Christmas rituals

19 Feb 2008
Take my daughter out xmas eve either to a show or cinema followed by dinner.

This year its cindarella at the local theatre followed by a Chinese,she always forgets take her out xmas eve which is nice as I never tell her until 30 mins before we go.she is only 7 and we both get excited when we.go out.
26 Apr 2013
For a good few Christmas' my ritual was 2 bottles of red before lunch at about 4pm

Is napping a big part of your Christmas day? :p If I drank 2 bottles of red and ate a big meal, I'd want to sleep forever.

Take my daughter out xmas eve either to a show or cinema followed by dinner.

This year its cindarella at the local theatre followed by a Chinese,she always forgets take her out xmas eve which is nice as I never tell her until 30 mins before we go.she is only 7 and we both get excited when we.go out.

That sounds really nice. It'll be memories like that she'll cherish when she's older.
19 Jun 2012
Our only ritual, and a recent one at that, is dispensing with a big turkey dinner.

We go and get 2 big thick Ribeye steaks from the meat counter at Morrisons (I would use our local butcher but he is useless for Ribeye :( ), and for Christmas dinner we have steak, chips, home made salad with olive oil and mint, chips, 2 poached eggs, garlic mushrooms and onion rings.

We have been doing that for about the last 6 years.

The other ritual, which we kind of reneged on last year due to family visiting, is playing Lego games on the Xbox. We own nearly all of the ones released but we have barely played the last couple we bought. We only use the xbox for lego games over Christmas, except the odd occasion where my friend visits and we get drunk on ale and try and beat each other on Forza till 4AM :p

The only other ritual we have is going to my in-laws on boxing day. Been doing it since we got together, and its a great night. :)
1 Dec 2004
Hang christmas tree balls on my ears and dance around the streets naked wearing a willy warmer shouting "Its XMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSS"
10 Mar 2009
South West
Having a young family we’re still trying to find ‘our’ Christmas traditions but it is a great excuse to wind down and enjoy the change of pace.

Christmas Eve - we like to have one present to open each and then once daughter is in bed we sit back and enjoy a nice glass of red with our feet up, well I sit back with a nice glass of red and my wife dashes about wrapping last minute presents!

Christmas day - Church service in the morning and then off to in-laws for a roast and then an afternoon of family drop-ins and watching daughter open her presents. First time I’m not doing much of the cooking so that’s going to be nice, although I will miss my paprika roasties in duck fat :/

Boxing day – slob day. We’re generally in our pyjamas all day and just spend time together as a family and of course eat lots of leftovers.... hmm, stuffing sandwiches :) Probably have friends around this year as it’s all too easy to do the whole family thing and not catch up with friends.

First time in my working life I have Christmas to New Year off so that’s going to be a really welcome break.
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Man of Honour
5 Jun 2003
Midnight mass usually on Christmas Eve.

A nice lie in and lazy morning.

Start cooking / helping to get ready for food - it's never turkey though, that's our tradition, not having turkey for Christmas :p

Eat too much.

Be in a state of foodcoma in the lounge playing board games, or something "en famille". If in France we'd go for a walk in the mountains, build a snowman or something like that. Keep away from the TV - not a fan of TV anyway, so it very much stays off. It want to spend time with loved ones, not some rubbish on TV that I can watch any time I want.

Opening gifts can vary though invariably it is after lunch/dinner.
Man of Honour
26 Dec 2003
Normally go out with the guys on Christmas eve for a few beers as it's the only time most of us are all back home at the same time.
Christmas day get woken up by one of the family because I inevitably got home far too late and needed some sleep, then dad normally knocks up some scrambled egg and smoked salmon on toast.
Then it's off to the pub with him for a couple of pre dinner drinks, then come home have dinner open presents and laze around with the family.
Also have a pre Christmas ritual with the housemates, we sit down and basically have a Christmas day together the weekend before Christmas eat crazy amounts of lamb, pigs in blankets and stuffing then have a couple of whiskies and a massive cheese board and open our presents from each other.
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10 May 2004
Sunny Stafford
Christmas Day

- Terrys Chocolate Orange and Bottle of Beer
- Full English Breakfast (2 x bacon, 2 x sausage, 1 x fried egg, pile of scrambled eggs, beans, mushrooms, black pudding, hash brown, tomatoes, 2 x toast) with champagne
- Mince Pie and various chocolates mid morning
- Christmas Dinner (prawn cocktail, turkey, Christmas pudding with tons of whipped cream, cheese and biscuits, chocolates, wine) - Sherry, followed by a few vodka and cokes
- Christmas Supper is usually turkey/stuffing rolls with either trifle or Christmas cake, followed by a good few vodka and cokes

Geez, all of that on Christmas Day? I'm very overweight and I couldn't remotely manage that! O.o

Okies, for me:

Christmas Eve - I work this day but they normally let us leave at lunchtime (at full day's pay). I'll go back to my old folks that afternoon and just chill out. Might have a look at the various fairy lights / decors that their neighbours have put up outside their houses. Punch (mulled wine) late evening just before we hit the hay.

