Civilization IV or V?

16 Oct 2002
In the radio shack
I've never played any of the Civilization games before but I fancy having a go. I see that IV is on Steam for £12.99 but it's a few years old and I hear that V is due sometime Q4 this year.

Is it worth grabbing IV or should I wait for V?
4 is really good fun, but so so dated now... (well in my humble opinion from owning 4 since day of release, and the same for 3)

Anyway, if you have a boot camp partition going get 5 in that and then smile when its on osx, if not pay NO more than a tenner for 4 (with the beyond the sword expansion) as on the one hand its well refined but on the other most the concepts in the game are a bit dated (mainly the way the combat is based, the way the resources are targeted and the traits of the different leaders)
I've played 4 on my mini downstairs.. by the time you've completed a game 5 will be available lol.

Civ 5 has a new graphics engine and is likely to spawn some expansion packs. I'm tempted as it's a great pick up anytime and play game.

You machine will be amply powerful for Civ 5 in terms of CPU and graphics so it makes sense to wait in my opinion. I'm just hoping it will play 'ok' on my mini's 9400M...
I play 5 on bootcamp on my mbp, 2.66 c2d with the 9600gt, (completely forgot about this info last night) and it plays well enough. I have to play it in dx9 mode to get it to run the whole game (which is a little annoying as it looked really good in 10) but that will sort of be irrelevant in osx.

CPU and ram wise 4gig and the c2d can get through it with only a little slow down towards the end game, everyone is experiencing that though as the game needs a real performance patch (had one for some of the bigger oversights of the original release so I assume by the end of the year they'll have sorted something out).

My macbook pro eats up 4 as that was designed to run on my old 939 xp pc pretty well and having core2 is almost a step too far... (just had to turn the graphics down to medium and aa off and it worked perfectly)
I have no intention of booting to Windows to play a game, although I have a bootcamp partition (actually it's a whole hard drive), I don't think I've needed to use it for about six months!

I'll probably wait for V to arrive and pick it up through Steam, it seems the best way to do it. As Nick says, my 8 core Mac Pro/8800GT should be plenty good enough to play it.
Oooo! Yeah the Mac Pro should be more than enough to power through it (and I was assuming boot camp wasnt an option for everyone, iv been waiting for 5 for a bit too long and its the only reason I keep my boot camp for now)

Apparently towards the end of november is an expected date too...
Thinking of getting this on steam when it comes out.

Although with WoW Cataclysm+LC+BC update (3GB in the last couple of days), Xcode 4 (3GB) and what is likely to be a 4-8GB download for Civ 5.. and a 20GB/month cap... it's likely I'll wait till it comes out rather than pre-loading.
I hope V is free if you already have it on Windows. The Windows version is tied to Steam no matter if you buy it retail or from Steam directly so hopefully it will appear on Steamplay, rather than a separate version for OS X entirely.

I'd only play it on OS X if the performance is comparable to Windows anyway, StarCraft II is awful on OS X compared to Windows.

I have to play it in dx9 mode to get it to run the whole game (which is a little annoying as it looked really good in 10) but that will sort of be irrelevant in osx.

Huh? It looked identical to me, the differences between Dx9, 10 and 11 are so small (non existant really) it's not even worth worrying about.

I run in Dx10 on my PC though, doesn't seem anything special over 9. I run it in Dx10 on my MacBook too, runs great.
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Waiting for min sys specs to be confirmed.

As it stands my 2.8 C2D and ATI 2600 PRO 256MB just about meet the expect min specs.

I'm hoping they don't creep up, and if they don't that it will be playable in some form.

Would love to upgrade the iMac but would be a tough sell to the wife :(
Ah nice one!! :) Mine's coming too! (had to wait till after 9 for the virgin media limits to go...)

Turns out you cant use the windows media for the mac install :(
Looking at the reports on the mac forums (& PC ones), civ 5 is going to be a problem for a lot of mac users. To play requires a minimum of a quad core and a decent/highend current GPU.. So no play for me.. :/
I had to tweak an ini file to make it work, haven't had to do that since pre-mac days! It was just hanging on the first video so I had to disable it.

I'm slowly working my way through the tutorials, it seems terribly complicated.
The tutorials are designed to ease you in but always present too much information at once, just the style of the game...

I saw the minimum requirements too, looks like they are finally being realistic about what the game needs (the windows version they tried to get it on anything which struggled) bit amazing that I seem to be the only one with no problems even on the energy saving 9400 card...
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