Originally posted by Andelusion
C) Wet your underpants
You've always been born with a gift. Not much of a gift, but a gift nonetheless. You can always wet yourself on command - even after denying yourself water for days, you can still unleash a torrent of urine at will. You remember back to the days at school when the bigger boys forced you to wet yourself for 4 hours straight - at the end you were a dehydrated mess, but you'd earned their respect.
Taking full advantage of this 'skill', you let go, and as if by magic a puddle begins forming around your feet. Then your ankles, your knees, your abdomen, and then it's up to your chin. The camel spider has long since let go, and the cackling spider-couple also left their lair a long time ago - leaving you alone in what will soon become your urine-soaked tomb. Your death is inescapable, and you soon drown in your own waste. What an end.
Originally posted by Hoowah
You shout out the command, wishing and hoping that Treguard will hear your call and stop the game. But then you remember this isn't Knightmare, and a sense of dread develops in your tiny mind. But that thought doesn't last long, as the camel spider cleanly bites off your face. The deranged Lopéz stuffs your body in a wheelbarrow and carts your sorry corpse off into the depths of the lair. You're outta here!
Originally posted by mojojoejo
D - might work on hippies...
Struck by fear and panic, you begin singing. Starting off with the theme to Postman Pat, you work your way through the classics of Convoy, Nelly the Elephant and Scatman's World; looking around yourself, you notice your enemies seem entranced - locked down in their grimy lair they obviously don't hear music often, even stuff like the Fast Food Rockers. Taking advantage of the hypnotic effect of your singing, you start singing the recent number 1 hit (number 2 in my opinion. Geddit?) 'Babycakes' from popular beat combo '3 of a Kind'. Within seconds of the chorus, the three people standing between you and freedom drop to the floor in a coma. The power of music truly is astounding.
You work your way through the spiderwebs to the entrance on the other side, to be greeted with a wonderous lake, as blue as the sky and as flat as the Cheeky Girls. This would be a good time to clean all the bits of web and camel spider spit off yourself. But how?
A) Dive in the lake
B) Splash a little of the water on yourself