130 - straps - [+10kg]
45 Degree Leg Press [120 sec] = Surprisingly easy, could have done 400kg
15x360 - [+10kg][+2 reps]
15x370 - [+20kg][+2 reps]
Seated Leg Curls [90 sec] = Machine stacked at 90kg had to add a 5kg plate to stack
15x95 - [+5kg]
12x95 - [+5kg]
Seated calf Raises [superset] =
14x65 - [+2.5kg]
14x65 - [+2.5kg]
12x65 - [+2.5kg]
Pallof Press [superset] = Heavy!!
12x50x2 - [+5kg]
12x50x2 -

Total Workout Time = 80 mins

This is my last week of training before I go on holiday so I want to push some of my lifts to see what I can do. But at the same time I don't want to risk any kind of injury before my hols, so it's more of a mental battle than anything. Could easy have done more on the squats and 400kg for 10 was on if I wanted to really push Leg Press, even at 15 reps the 370kg was easy.
Workout 2 of 4
Upper A
Day 16 - cutting

Inc DB Press [150 sec] = Despite 3 of the worst setups in the history of mankind setting anything up, managed to hit 9 reps fairly easy!
9x50s - [+1 rep]
9x50's - [+1 rep]
8x50's -
Hammer Chins [150 sec] = 2-3-1-1 tempo. Full, deliberate lat strech at the bottom of every rep, slight pause and squeeze at the top.
9xbw (+16.5kg) - [+1.5kg][+1 rep]
8xbw (+16.5kg) - [+1.5kg]
7(+2)xbw (+16.5kg) - [+4kg][+1 rep] just barely failed that 8th by 3 inch
DB Rows [60 sec] = Just not getting on with these at all, tried dropping the weight and still not feeling it, dropping them
12x35 -
12x35 -
Bench Press [120 sec] = Good
12x100 - [+2.5kg]
9x97.5 -
Dips [120 sec] - Despite more fatigue still makiing gainz
10xbw (+35kg) - [+5kg]
8xbw (+35kg) 7xbw - [+5kg]
Zottman Curls [90 sec] - Just can't get interested in curling.........
8x20's + 4x12.5's
6x17.5's + 4x12.5's + (6x10's seated)
Close-grip pressups = 22xbw + 9xbw
Back Stretch = 3x 30 sec
Overhead stretch = 100 repsx bw + 20 reps 10kg

Total Workout Time = 90 mins

Warmdowns will be trying to focus on sorting out my mid-back and posture "thoracic extension"

Another good workout with good gains despite the lower calories
I've never got on with DB rows, BORs or most of the leg-supported rowing variations. I do these ones instead now; Seal rows:


DB version is usually done with a palms-facing grip.

Can be a bit of a pain to set up but they feel unfy and there's no lower back / harder to cheat.
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