Chronophoto - Guess the year that each photo was taken in

Find the quality of the camera/photo can really throw you off, particularly if there is not much to go on.

I usually get most of them pretty close, but every now and then it throws in a really difficult one and I'll end up way off.
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Got a new high score at 3720 with one exact guess right and one just a 2 years out, but a badly wrong 1st pic dropped me below what should have been 4k+ as it looked like it was from around the Titanic era (image of people on a cruise ship) so guessed 1912 and it was 1900 -
  • 242
  • 777
  • 924
  • 777
  • 1000
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What mode are you guys playing - daily, play or party?

I just tried this for the first time (daily) and scored 1575. A couple of photos were 5 years out, but I was miles out on the other 3 :D
I've been doing the daily's, managed 2994 today but really should have done better on the 4th. Sounds like some others are just doing the play option a few times though so can't compare with all the scores.
Did this today for the first time, got two of them bang on. 3952 points in total but disappointed to be six years out on the final one, I should have know that. The first one, I was one year out but that's because I slipped on the mouse.
I got a score of 4474 on today's Chronophoto: 12/04/2023
Round 1: 1000✅
Round 2: 849
Round 3: 924
Round 4: 777
Round 5: 924
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