Come at me England

Some things traditionally Scottish but aren't:
Whisky - Or should I say Whiskey as the first legal distillery was in Northern Ireland.
The kilt - Oh wait, that's a Norse invention.
Haggis - Oh dear, the first published recipe for haggis cites it as Lancastrian in origin.
Bagpipes - I'm afraid the Greeks get the credit for that one.
Wife beating - We have a winner at last.
this was supposed to be a joke thread, can't believe how many are taking it so seriously

Didn't realise dude, my bad :)

Yeah it's good that there were/are a lot of bright Scots but the English came up with their own inventions too

Besides, I could just as easily say that it was the Russian scientist Boris Rosing who invented the television since he was the first to use a CRT :D
Yawn, Scotland.

What really made my blood boil was a report on the BBC recently to do with tuition fees. Scotish students in Scotland pay nothing (courtesy of all the UK money that goes up to Scotland), EU students pay nothing either (erm why?), yet NI, Welsh and English students (remember who it is that's propping up Scotland financially) get to pay £1800 per year... and that's set to rise to £9000.
How the **** can they justify charging students from Northern Ireland, England, and Wales, when they don't charge for students from other EU countries?
pretty sure people tried to wipe each other out long before England was even discovered let alone called England.

Not in the same sense. A lot of people are of the assumption that concentration/death camps were an "invention" of Nazi Germany but they simpy copied the idea from the British during the Boer wars in Africa. I use the term "British" loosely seeing as the Gaelic countries were forced into the armed service at this time to fight.
a self confessed wife beater :rolleyes:

Some things traditionally Scottish but aren't:
Whisky - Or should I say Whiskey as the first legal distillery was in Northern Ireland.
The kilt - Oh wait, that's a Norse invention.
Haggis - Oh dear, the first published recipe for haggis cites it as Lancastrian in origin.
Bagpipes - I'm afraid the Greeks get the credit for that one.
Wife beating - We have a winner at last.

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