Clean install

You have formatted the disk first haven't you? :)

Nah, actually, I didn't want to format the disk until I knew I had a recoverable image of the OS. Somebody mentioned dial-up and I realised there could be a problem with the wireless drivers (not uncommon for Apple products) so I tried it with my Ethernet cable. Success. Download time ~2 hours. Thank God for 'legacy' Ethernet ports eh.

That's only part solved the issue because Apple have somehow managed to make the Lion install image slightly larger that 4.7GB so I can't burn it to any of the DVDs I've got kicking around. I've had to order a 16GB USB stick. :rolleyes: At least I'm making progress.
@theheyes do you have the .dmg of the OS ? What I would do is create an installer so it's an offline OS rather than using the recovery agent.

Actually the ML install image isn't 4.7GB. The download is but not the .dmg which is inside the installer :P

Search for InstallESD.dmg .... (4.13GB, 10.8.4)
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Nope, hoping I can skip ML and go straight to Mavericks. Anyway I FINALLY have a nice fresh install of Lion after getting that USB stick.

Still look relatively ages to install; those who say it's quick must be using SSDs.
A DVD-R DL could have also worked for burning the install. No idea if it's worth buying enough of them, though probably still cheaper than a 16GB USB stick.
On the plus side I now have a 16GB USB3 memory stick. It's not all bad. I'm pretty sure I'll be able to put Windows to Go on there so I'll get my use out of it.

I call shenanigans on making the image that size, it's almost as if they wanted to discourage making your own media around that time.
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