chronic anxiety

Also I think this thread should be kept open, it isn't a medical thread as such and would be a great help for those who suffer to know they are not alone.

If this was closed it wouldn't help matters.

As long as people don't start recommending other meds it should be fine to stay open.

I've never really suffered with anxiety so i think i'm quite lucky, however, I've not flown on a plane for 15 years and in Feb, we booked to go to New Zealand, and even the thought of being on a plane made me feel anxious for some reason, i wouldn't say it's a fear, but i started watching youtube videos of flights on the plane i'm going on, (Emirates A380), at first, they made me feel really nervous just watching, but the more i've watched them, the more i've been accustomed to it and i'm more excited now than nervous, though still slightly anxious. I'm sure once i'm on the plane i'll be fine though. I'm off to the docs to get something to help me sleep on the 14 hour flight from Dubai to Brisbane though as i cannot sleep in normal conditions on any form of transport.
It wasnt citalopram. It was Escitalopram. Mine is more for anxiety than just depression!
my bad sorry never heard of that one :) I'm trying to stay away from all tablets used to treat depression and anxiety as i find they work best for depression and i don't suffer from that.
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thanks for the responses guys, both cbt and counselling and neither worked and for the poster who posted about citralapram yeah that was the first drug i was on and its the mildest they prescribe for anxciety I'm way beyond those :( anyone had hypnotherapy ? as i feel that is the last thing left to try ?

CBT is still important, understanding anxiety and why your body feels the way it does is important to 'stopping' the symptoms (for example if your heart is racing, you can coach yourself with your knowledge that that is just a flight and fight response etc.
Not to ask for details but those that suffer with anxiety, is it (as far as you can tell) one main issue or event that you can attribute this to or a number of factors?

Reason I ask is I have a few friends that suffer with anxiety and their triggers are generally single events/issues.

I've only ever experienced what I imagine were anxiety attacks a few times over the last 4 years - for me it was triggered by sleep deprivation but I became anxious about lots of small things rather than a singular issue. I know this is nothing to what some people go through but just be interested to know if living with it has given you any clues as to what triggers it.

Just been away and was scared stiff on take off!! Landing not so bad. Mind you, it was Ryanair!!! Never again with them if i can help it!
My boss has to travel a lot for work (flying) and has to take Valium - given some of the stories he's told the office in the past I can't blame him.
For me it was a build up over some years then a very very rough break up last year which caused me to snap and go over the edge. I was a wreck and genuinely do not remember December 2014. I was awake for 2-3 days at a time in a constant state of anxiousness, it's all very much a blur. I could only sleep by drinking heavily. Not a good combo.
For me it was a build up over some years then a very very rough break up last year which caused me to snap and go over the edge. I was a wreck and genuinely do not remember December 2014. I was awake for 2-3 days at a time in a constant state of anxiousness, it's all very much a blur. I could only sleep by drinking heavily. Not a good combo.

Hope you ok now mate. I know how you feel. For me too drink helps which can be a worry. Shouldnt need to drink to hide from reality. Meds i am on help though but as i am human i do trip up and get back into sad times! Life can be a right pain but having a thread like this makes you realise that you are not alone and it is good to read of peoples successes.
I got heart palpitations once with my heart just having a irregular thud beat every now and then. When it first kicked off I went into full panic attack and it saw me going to hospital, then got stiffed with 3 months of horrible anxiety which left me freaking out about every stupid weird sensation that my body and mind kept throwing at me.

The doc put me on beta blockers and I had diazepam for emergencies. Didn't work. I got some Forza 5HTP from Amazon after a recommendation and it sorted me right out after a week, not had it since.
I got heart palpitations once with my heart just having a irregular thud beat every now and then. When it first kicked off I went into full panic attack and it saw me going to hospital, then got stiffed with 3 months of horrible anxiety which left me freaking out about every stupid weird sensation that my body and mind kept throwing at me.

The doc put me on beta blockers and I had diazepam for emergencies. Didn't work. I got some Forza 5HTP from Amazon after a recommendation and it sorted me right out after a week, not had it since.

Think I'd go see a doctor if you've got a dodgy heart rhythm still, holter monitor can tell them a bit more about the palpitations and whether they're benign or not. Not sure I'd want to just try stuff like that off amazon...
Not medical advice or 'drugs' but my biggest gain was from 500mg Folonic Acid with Methyl B-12, roughly £20 for 120 - night and day difference.

Its been found that some peoples genetics are not great in that they cannot process folic acid and b12 very well (it makes up the membranes in nerve cells and a lack of it contributes to psychological disorder)...... turns out i was one of them, you need FOLONIC not folic acid, and b12, try one a day for 3 months, it might just be your ticket.
Guys, no drug recommendations or advice please. You know the rules.

I have suffered with debilitating anxiety my entire adult life. I'm still fighting through it. It makes even simple things like going to the supermarket a massive undertaking.
I'm currently getting CBT. I don't suffer as bad as some but had my first panic attacks this year, when in Egypt and a random one in a Garden Centre cafe. As Rilot says it makes simple things a massive undertaking, for me it's talking on the phone and generally talking to people Im not comfortable with.
I believe the CBT will help me without the need for meds which I'd refuse anyway.
Diagnosed with PTSD couple of years back, had counselling and now take 100mg Sertraline daily.

Going to investigate CBT based on recommendations from others :)

I'm in the same boat OP, I have had Anxiety for years. I'm currently off work because of my Anxiety, one min I'm fine the next I'm fighting for breath. I have tried all the meds and herbal stuff but like people have said talking about it helps the best.
Talk does help indeed. I've had a lot of schema therapy over the last few months. It's helping for sure. CBT can help deal with the symptoms but it never tackles the underlying issue I found. Schema aims to do that.

Unfortunately I've found that I have a whole bunch of other stuff going on with me that explains the anxiety that I wasn't aware of (ASD and BPD).

I found that knowing that other people also suffer with anxiety to similar levels to me extremely reassuring, which in turn helps fight the panic.

Talk is good
Guys, no drug recommendations or advice please. You know the rules.

I have suffered with debilitating anxiety my entire adult life. I'm still fighting through it. It makes even simple things like going to the supermarket a massive undertaking.

My god supermarkets were awful for me too when I were at my worst, and being in a car or classroom environment. I used to get panic attacks literally back to back ALL day and quite often had to run out of work in an instant so I can feel your pain Rilot :(

Good to see others agree that talking with other sufferers is one of the best things to help. I think the most crucial thing to managing Anxiety is understanding it and why your body is reacting in a certain way because of it, people who have it can help you learn that.

One other thing I think is important to realise is that it does get better eventually, keep fighting :)

EDIT: Sorry for ramble, I am a bit passionate about it
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