
30 Apr 2009
I start college on the 17th of September as a MATURE STUDENT (OHNOES)

As much as I am stoked on going back and trying my hardest at getting my A Levels this time around, I am freaking scared at all the 16 year olds that will be in my classes. In RL I am quite shy and scared of most kids nowadays (cept the ones I know)

So if someone gives me a hard time what can I do? Obviously not hit them, but should I just ignore them? I know concentrating on my studies is most important but I am easily upset LOL

Any suggestions less of a cattle prod would be helpful x3

BTW I only look 16-18 so I think this might help?
OKies I'm gonna try that x3 I hope the teacher doesn't annouce it or anything though. First time around in college we had a 19 year old in our class and they just merged in with us. Though I'm 21 so a bigger difference O_O
Firsetly, well done for pursuing your education.

The most difficult part might be engaging with them at their own level - buy an iphone, text at least once every five minutes (to yourself if necessary), fully digest the wikipedia entry for 'gangsta rap', pull the waist of your jeans down to your ankles and develop a mild limp.
Firsetly, well done for pursuing your education.

The most difficult part might be engaging with them at their own level - buy an iphone, text at least once every five minutes (to yourself if necessary), fully digest the wikipedia entry for 'gangsta rap', pull the waist of your jeans down to your ankles and develop a mild limp.

LMFAO good advice but I think I would look weird talking wigga. Plus I don't wear jeans that much :p Made me laugh though :D
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