Christmas Day - extended family comes here, like 10 or 12 of us now. Bucks fizz / smoked salmon breakfast. Open presents. Aperitifs. Roast turkey boozy meal with starter + afters + cheeseboard which starts mid-afternoon and that's the rest of the day sorted.

Boxing Day - our yearly family booze-up. We invite friends around, again 10 or 12 of us, play board games, murder mysteries, quizzes, cards etc. Have leftovers like cold turkey, and the leftover vegetables becomes bubble & squeak, Christmas cake.

Day after Boxing Day - back to work. I don't mind working around the Christmas bank holidays, as long as I get the 2nd of January off. I hate coming back on the 2nd with a passion... waaaaaaaaaay too soon after New Year!
1 Dec 2004
On a serious note, usually xmas eve is spent down the pub, in my younger days it was xmas eve down the pub getting blattered, and waking up xmas day with a hangover.

These days its xmas eve down the pub for more sensible drinks and too see a load of people, whilst containing myself and not getting too drunk that I can actually sustain xmas day activities without being a dribbling mess. Then its spending Xmas day with my mum for xmas dinner, or spend day with mum then go and see my dad for Xmas dinner, will probably be my mums this year as my dad is in NZ.

Then boxing day is sometimes a mixture between family and visiting friends, and the period between xmas and NY is either working (but this year I have the time off in between) so probably spending times shopping or with friends/visiting.

and NY, well I dont know, all depends, we used to go out raving if a decent line up is released, but these times because of friends that are couples, or friends with kids its hard planning stuff these days.
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2 May 2014
All round to my Mum and Dad's

Massive breakfast buffet, followed by massive rush for Christmass dinner, then christmass supper

Interspersed with gifts, booze, tv, laughter and **** taking........

Wouldn't change it for the world
13 Oct 2008
SE London Born and Bred
Christmas Eve we usually prepare the gammon and get it baked. Then we peel, cook and mash a load of potatoes, once they are cool they are rolled into golf ball sized balls, then egged and breadcrumbed before being fried to cook them off. Finally the turkey is stuffed and covered and stuck in the oven to cook. This is usually done with a bottle of wine or a few cocktails.

Christmas morning we have fresh Juice (OJ or Tropical), proper coffee and gammon (yep the one cooked the day before) and cheese croissants gently warmed in the oven. Presents are usually about 11am and then dinner is about 3pm (Just have to cook the veg and extras like stuffing and pigs in blankets whilst warming the pots, gammon and turkey - makes christmas day cooking much less stressful).

Settle into the evening with a few chocs, some cake/ice cream, a few drinks etc.
19 Oct 2002
Christmas Eve, Usually Work till Lunchtime, then Home to prepare stuff for tomorrow, or pack if we're staying away. Early Night as Santa won't come otherwise!!!

Christmas Morning, Wake up and open the 'stocking' of silly prezzies at the foot of the bed (the Wife and me still do this), Then downstairs for everyone to watch me open My Birthday Prezzies... and everyone else gets one prezzie from under the tree! Then Brekkie...

Then Depending on weather:

1, We're the ones hosting Christmas... Start Cooking the Full Christmas Dinner for up to 10 people (Turkey, Veg, Spuds, Sausage Balls, Stuffing, Yorkshire Puds etc...) - Lunch at 1:30ish

2, We're Guests at the Mother-in-Laws or Brother-in-Laws... Drink and eat tonnes of Booze and Chocolates and other junk, whilst staying out of the Kitchen (for fear of our lives!!) whilst entertaining out 10 year old Niece and watching as many crap TV Programs till Lunch Time at 1:30ish

Then When the Queen comes on at 3pm, we turn the Telly OFF (as it's boring listening to her moan about her kids!!) We all crowd round the tree and Nominate a 'Postman' (usually by Rock/Paper/Scissors or flipping a chocolate coin) we then spend the rest of the day playing with our new toys and more eating and drinking or snoozing on the sofa.

Christmas Evening, We have a cold Buffet whilst playing Trivial Pursuits or summut similar (possibly a new board game that year!!)

