I will never figure out why people think mohaa was such a good multiplayer game. Imo the only reason it got rated as highly as it did was it hit at a perfect time with the ww2 revival of a few years back. Would it suprise you to know initially the game had no mp mode and the modes it came with got slammed into the game during the last few months of development?
I actually like the mp mode but i really don't get why some people rave over it, it had numerous annoying glitches like if a guys leaning around a corner, he could position himself so you could se maybe a half inch of him, no gun no body just part of his clothing, yet from his perspective his gun and all is around the corner and he can shoot you easily. That really got on my ****, then we had the realism mods where everyone armed themselves with the combined machinegun\sniper rifle stg 44 and most of the other weapons got nerfed down. I enoyed it on stock servers, then "realism" became more and more common.
I like both stock realism and realism modes.
The around the corner is pretty useless in some game modes, I like mohaa:s freeze tag mode with 2 shots = kill. The reason I like it it is a non camp keep runnign shooter, the servers I played burned campers, banned rockets etcetc, and had nice fast kills. It took soem serious hours to get good @ vs clanners and others. Even after playing it for years ( not recorded by xfire, played mohaa long b4 that), my kdr still was only 1.3 average. It's all in the aiming and keep walking in mohaa. Stg44/bar was useless on the server I usually played...