Its a slavic name.You're the one who stated Ivan isn't a British name, why else did you bring it up?
Its a slavic name.You're the one who stated Ivan isn't a British name, why else did you bring it up?
My thoughts would be summed up with - what's tha matter you, hey? Gotta no respect?Deserves a big fine definitely.
How would we feel if an Italian came over carving names on Stonehenge?
Isn't the penalty for this sort of thing severe? And so it should be.
My thoughts would be summed up with - what's tha matter you, hey? Gotta no respect?
Top reply which will go over most people's heads
Godfather? That registered..
He’s Bulgarian. He’s a British resident as mentioned in the article and so it appears not a citizen.Hes British and lives in Bristol. its not a very traditional british name? Probably easy to find? Same reason Mine isn't a traditional Swedish name?
Cant be too many Ivans out of the country in the past 3 days....l
Ive said it before but yet again, Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
Visited Rome and a 16thC church round corner to hotel had graffiti on its ornate doors. Never seen modern graffiti on UK churches
Graffiti is a major problem in Italy and Spain. So much so you can’t see the original colour of their train carriages
Godfather? That registered..
The graffiti in Spain is awful. Everything has the pathetic tag style graffiti- even windows.
I don't understand why it shpukd be so bad there.
Too light. He should have to fight a tiger inside the colosseum whilst we eat bread and watch.
I'd rather some more traditional foods,
Larks' tongues. Wrens' livers. Chaffinch brains. Jaguars' earlobes. Wolf nipple chips. Get 'em while they're hot.
I did think of the scene.. conjugate the verb, …, bigus …, buttocks.. Awest Them!