Civilization V

Great point about the City Generating 10% wealth or science, i couldn't actually believe that when i first saw it. I surely think this is an over site that made it to live they must have missed a 0 off.

My largest city put onto wealth creation, my gold per turn went from 45 to 47 i actually laughed.

This is something I too found very strange, hopefully they change it.

I still love the game though!
Two thing's I would like is for the interface to be smaller, and for the CIV's to appear in power order, like they should do.

Oh and one other thing, barbarians are pathetic, I used to fear them.

I agree on the interface, it some times is a little big and covers over the game a bit, probably sorted by having a bigger monitor though....

I HATED how over the top the barbarians got in civ4, they we're the city states in 5 except always at war and out to annoy me beyond anything!! The change to having them in encampmets like in revolution and the civ clone (I think there)
barbs in Civ4 ruined a fair few of my games, they could out build me on units, and of coarse as soon as another civ got a longbow man or axeman before me i was screwed every time because the barbs would just horde me with axeman that my archers/warriors couldn't touch! :(

Barbs are far to weak in this, although to be fair ive only played one game lol.
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just been playing an epic game, about 15 hrs now over the last few days.

i miss the unit stacking, but the lack of it does improve the game.
i also miss the religion.

has anyone else had a game crash later in the game?
after doing a google searsh and it seems fairly common

i am getting a msvcr90.dll (a .net framework dll) crash.

i have updated c++ redist. but now i get a different crash.
tried in direct x 9 and still crashing
Haven't had any crashes here thus far. I generally like Civ 5 and thinks it stands up well to previous versions, but I do wish the game provided you with more feedback on other Civs, their standing towards you, top 5 cities etc. Has the game been streamlined just a bit too much perhaps ??
i had been waiting for this game eagerly but reading the balanced reviews people have put on amazon i think im going to give it a miss,

some of the comments that bug me..

cut down tech tree,
no transport vessels
less control more automation
less buildings
reduced trade opportunities

seems like a cut down version of 4.. civ4 was my favourite and i think this will be a step backward according to others, shame, it was my fav game series ever

nothing lost nothing gained i guess
i had been waiting for this game eagerly but reading the balanced reviews people have put on amazon i think im going to give it a miss,

some of the comments that bug me..

cut down tech tree,
no transport vessels
less control more automation
less buildings
reduced trade opportunities

seems like a cut down version of 4.. civ4 was my favourite and i think this will be a step backward according to others, shame, it was my fav game series ever

nothing lost nothing gained i guess

Nothing ventured nothing gained either :P
If its a dumbed down version I definitely won't like it

Its not dumbed down at all!! The focus has just changed from stacks of doom to planning and being more intelligent about how you play (and there are more buildings I think...) there's less units though which helps the game play quite a bit... It just takes a bit of getting used to and then civ4 will become a faded memory, like like civ3 was when 4 got good :cool:
LOL I didn't know archers could damage a battleship out to sea :rolleyes::D

p.s Apparantly the ending to civilization ( space , culture ) e.t.c are VERY dissapointing :mad:
i had been waiting for this game eagerly but reading the balanced reviews people have put on amazon i think im going to give it a miss,

some of the comments that bug me..

cut down tech tree,
no transport vessels
less control more automation
less buildings
reduced trade opportunities

seems like a cut down version of 4.. civ4 was my favourite and i think this will be a step backward according to others, shame, it was my fav game series ever

nothing lost nothing gained i guess

Why not try the demo and see what you think?? Given that you were "eagerly" awaiting it, it seems somewhat stupid to simply write it off without even trying it. Having said that, it seems like you have already decided in advance that you arent going to like it, so maybe you wouldnt give the demo a fair chance anyway and your preconceptions will seal its fate before its even judged without bias.
Well I'm liking the game so far. It certainly feels the most rough around the edges civ ever though. Certain features are brilliant namly combat, graphics, hexes, leader heads, resources etc. a lot of big features are missing or taken out (religions, spys, ending options). I think with DLC and expansions they still have a good chance of beating BTS as the most feature rich (read: best) civ game. Still with all that said at the moment its a different experience to IV and is certainly very enjoyable 8/10 IMO.
I'll wait for the patches, and then the mods. They may have some DLC to add back in religion, or perhaps I'll end up having to wait for an expansion. At least Civ4 started out good (and arguably got diluted by the expansions).

Thanks to the person above for linking to the Fall from Heaven Civ4 mod. I bought Civ4 on the Steam sale as I'd lost my boxed copy, but hadnt got around to re-playing it. With the Civ5 disappointment, at least I've not wasted the Civ4 money!

You should never pre-order a game, but sometimes you want to based on the strength of past glories. So many games have proved to be a let down recently that shouldnt. I'm still bitter over Empire Total War.
Disappointed at the lack of no in-game worldbuilder. With the extremely random placement of resources it would be nice if you could give yourself 1 iron so you aren't gimped for the entire game, or forced to restart. It's cheating but hey.. it helps the noobs!

Still, loving the game tho :cool:
just been playing an epic game, about 15 hrs now over the last few days.

i miss the unit stacking, but the lack of it does improve the game.
i also miss the religion.

has anyone else had a game crash later in the game?
after doing a google searsh and it seems fairly common

i am getting a msvcr90.dll (a .net framework dll) crash.

i have updated c++ redist. but now i get a different crash.
tried in direct x 9 and still crashing

I had a crash last night, most annoying!
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