Cigarette Prices

I noticed the price hike recently despite having been "clean" for 5 months. However if they price smokers out of the market as much as they'll save on the NHS they'll need to get that tax back from somewhere. I imagine fuel as that's always going up but rarely coming down.

When I started smoking it was around £5 for a pack of 20 (2 years ago) now its £7.80 for the same I used to smoke. Quite an increase.

I haven't yet hit the militant stage of quitting smoking. Dirty habit but I still found it somewhat enjoyable.
Price was never an issue for me, I naturally assume these days everyone has a bloke that can get them cheap bacci/ fags.

I was paying £7 for 50g of golden virginia, and I could get drum for £5 for 50g (a few months ago when I still smoked)
Not a fan of the straight cigarettes, roll ups were always much nicer to smoke.

When I did smoke straights, many years ago, I was an embassy man, sometimes benson hedges gold, and for a while when they sold them, B&H black.
Although I'm guessing they stopped blacks, you could really taste the cancer in those badboys.

If I ran out of cigarettes at work I'd never bother asking for one because people smoked cheap brands, I'd rather go without than smoke a windsor blue or an L&B, yuck.
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turning into a glowie = dying, like in Star Wars when Jedi die and turn into a glowing blue ghost. :p

Leave my Silk Cut Purples alone!! :(

Man up and get some Rothmans in ye! That will tar you up a bit faster. You can feel the burn cleansing your throat with fire!

Or, you can vape for a few quid a month (unless you get caught up in all the enthusiast mods :p ). Just putting it out there......... *walks away from thread*
Can see them going way up soon, government must be losing tons of money.

Out of 7 at work smoking at the start of 2013 only 1 left who does. Its about half and half between giving up and those on e-cigs.

Even out and about the majority seem to have switched to e-cigs, i suppose because they're cheaper, healthier and many places allow them to be used inside.
My box of 20 smokes used to be ~£8 a month or two ago, but now seem to have jumped to £8.50. Did I miss a hidden or latent tax rise somewhere?
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