Client unhappy with me posting a few images of there wedding day on my Facebook page

The groom will say you have a bad attitude and don't hire him. He will talk down every aspect of your work, because you have got into his bad books and will not get recommendations from him.

Your reputation will be one of an arrogant photographer who isn't respectful to his clients.

There should be no distinction if this is your full time or part time work, there should be no distinction if the client picks your lowest or highest price package, there should be no distinction in quality of service in all areas of your work, that goes from your photos to communication. A photographer is more than taking photographers.

Thanks for your advice but I must be doing something right as I only started a year ago and my business is booming ;)

I am very respectful to my customers and go way out my way to make sure they get the best possible photos and customer service possible.
Maybe they wouldn't hire you if they saw you asking these sorts of questions on a computer forum :p

You are so smart looking up questions I have asked ! I never said I was pro as I am not - I just happen to enjoy photography and so happen to be pretty good at it , you never stop learning Dude in photography. ;) and there is nothing wrong with asking others for advice . I have never used flash before and haven't had any issues yet.
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INB4 the "Why does no one want to hire me anymore!?" thread.

People are not going to stop hiring me because I didn't like a clients message he sent me ! This is my view on this client in question , I don't agree with the way he spoke to me , this is no way directed at any of my other clients , in fact I have never had a problem before out out over 100 clients I have taken photos for over the past 4 years.
In terms of a response, you have 2 options, well, really just 1.

1 - Apologise and explain that is just over 1% of the total of images and assure them they would be happy with the set and remove them.
2 - Play the contract/copyright angle. Which I would not advice you should do as it will only make them even more angry and you will not get a favourable word from them for your work to their friends.

What contract did they sign with you?
Surely it was a standard photo op contract which gives you copyright and control?

Have their paid you for the work yet?
Is this them being cheap and trying to get money off, or do they have a genuine grievance?
Just wow!

What a thread, your attitude totally stinks! It has all been covered by other posts, but had to pick up on this again "Shot 10 weddings" ?!

We have 50 this year and top of our list is keeping clients happy!

Good for you ! I only started 12 months ago so I'd say for someone who is new to photographing weddings that is pretty dam good.


I do keep my clients happy and in fact most of the weddings I am booked up for next year come from being recommended from clients and my work posted on my fan pages ;)
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You are so smart looking up questions I have asked ! I never said I was pro as I am not - I just happen to enjoy photography and so happen to be pretty good at it , you never stop learning Dude in photography. ;) and there is nothing wrong with asking others for advice . I have never used flash before and haven't had any issues yet.

If you think clicking on a link someone else posted is smart... I worry for your future.

At the end of the day you got caught out, trying to come across like you're amazing and then we see you asking for help for what is a pretty basic skill for a wedding photographer.. If you're charging £700 a pop (or more) do you not think you should know how to use a flash? People pay wedding photographers rather large amounts of money because they are paying for quality/experience, something it looks like you're clearly lacking.

Thanks for the English lesson ;) You Rock. x

If you think clicking on a link someone else posted is smart... I worry for your future.

At the end of the day you got caught out, trying to come across like you're amazing and then we see you asking for help for what is a pretty basic skill for a wedding photographer.. If you're charging £700 a pop (or more) do you not think you should know how to use a flash? People pay wedding photographers rather large amounts of money because they are paying for quality/experience, something it looks like you're clearly lacking.

A pretty basic skill if you use it yes ! Where does it say to become a photographer you need to learn FLASH ? No such thing. I like natural light and I have my own style and way of doing things , My clients love my work and I do the things they like, Doesn't matter what I charge , I value my photography & Editing skills at what ever price I want - nothing too do with you !


A pretty basic skill if you use it yes ! Where does it say to become a photographer you need to learn FLASH ? No such thing. I like natural light and I have my own style and way of doing things , My clients love my work and I do the things they like, Doesn't matter what I charge , I value my photography & Editing skills at what ever price I want - nothing too do with you
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