Command & Conquer 4K remaster coming

My tips for multiplayer / quickplay ladder.

Learn hotkeys!

The main ones to use that come in handy are;

Control groups - Ctrl + 1-0
Add to control group - Shift + 1-0
Map bookmarks - Ctrl + F1-F4. F1 - F4 to select
Force move - Q & click. This is a basic requirement really to attack whilst continuing to move. Something I have only just learned how to do!
Sell - Shift + S
Repair - Shift + R
W - Structures (tab)
E - Infantry (tab)
R - Vehicles (tab)
T - Superweapons (tab)
H - Go to MCV (camera)
A - Select all units on screen
G - Guard mode (units)
X - Scatter (units)
S - Stop (units)
Just picked this up, and I am playing through the nod campaign, is anyone still playing this or was it just a flash in the nostalgia pan?
Yeah I fire it up regularly. Completed NOD myself the other week, and made a start on the GDI campaign. Not touched Red Alert or skirmishes yet.
Oh man that soundtrack though, haha. No Mercy in particular really got me excited. The amount of hours I dumped into the original and red alert was insane.

Just want to see a Total Annihilation remaster now...
I read there is an observer mode for multiplayer games. We have an issue at the moment where people have been defeated and they can’t watch the rest of the game because of the shroud. Any ideas on how to get to the observer mode?

Edit: found observer mode in the main menu
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I sunk about 200 hours just in all the missions on normal then hard but there was one I couldn't gold as it was bugged as the spy was to slow and kept getting eaten by the dogs.
Anyone else get really frustrated by MAD tanks, they take way too long to detonate

Hah, try using Iron Curtain on one and detonating it. It'll sit there for ages waiting for the invulnerability to wear off before detonating. :D

I quite like rolling one into the enemy base and detonating it like so but it takes ages to actually go off.
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