Coca Cola : "Be less white"

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I can only applaud you for some first-rate mental gymnastics.

How do you conclude that calling for "integration" is actually a form of racism - but presumably only when that phrase is used by white people?

That calling for "integration" is a coded message for "let's eradicate black culture".

I take my hat off to you :p
No Ive not said that have I? Ive not mentioned racism. The only people that have mentioned it are those that are outraged that white people might be being told to be less white and intergrate with black people more by woke (white) people.

What Ive said is there are a lot of people that go on about minorities not integrating especialy here and it would not surprise me to find some of the people getting wound up by this story in this thread have said it.

Isnt saying people should integrate more the same as telling them to be for instance less black? Less muslim? It is a great irony that its white people telling white people to be less white rather than white people telling blacks to be less black (integrate more).

Lets see. White people should be less white= racist. Telling black people (for instance) to be less black (to integrate more)= not racist just plain speaking? Its the same isnt it?

Remember Ive not said any of it is racist I just find the usual outrage by the usual people very very funny.
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Nobody wants to be more white,

Am I right?
No Ive not said that have I? Ive not mentioned racism. The only people that have mentioned it are those that are outraged that white people might be being told to intergrate with black people more by woke (white) people.

What Ive said is there are a lot of people that go on about minorities not integrating especialy here and it would not surprise me to find some of the people getting wound up by this story in this thread have said it.

Isnt saying people should integrate more the same as telling them to be for instance less black? Less muslim? It is a great irony that its white people telling white people to be less white rather than white people telling blacks to be less black (integrate more).

Lets see. White people should be less white= racist. Telling black people (for instance) to be less black (to integrate more)= not racist just plain speaking? Its the same isnt it?

Remember Ive not said any of it is racist I just find the usual outrage by the usual people very very funny.

Are you saying colour of skin determines how well people are able to integrate and mingle (nicely) with others?

I mean I am told that culture doesn't determine criminality , but what your saying is that it does?
Nobody wants to be more white,

Am I right?

Are you saying colour of skin determines how well people are able to integrate and mingle (nicely) with others?

I mean I am told that culture doesn't determine criminality , but what your saying is that it does?
Hello The Running man. What a surprise to see you here.

I have said the exact opposite but you fill your boots with your indignation.
It is well founded a more diverse team leads to better and more diverse ideas but this isn't a very good way of achieving it.

Is it really?

Or is this more unsubstantiated nonsense from yourself?

I would like to see an international study that accounted for the relative business success of companies in rather mono racial countries like Japan and South Korea rather than the studies I have seen based on western countries that have confused cause and effect....

(namely that the bigger, more successful companies tend to try and deliberately increase their ethnic diversity for public relation reasons rather than said racial diversity being the cause itself of their success)
White people should be less white= racist. Telling black people (for instance) to be less black (to integrate more)= not racist just plain speaking? Its the same isnt it?

You going to need to define what being 'black' and 'white' means in terms of behaviour and not skin melanin count. Because the assumptions recently made about 'whiteness' in this regard by so called 'progressives' like yourself Tony could more accurately be labelled 'neo racism'

When the National Museum of African American History and Culture from the Smithsonian updated their pages about race they decided to provide a 'helpful' guide on "Aspects and Assumptions of Whiteness in the United States"

Apparently 'aspects and assumptions of whiteness' (and hence implicitly those to be differentiated from other groups) included

* 'hard work being the key to success"
* 'Objective, rationale, linear thinking
* Delayed gratification ('work before play')
* 'Planning for the future'
* 'Self reliance'
and timeliness 'follow rigid time schedules'

According to the package Coca-Cola endorsed being less 'white' meant you had to

- be less oppressive
- be less arrogant
- be less certain
- be less defensive
- be less ignorant
- be more humble
- listen
- believe
- break with apathy
- break with white solidarity

Which looks like a load of gaslighting, abusive trash to me... (as would be expected by the proponents of Critical Race Theory)

- listen to us, believe what we say, do not challenge anything we say by being defensive when you are being accused and being rebuked by us. Oh and by the way you are all ignorant...

So I really want to see what your corresponding lists are for other racial groups now....
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White people hold the majority of all benefits globally so don't be so insecure that those you've trampled on to get to your position are now asking for a level playing field.

Demonstrable disingenuous nonsense.

Majority white countries are (currently) amongst the richest per capita globally but within those countries certain non white racial groups tend to frequently exceed the economic success of the average for whites.

Race/Ethnicity of Household Head 2018 Median Household Income in the USA

All races/ethnicities $63,179
Asian $87,194
White, not Hispanic $70,642
Hispanic (any race) $51,450
Black $41,361

So being 'white' doesn't seem to be the actual relevant criteria here when it comes to achieving the highest position in society economically. Similar patterns exist for incarceration and educational attainment.

And the 'oppression' narrative doesn't work either Brazil took in many multiples more slaves than what is now the US (by a factor of around 10 having imported some 4 million African Slaves) but is relatively poor when compared to the US.

More slaves were taken from African into the middle east, over a longer time period then trans Atlantic Slavery but yet countries like Saudi Arabia would be dirt poor now if not for oil and not the slave trade.