Boxing Day, Visit my parents (take the Mother-in-Law along) and cook them a Christmas dinner and play Board Games.
5 Feb 2009
Lots. I love the rituals of Christmas.

I always take time off work from about 15th-16th or so. Have a huge PC gaming binge with a nice supply of dark beers in the build-up to Christmas Eve, and then another one between Boxing Day and about 5th Jan.

In the week prior, me, my dad and my sis all meet up at the Xmas market to "go shopping." This consists of buying maybe two presents first thing, and then getting blotto on mulled wine until the last train home. A nice tradition, but horribly expensive (spent £100 on the food and drink stalls last year). Bonus tradition points if one of us gets so drunk we leave our shopping bags at the market.

On Christmas Eve, the kids leave mince pies and carrots out for Father Christmas and the reindeer, then me and my wife wrap all the presents and share a bottle of red.

The kids open the stuff in their stockings in our bedroom at some ridiculous hour (usually a battle to get them to wait until 6am...), then Christmas breakfast is always scrambled eggs with smoked salmon, and a glass of bucks fizz.

If it's a year we're having my wife's family round (we alternate family time each year), I polish off the rest of the champagne whilst cooking Christmas dinner after we've all opened our presents. Every other year we go to my parents for Christmas Day at around 2pm, where I usually take over the cooking from my mum who is getting stressed by it all, then we open presents round the tree, drinking beer with my dad until the evening.

And that's the way it's been for more than a decade now. Wouldn't change anything. Looking forward to it all already. :D
23 Oct 2013
Have a late night Christmas Eve, generally drinking and wrapping presents then moving the kids presents down from the loft.

Christmas day, bacon sarny, and presents. Round my parents for presents 2.0 and I generally get a bottle of Rum?JD have a little tipple and then some bucks fizz.

Christmas Lunch, Queens Speach and then an afternoon doze. Home and general chill out watching tv/setting up kids presents.

Boxing Day - full cooked breaky, gammon and chips for tea, chill out have a few drinks and relax.
20 Mar 2006
During my 20s the Christmas Eve tradition was a big night out with all my mates, sometimes ending up in a club till an ungodly hour.

I used to love it, some of the best nights out ever were had on Christmas Eve, the atmosphere used to be great as all my mates would make the effort and come out, even those you would normally never see.

However as I got into my mid 20s a couple of years running I had absolute stinker hangovers on Christmas Day. One year I distinctly remember shaking and could hardly be bothered to look at my presents. I toned it down after that and since I have lived with the now wife I’ve loved spending it with her.

Christmas Eve now is all about cooking the turkey if we are hosting. Or helping to prepare food if I am at the In-laws. Of course this is done with a glass of something special, some mulled wine or some nice spiced rum and some nibbles. As of the last few years the film Nativity has always been our Christmas eve viewing, sometimes we sit and watch it properly, other times it will be on in the background while we play a game or whatever but it doesn’t half put you in the right mood.

God I can’t wait….
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30 Sep 2005
Geez, all of that on Christmas Day? I'm very overweight and I couldn't remotely manage that! O.o

Okies, for me:

Christmas Eve - I work this day but they normally let us leave at lunchtime (at full day's pay). I'll go back to my old folks that afternoon and just chill out. Might have a look at the various fairy lights / decors that their neighbours have put up outside their houses. Punch (mulled wine) late evening just before we hit the hay.

Christmas Day - extended family comes here, like 10 or 12 of us now. Bucks fizz / smoked salmon breakfast. Open presents. Aperitifs. Roast turkey boozy meal with starter + afters + cheeseboard which starts mid-afternoon and that's the rest of the day sorted.

Boxing Day - our yearly family booze-up. We invite friends around, again 10 or 12 of us, play board games, murder mysteries, quizzes, cards etc. Have leftovers like cold turkey, and the leftover vegetables becomes bubble & squeak, Christmas cake.

Day after Boxing Day - back to work. I don't mind working around the Christmas bank holidays, as long as I get the 2nd of January off. I hate coming back on the 2nd with a passion... waaaaaaaaaay too soon after New Year!

I'm only 11% body fat :D I think the trick is to cut out all the bad stuff in Jan and Feb lol

Christmas Day has always been the one day a year when you don't feel guilty about anything
26 Apr 2013
I'm only 11% body fat :D I think the trick is to cut out all the bad stuff in Jan and Feb lol

Christmas Day has always been the one day a year when you don't feel guilty about anything

Indeed! I love cooking, but my problem is I always want to make more things than I can eat.
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