Perhaps a false economy but if you're interested in Quantum Break you could grab the 1 month Humble Monthly for £8.98 ($12) and get QB as well as Dawn of War III, The Long Dark and several other games.
Im thinking Mafia 3 and season pass... the latter from Steam, the former is 7.99 on CDKEYS, so 20 quid all in.
Hopefully the poor reviews are pre-patches, so it would be a decent pickup. I love big open world games, so this is on those lines.
Tempted to grab Witcher 3 GOTY on either GOG or steam
as I'm just finishing witcher 1 now.
Quantum Break £7.50 tempting, what's it like compared to other Remedy games?
I am playing Mafia 3 right now, for a second time (I wanted to replay with all DLCs). It is a great, flawed game, but I don't mind its specific flaws that much because the gameplay mechanics are so good (shooting, stealth, driving), fantastic atmosphere and period setting. Well written too. And the DLCs are a must, so far I played two and while quite short, they are storydriven and very good, no filler.
Mafia 1 is masterpiece, Mafia 2 was great, Mafia 3 is great also (although in different aspects).
Buy it. On GOG if you want to support CDP.
I bought it from Humble Monthly and it is great! Ran 60fps which is pleasant, playing it on TV with controller it looked great, shooting is fun (although it gets better as more stuff gets unlocked) but I thought the story was its greatest asset.
Thanks mate!
Hmm given their press release a few days ago about not supporting HDR on PC, I think I'll give some money to valve.
There is no malicious intent, the HDR is a clustersuck on PC right now, pretty much nobody has HDR supported monitor and on software side there are issues as well.
They did say "at this moment", I think they will add it on PC when there are actual monitors being used by people that support HDR. think so? How is HDR a cluster **** compared to consoles + TVs? HDR is pretty much a mess everywhere but support is still there for those willing to implement it.
Surely they just for now port whatever HDR support is in place for the XBOX one X and assume people are using TVs until HDR monitors become more mainstream.
On console its far easier from a developers point of view & TV's have their standards for HDR, however its a bit too flexible. With consoles you know exactly the GPU HDR capability bit depth Range etc & can adapt to support the TV used.Still not convinced as to the HDR market being a mess for why we don't get it on Witcher 3. Why have other titles such as the ones listed in that article pulling off full HDR support on PC?
HDR on TVs is a mess too. Why aren't red holding back on that until there is a definitive set standard?
On console its far easier from a developers point of view & TV's have their standards for HDR, however its a bit too flexible. With consoles you know exactly the GPU HDR capability bit depth Range etc & can adapt to support the TV used.
with PC you need to support all forms of Graphics & try to adjust the to allow the monitor to display correctly. THen you have windows HDR issues in general
THis is from someone who games on HDR TV with my PC.
if this was on MAC it would just work. but windows has not added "just works" support just yet...
^^ Steam is currently having issue's, just keep trying and it will work.