Different groups of Asian and black immigrants to the UK frequently entered the UK post 1945 with very little money but have attained vastly different outcomes including those linked to education with certain Asian and Black groups far exceeding whites...

About 33% of white British school students enrolled in university in the academic years 2010/11 and 2011/12.

That is the lowest enrolment rate of any ethnic group

—next lowest is Black Caribbean students at 37%. By comparison the highest performing groups were Chinese students (76%), Indian students (67%) and Black African students (57%).

Recent research suggests white British attendance has fallen since then.
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Generalizing groups of people by their skin color is what racists do. -Unless the people being generalized are white....then it's apparently okay.
What has skin colour got to do with the way you act? It's not a culture how can you act a skin colour.
Basically be aware that your personal experiences as say a middle to upper class white person may not reflect those of people with different backgrounds*? or even that someone from the same general background as you, but who say grew up and was educated in a different part of the country may have different experiences.

It's a very clumsy way to put it, but it's very much worth noting as for example if you do your advertising across a region based on a sample from one group you can end up with something that is offensive/doesn't work for other groups, for all sorts of reasons some as simple as different names for the same thing (look at the bap/bun/bread roll usage in the UK).
The story about how Dyson got his bank loan initially is a great example, bank managers were at the time, typically white men who didn't usually do things like vacuuming, so their view of a guy asking for a loan to develop a better, easier to use vacuum cleaner was quite different to what someone who used one on a regular basis and had to cope with the issues involved might have had**. IIRC the bank manager asked his wife (or so the story goes) what she thought of this proposal and because she could see the benefit he approved the loan, a manager who didn't ask that advice may not have done so (and I believe he mentions having been turned down repeatedly by bank managers who didn't understand the subject and didn't look further for opinions).

Or if you have your product testers as a people from one ethnic group you end up with things like automatic hand driers that don't work in low light if you've not got the right skin colour as they're not calibrated to allow for that which results in a product that can get a reputation for being very unreliable or need a recall/service to adjust the sensor which is far more expensive than simply making sure your testing group is more diverse (or at least aware of the limits of the test group) ), or and this is a huge one if say you base all your crash testing on the average adult male body you end up with safety features that don't work as well, or are actively harmful for say women, or younger people (an issue that is only now being fixed).
Or for example knowing that in different areas people have different tastes, or sensitivities so you don't go and waste a fortune trying to sell something that tastes "wrong" to people in an marketing area.

It's one of the reasons a lot of the most successful companies tend to get people from all sorts of backgrounds involved in marketing and product development and testing, and in the most obvious cases you hire a local firm who know the market to assist in product development and launches outside of your home market.

Basically don't assume what you experience is the same for everyone.

*IIRC General Motors and Ford were doing that ~60 years ago, they very specifically had entirely different brands targeted at different parts of the market, with different marketing teams as they knew that say the "upper management" wanted slightly different things from their car than say "blue collar joe" working on a production line or construction, and as a result even the language used in the manuals and brochures varied.

**As someone who in the 80's and 90's was the one who had to sort out the vacuum for my mum, then neighbours/family my first experience of a dyson was disbelieve, a vacuum that if it got blocked didn't require at least one screwdriver (often two or three, maybe an allan key as well), and a wire coathanger to clear blocks, or replace the belt. Compared to the Hoovers, Electrolux and Panasonics I was used to it was a positive joy and so simple to sort out and what had been a regular job that could take 15-30 minutes was now a 2 minute job that only required a tuppence for two latches.
So what your saying is people should be less white?..

There is considerable variation in educational attainment between different geographical and socio-economic groups within the category "white" in the UK.

So to repeat a point made earlier it's not the "whiteness" or lack thereof that's the key factor here.
I'd be not to happy having to sit through being lectured that I need to be less white, and would let them know that I'm offended.
Probably dreamt up by some woke think tank that believes if your white, you personally rounded Africans up and shipped them off to the America's.
Since I've been over here I've had to deal with racism from whites and blacks, whites telling me racist things because they don't know my wife is black, and black people telling me that I don't know anything about black people cause I'm white, again not knowing my wife is black.
Ignorance comes in all colors and these stupid politically correct stunts don't help anyone.
I'd be not to happy having to sit through being lectured that I need to be less white, and would let them know that I'm offended.
Probably dreamt up by some woke think tank that believes if your white, you personally rounded Africans up and shipped them off to the America's.
Since I've been over here I've had to deal with racism from whites and blacks, whites telling me racist things because they don't know my wife is black, and black people telling me that I don't know anything about black people cause I'm white, again not knowing my wife is black.
Ignorance comes in all colors and these stupid politically correct stunts don't help anyone.

Yes and don't let them ever know your wife is black.

That way you can know who is the idiot, and they wont sneak up on you.
[..] Does anyone else think it's incredibly concerning that there are (clearly multiple as it must have been signed off) people working in the depths of HR in large companies such as this, that harbour such radically extremist views that they think this is completely ok?

What's concerning is that it is OK, in that it's in line with social norms. Coca-Cola is only slightly ahead of the racism curve with this. Which will do them good in the future because when the ever-increasing racism catches up Coca-Cola can proclaim themselves righteous and be praised for being a progressive, forward-thinking business. Pandering to popular prejudice is profitable.
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