
I used to absolutely love my coffee, and the excitement of making it. Contracted a hiatus hernia which was aggravated by coffee more so as I like it strong.

Went T total and haven’t touched it for about 2 years :( if I even try to have a coffee now, I spend the next several hours with stomach cramps and the urge to sit on the throne!
I’ll have a double espresso each morning and maybe another espresso based coffee in the afternoon but not always.

I’d like to say I’m not dependent on coffee but I certainly notice the mornings where I haven’t had it.

My saving grace is that I don’t like or drink instant coffee so that temptation isn’t over me during the day.
I used to absolutely love my coffee, and the excitement of making it. Contracted a hiatus hernia which was aggravated by coffee more so as I like it strong.

Went T total and haven’t touched it for about 2 years :( if I even try to have a coffee now, I spend the next several hours with stomach cramps and the urge to sit on the throne!
Tried going swiss water decaf? I have a hiatus hernia too so gave up caffeine years ago. I can still enjoy a nice filter grind. If it helps you, I get mine from
As a child, I was addicted to coffee flavoured ice cream, I used to have one a week when we went shopping and my dad would take my sister and I to the arcade so he could buy more tools and he got us an ice cream. I know, cool story.

But since the age of about 12-13, I went off it and never had it again, and over the 30 odd years, I’ve had about 3 cups. Don’t like it. I drink tea instead.
I have up to about 7 hot drinks a day. First and last are usually tea. The rest is decaf instant coffee mostly, unless I can be bothered to make flat whites. Which again is decaf, usually from rave.
Never really liked coffee until we got a proper machine (I prefer Starbucks blonde roast lol) Now I have 3 cups a day

I've actually always hated Starbucks the most out of the main coffeeshops (I was a Nero guy) but when we went to Cente Parcs one year, Starbucks was the only coffee choice.

Tried the Blonde roast and it instantly changed my mind on Starbucks. I've always felt their beans tasted burnt and far too dark for my liking. Changing to blonde and I feel they make one of the better flat whites around.

Costa I feel you need to order a different drink to get what you want. I typically drink Flat Whites or Cortados but if I'm going to Costa I'll order a Cortado to get a flat white because their flat whites are more like small lattes.
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