Civil War

Ron Swanson as president - I'm in.
It does look great - whether Garland can keep the threads together with big budget and scope will be interesting to see. Though would hate for him to become a big movie director/writer.
The political aspects of this should be really interesting with both Texas and California being involved, considering they are are diametrically opposed politically but, as both want the same thing in being able to secede from the US, would they fight each other and the Government at the same time or just the Government whilst being short-term allies only to fight it out afterwards or maybe remain allies long term etc?

It looks to have a decent enough budget and a decent cast so I'll definitely give the reviews a look over but my fear would be (without knowing anything more than what was in the trailer) that might could end up being a "typical Hollywood" film where any nuance is thrown out the window to make an "Orange Man Bad" allegory, rather than a genuinely entertaining story. However without knowing much more I could easily be very far off the mark.
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Per the radio report you can hear in the background at start, Ron Swanson is a third term president, cant think who that would be aimed at.
Ah, not sure how I missed it (its the main image) but I just noticed the "sniper" has dyed green hair and multi-colour painted finger nails, I'm very much guessing they're not part of the Texas side of the Western Forces :D
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Looks great actually. Colour me intrigued. This sort of thing always suits a trailer though and could end up being very ordinary.
Texas and California aligning? Hahaha.

There's just something about the trailer that reminds me of The Asylum.
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Hell of a trailer - genius to use whistling against backdrop of war. But still no real idea if it is simply an action movie with politics thrown in or has a genuinely interesting plot.
My impression from the trailer is that the action focus is deliberately misleading for the sake of increasing the audience: I presume that there will be very little action… the large scale conflict will largely be ‘inferred’ (no big battles) and it will follow a small group (or groups) with their specific low-key experiences.

I don’t necessarily mind, but this sort of film strikes me as not having the budget to deliver anything really bombastic on the theme… and I don’t like trailers that set you up for blue balls.

Looking it up, the budget was £50mill net. That’s a lot for A24 but it’s not enormous either.

Edit: oh OK, I had only seen the first trailer and there IS more action shown in the second… so who knows.
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My impression from the trailer is that the action focus is deliberately misleading for the sake of increasing the audience: I presume that there will be very little action… the large scale conflict will largely be ‘inferred’ (no big battles) and it will follow a small group (or groups) with their specific low-key experiences.

I don’t necessarily mind, but this sort of film strikes me as not having the budget to deliver anything really bombastic on the theme… and I don’t like trailers that set you up for blue balls.

Looking it up, the budget was £50mill net. That’s a lot for A24 but it’s not enormous either.

Edit: oh OK, I had only seen the first trailer and there IS more action shown in the second… so who knows.
No stand out name attached I suppose?...I think A24 just have a really good handle on their projects. I wonder how much of those budgets rise to get CGI work crunched out from studios billing them for huge overtime lol.
Catch it in the cinemas before the real life experience.
I was thinking this could really kick off. We all know how dumb and impressionable the American right are!

I have faith in A24, they're an excellent studio. this looks really quite good, hopefully it can live up to the trailer(s), and hopefully it's not just an action flick that descends into wizz-bang-boom.
it's A24 and Alex Garland, so it should be more than a brainless action film. It's whether they can pull multiple threads together to make a coherent and interesting plot. The film adaption of Garland's The Beach does show what happens when money gets in the way, and hopefully Garland learnt from that.
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