Coming 2 America - Out Now

a point made very clear during Akeem's recollection as he had no idea he'd even had sex until his realisation decades later.

Actually, Akeem says he was 'offered ceremonial herbs'... how can it be an offer, he takes them, but without consent? He doesn't say he declined them. No, he might not know the outcome, but the woman also doesn't know he doesn't know what the herbs are for. She offered, he accepted. They had sex.
Not to drag this into a hugely off topic section but, to me, her not telling him they are mind altering drugs is the same as a man not telling a girl that he's roofied her drink - both remove consent.

However that's just my opinion, if you think differently then we'll just have to agree to disagree.
Yeah, maybe, I took that as just being wasted tbh. I've never smoked pot for example (or done any kind of drugs...) so I don't know what it might do to you or your mind.
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