"Classic" games you still play

Hi sorry if I am being thick but I have some software I'd like to use on my Vista 64 bit system that just won't work:-

Broken sword 1+2
Talk Now ( Language software)

I wondered if I was doomed or if there was some way to get these working on my new build?


In anticipation of the new Final Fantasy I have been replaying them all. Still awesome!
Coolsouthern. the only option that may work is to right click the start icon for the program>properties>Compatibility and then run it in XP (or older) mode. You could also try running it as administrator (right click>run as administrator).

However both may not work because of your x64 system (I can only run CC:Bridge too far on my laptop as it's x32 Vista not my x64 desktop) so then the only other option is to dual boot or see it it will run in a virtual environment.
What's GOG?

Good Old Games - www.gog.com

They buy the right to sell some older games. They package them up into single files that work as a very simple installer. The games are either seamlessly packaged with Dosbox (for DOS games) or modified (Win95/98 games) to work with XP and Vista. Nearly all work with the 64-bit versions and with 7. The site is neat and straightforward to use too.

Have you played all the senarios or just the free play? I normally just do the free play, although some of the scenarios are good for getting starting ships (ships of the line mostly:D).

I went straight into free play...and made a mess of it. I soon built a couple of large plantations that were complete liabilities because there wasn't sufficient market for the crops and they filled my trading ships. It took me ages to recover from that mistake. Also, I decided not to trade at Spanish ports because I intended to go to war with Spain later. So I spent many hours limping along, dragged down by heavy investment in loss-making plantations (that I kept for sentimental reasons, namely that they were the first businesses I owned) and hobbled by not trading in half the ports. Also...bloody pirates. Having enough warships and soldiers to deter pirates uses pretty much all the profits on a trading trip.

I didn't like the naval combat at all, but apart from that I had fun with it. I'll go back to it again. I keep buying new games, but I will go back to Port Royale 2 again.
OpenTTD, as the follower of Transport Tycoon Deluxe, will always love it...

Port Royale 2 is worth buying today. You can get it from GOG for $10.

And from steam for 3 quid...

Age of empires 2 is great too but ruled too much by castle blood games online these days :(.
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Baldur's Gate 2 and Fallout. They're two of the best western RPGs ever made and i'm yet to experience one that even comes close to matching them.

No, i didn't like Oblivion

Yes, i thought Fallout 3 sucked

i still have yuris revenge installed on my computer...was playing it just the other day but cant remember where my old red alert disk/s ? has gone even though i still have the aftermath expansion disk lay about.....but from what i remember in the first red alert every tank had to be built with a click....there was no queueing so that would put me off a bit now.
which is a shame because i loved that game....played it over and over and over. just as i used to play the first C&C game over and over on a ps1 with a joystick lol.. worse way to play a rts game but the game was just so damn good.

i still play bust a move 2 on the ps3(ps1 game)..its great fun when you vs someone...especially with the training line as it gets pretty fast.
I go back to Xcom: Enemy Unknown at least once a year. It's a game everyone should be addicted to at least once in their lifetime.

Crysalids still scare the bejebus out of me when they start appearing, especially if I haven't researched the flying power suits.
Hi sorry if I am being thick but I have some software I'd like to use on my Vista 64 bit system that just won't work:-

Broken sword 1+2
Talk Now ( Language software)

I wondered if I was doomed or if there was some way to get these working on my new build?


In anticipation of the new Final Fantasy I have been replaying them all. Still awesome!

Yeo, your running a 64bit os which cant do any 16bit code (so most win95 and before games just wont install). Not the end of the world by any means as its all catered for by many different applications.

Option 1, get dosbox http://www.dosbox.com/ and install it through that (it's like having dos again running as an application in windows).

Option 2, ScummVM http://www.scummvm.org/ which emulates the scumm engine (amounst others) so you can play loads of classic point and clicks (broken sword too)

Enjoy :cool:
Good Old Games - www.gog.com

They buy the right to sell some older games. They package them up into single files that work as a very simple installer. The games are either seamlessly packaged with Dosbox (for DOS games) or modified (Win95/98 games) to work with XP and Vista. Nearly all work with the 64-bit versions and with 7. The site is neat and straightforward to use too.

That's pretty cool, will have to look at that and see what other games they have. :)

I went straight into free play...and made a mess of it. I soon built a couple of large plantations that were complete liabilities because there wasn't sufficient market for the crops and they filled my trading ships. It took me ages to recover from that mistake. Also, I decided not to trade at Spanish ports because I intended to go to war with Spain later. So I spent many hours limping along, dragged down by heavy investment in loss-making plantations (that I kept for sentimental reasons, namely that they were the first businesses I owned) and hobbled by not trading in half the ports. Also...bloody pirates. Having enough warships and soldiers to deter pirates uses pretty much all the profits on a trading trip.

I didn't like the naval combat at all, but apart from that I had fun with it. I'll go back to it again. I keep buying new games, but I will go back to Port Royale 2 again.

Bloody Pirates! (Pirates of the Caribbean stylee:p)

I've just been playing it for a few hours (ok 6, until 5am...) last night, I've somehow ended up with 4 warehouses (one given free for completing a mission) a small 60 capacity ship and a flute to cart it around. In 3 of the ports I have plantations that I built specifically for need (sugar and cotton at one, which is sent to another two, both that need sugar and one that needs cotton for clothes. The place that makes clothes makes rope too so that is sent to the other warehouses and the 3rd warehouse location is a major port so gets hardware and wood cheap, which is shipped to the other warehouses. The fouth warehouse is new, and i'm going to build a hemp plantation to send to the rope making town) and I also have all the warehouses set up to buy goods cheap and sell them in the same ports when the price goes up, that way even when i'm not transporting goods around I make a profit. All my boats are manually controlled at the moment but i'm going to buy another flute and automate it so the money should come flying in.

I've just recently bought a frigate and military frigate to do some naval campaigns. I think the thing with military ships is the need to have a big enough trade base so you can afford them.

Luckily I haven't been struck by pirates yet (my trade ships aren't heavily armed) but they only really ply the waters in the southern Caribbean, where only British and Spanish towns are (I have two warehouses in British towns and 2 in Spanish) and even though England is at war with spain I have an excellent relationship with both.:D Even if they are pirated i've got to a point where it doesn't matter too much as my warehouses have been buying so much so cheaply they all seem to have 30-40 each of the more expensive goods (buy at 600, sell at 1000!).:p

OpenTTD, as the follower of Transport Tycoon Deluxe, will always love it...

And from steam for 3 quid...

Age of empires 2 is great too but ruled too much by castle blood games online these days :(.

That is really cheap. Didn't realise it was on there.:)
Nothing really. Occasionally I find myself starting up Raven Shield for some proper Rainbow Six action. Doing a terrorist hunt with just a pistol is a frustrating but rather enjoyable experience.

That's all I can think of though, I don't tend to replay games much anyway so I rarely find myself re-playing old ones.
I haven't really got the space to tell you what I play on quite a regular basis. Last couple of months:

Dungeon Master
Turrican 2
Kick Off 2
Player Manager
Shadow of the Beast
Green Beret
Bubble Bobble
Ghosts n Goblins
Ghouls n Ghosts
Chaos Strikes Back (solid as hell!)
Elvira 2: Jaws of Cerebrus
Double Dragon
Rainbow Islands

And many, many more!

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