Cloning a drive.

15 Oct 2010
Afternoon all,

I'm about to upgrade my computer and I'm wanting to clone my Windows drive to a new drive, however as the SSD was too small I moved the downloads/documents etc (folders) onto my secondary drive, if I clone my windows drive will the presets that I have arranged also follow or will it corrupt them in some way?

Thanks in advance.
One strange thing I had, I had to make the main partition smaller first(reduced it by 1 gb) then it recognised the rest of the space and I could resize the partition to full space.

Seems odd but I'll make sure to look out for it. Thanks for the heads-up.
If you are using Samsung drives, their free data migration software works well. I cloned my Samsung Evo 850 250GB to a Evo 970 500GB without any issues.

Sadly I don't own any Samsung drives but thanks for the heads-up about it, definitely keep that in my for any future purchases :)
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