Christmas lights 2023 - too early?

I'll be putting christmas lights up on November the 1st, saying that I kind of already have some up but they're just blue and a red set that goes around the top of the room and up the stairs, november 1st, Crimbo tree up in the baby pen to protect from outside evils and and multi coloured LEDS on the ceiling in cross formation.
i have friends on FB who put up their decs and tree up now. Then on Boxing Day, the tree etc have been taken down. WTF is that about??

Then seen another friend who puts up her tree up the day after Remembrance Sunday who moaned about she’s sick of the sight of the tree by early Dec. Solution- don’t put up your tree up early!

Me - put up tree around 10th Dec and takes it down around 3rd Jan - depending on what the days they fall on.
Village green had one w/lights for 2 weeks, but so far just a couple of houses; seems to be restraint this year.

moreover, running by the highway, the gritter lorries N.Cambs seem to be dropping grit that has a mixture of red & cream granules -
not seen any green - whats that about ? mollasses isn't red.
1st of December :p Lets go ! Xmas light massiveeeeeeeeee.. Last year but looks the same

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I've been informed that because I now have a great niece who is just old enough to start to enjoy the lights* I have to put at least our Window lights up this year.

Hopefully the silhouettes in the loft are still working, as it's been about 6 years since I pulled them down last.

*One will be 1 in Feb, and the other is 2 just after xmas and loves the likes of the light up (hard plastic) ghost decoration from halloween, and the christmas snowglobe we bought a couple of weeks ago.
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Just walked the dog and can see loads of houses with lights and Christmas trees up! I have been informed by my daughter that the moment it's December that means it's Christmas..
I've been informed that because I now have a great niece who is just old enough to start to enjoy the lights* I have to put at least our Window lights up this year.

Hopefully the silhouettes in the loft are still working, as it's been about 6 years since I pulled them down last.

*One will be 1 in Feb, and the other is 2 just after xmas and loves the likes of the light up (hard plastic) ghost decoration from halloween, and the christmas snowglobe we bought a couple of weeks ago.
No tree?

No tree makes Robfosters sad :(

We done ours a few days ago

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I find that it removes the "specialness" of the occassion when decorations are being put up for 6 weeks nowadays (end of Nov til Jan). A few days before/after Christmas makes them feel more special, that they mean something more than being "just another thing to decorate for alongside Easter, Halloween etc".
No tree?

No tree makes Robfosters sad :(

We done ours a few days ago

I suspect a tree will be going up, but at the moment I don't have any room to get it down from the loft and assemble it in the lounge*.
My father has had a couple of hospital appointments in the last week, I made the mistake of taking him into Smyths and B&Q and we ended up with a boot load of stuff for my great nieces, including a huge unicorn, rocking horse, ride on toys, and about a dozen animatronic christmas toys from B&Q.
He's enjoying having his first great long as it's only for a couple of hours at a time and someone else does the nappies.

I swear both trips home have been like something out of a horror movie, the first one I kept hearing this soft "jingling" of some bells coming from the back seat (you know like in a horror film, or game where the evil elf or whatever is following you and all you know of them is the jingly jangly of their bells), and the second trip the electronic toys kept activating so i'd hear these manic earie kids voices singing bits of christmas songs. Sort of Five Nights at Freddies, the christmas edition:p

I've actually got a vast amount of christmas decorations and christmas village stuff in the loft but no time or energy to get it out.

*I've currently got two largely assembled new computers sat on the living room table, I've not had a chance to fit the remaining drives and graphics cards and get them tested properly (not helped by needing to order additional cables because the PSU atx cable was slightly too short).
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