command and conquer zh any good online?

30 May 2006
tonight i think i might buy command and conquer the first decade but what i am wondering about is where ever command and conquer genrals zero hour has got a good fan base because the majoity of the time i will be online playing it so if it hasnt got a good fan base there no point buying it.

your help is apsated
I was talking about this the other day.

Zero hour killed generals, it all got abit over the top with super abilities and stuff.

I sitll think the basic generals was the best. And im pretty sure theres still people playing it on that westwood game thingy server (the built in one)
hmmm... i think zero hour made general personally

the original 3 armies were all good... but 12 armies each with their own traits is a lot better

i would be up for giving u, or anyone that still plays it a game

ps. cept for the super weapons general... alpha aurora's are a joke
Annoyingly everyone can beat the Tankgeneral online.....

I found out that the hard way, I was pwned before I even got around to bulding a decent tank army, just got owned my sheer numbers against GLA and Jets against the yanks.

Might reinstall this :)
zero hour is a pain, as i seemed to get owned a lot in 2v2's playing with my best mate against 2 other people. on generals we both had racked up over 100 wins online with about maybe 30 losses.
One thing I found that works well with 2on2s, one player be GLA and have a tank general / superweapons general hidden behind.
So while my mate made a barrier of units and basedefences accross the map I build loads of Overlords. :)
hmmmm, no SW, no Alpha's, no 10min rush, etc......

that was my expierence with ZH, online games are a joke
most ZH/Generals players are now on dawn of war for their RTS fetishes. ive met no end of them on there, a lot of idiots online with ZH but whats new there about online games ;)
if you are getting the first decade, install and play yuris revenge tbh, classic game, the ability to do jokes things which i dont think generals really manages. I will always play yuris revenge, it is just so good!!

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