Choose you fate for 2025 and beyond…

Man of Honour
24 Sep 2005
You must choose one…

Option (a): Tory UK government and Biden president again.


Option (b): Labour UK government and Trump president again.

Both are death, but I’m going with option (b) on the hope that it’ll be a quicker, ‘ride the bomb’ sort of climax rather than a slow agonising end from overexposure to disappointment.

What say ye, oh merry brethren?

*takes shelter*
Whilst I'm mostly a centrist conservative voter I do appreciate the country feels the need for change - even if it is to realise that the grass wasn't actually greener.

I expect I'll vote Labour in the next election just to ensure the SNP aren't involved in a coalition. Not that these things really matter. You vote for your local MP and that's all you really can do.

I do think Starmer or Sunak is much of a muchness TBH. I do worry about some of the back bench Labour extremists, but then similarly the Tory extremes.

Trump as president though. My god, won't the guy just let it go. His republican opposition sounds like a perfectly reasonable candidate and I think she'd have a decent chance of winning. Trump as president though. That's something the world could do without.
I don't think much of Starmer but I think less of the conservatives right now so it's option B for me.

I dislike Trump and I think he will be a disaster, but we have more immediate concerns at home.
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I actually fear Trump more than the Tories and I personally don't believe Labour are going to be the massive change people thing that they are going to be; Starmer is too weak and indecisive and frankly I think the UK financially feels like its in a worse state than even 2010 which makes things even harder.

I just hope Trump gets blocked from standing; although I suspect that might kick up all kinds of civil unrest among his MAGA disciples.
I don't think much of Starmer but I think less of the conservatives right now so it's option B for me.

I dislike Trump and I think he will be a disaster, but we have more immediate concerns at home.

Without wanting to make the thread too serious, and without giving any regard to his political ideals, it’s pretty clear that he was a damn fine lawyer… so I’m hoping that there is some competence to him if he gets in!

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Option (b) is a bit like Tactical Voting and Tactical Nuking all in one.

Option (a) is an advert for those who have had a lobotomy but forgot that they had a lobotomy.

I'd choose option b because the US is ****** anyway but the UK has a chance if they can tactically and surgically remove the corrupted cancer that are the conservatives.
I’m a leftie with some pretty extreme ideas like the ability for people to be able to afford food, for the food they want to be available and even the freedom of movement so that we can work and live in another country; if we desire.

god a miss the days when I could pop in the local Tesco and pickup French mustard and spinach pasta.. I shed a tear of joy when they started stocking red sweet peppers again for my salad.

i know voting labour wont get me my fantasty but it‘s closer to the destination.

in fairness, the options for prime minister in time round is far better than the **** show that we had last time.
Starmar seems to have the backing of his party and Rishi is getting some rather crap ideas forced upon him by his.

As for America… Biden just won’t do anything and even if Trump is allows to run, he’s full of hot air most of his crazy plans will get veto and he will some sort of vanity project to keep him quiet.
who knows, his wall might go back up again..

it’s just a choice of (Biden) no progress or (Trump) sligh recession.

more interesting to see how the French vote…
That's a real tough one.

I'm going to have to go with A. That's not to say I want a Tory government again. But I don't think Labour will make much difference at home and I think Trump has a bigger chance of screwing things up on a global scale.

But as above I would choose death by snu snu over either option.
I don't think this is difficult at all, I'd pick tories over labour, I'd pick biden over trump. Option a.

That said, i think neither biden or trump should be eligible because they're too old, cenile, crazy, whatever you call it.

I'm sick of tories as much as the next person, but I do want lower tax, so they're my only hope. I dont mind starmer but some of the labour folks are very woke and I can't stand that. Really annoys me that neither offer proportional representation.
I'm sick of tories as much as the next person, but I do want lower tax, so they're my only hope. I dont mind starmer but some of the labour folks are very woke and I can't stand that. Really annoys me that neither offer proportional representation.
dude, you want lower taxes and you think another tory government will deliver this? The same government that has the highest taxes since records begin..

the same government that has caused fiscal drag?

please explain to me what woke is and why is it a bad thing?
personally I don’t mind people with extreme ideas that pushes the borders of thinking as long as it’s expressed and action in an appropriate manner.
Extreme ideas like treating everyone the same; in the form of giving women the vote and people freedom.

I too am in flavour of proportional representation, it would see the end of the two big politics inc. parties as we know it… but then again I have some crazy ideas like that, which could be labelled as woke such as… if you don’t work and you’re not I’m education or retired, then you shouldn’t be able to vote in the general elections. I would allow all people to vote in the local elections, as that has more of a direct impact to local spending and the effects on their lives.
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